
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Altair's training is a little too intense...?

Finding a place that fits the criteria I need is easier than I thought, the monsters on the first floor of this dungeon are Fright Monsters, they dwell in caves in groups. This monster is similar to the Goblin in terms of ability, how they fight, and the habitat where it lives but has one of the most striking differences, this monster has a more sinister face. [Altair]

The residence of these monsters is an ideal place for me to practice in this dungeon, of course after I take care of them, the process of seizing the residence of these monsters goes smoothly even though there are some traps that hinder me while doing so, but the traps are very easy for me to avoid and destroy, maybe because the one who made this trap is a Goblin-class monster, I can realize it without the help of trap detection skills. [Altair]

The Wind element plays an important role in the process of conquering this Fright Monster's dwelling, if I use the Fire element in a closed room, the impact will endanger myself, in addition to the after-effects there is also a risk of explosive sounds that will alarm other adventurers towards this direction. I don't want my attempt to outwit other adventurers to end in vain just because of that carelessness. [Altair]

Before I headed to this location, I took the time to wander around aimlessly on the first floor of this dungeon. I did that in order to slowly avoid being watched by other adventurers. It turned out that entering the dungeon alone attracted more attention than I anticipated, but by using the Stealth skill, other adventurers slowly began to forget my existence. [Altair]

One of the other purposes of me wandering around without direction in this dungeon is to learn what Ryoma has explained about the map in a dungeon. I want to be able to read maps perfectly soon, because in the future I am sure that I will often enter dungeons alone. But right now I will only wander on the first floor of this dungeon, I don't want to get lost because I'm too enthusiastic about exploring an area that I don't know. [Altair]

Before starting training in this cave, I need to collect the crystals dropped by the Fright Monsters that I have defeated, making those as extra money. Speaking of money, Ayane-san had transferred the remaining money from the sale of the Goblin King's organs to my personal account from the proceeds we had agreed upon before. Currently, my total savings are almost three hundred thousand yen or the equivalent of two thousand two hundred eighteen usd. [Altair]

"Earth Wall" [Altair]

Of course, I'm going to close off access to this cave so that others can't easily break in while I'm conducting experiments inside. By leaving a small gap for vent, this place is perfectly fit for my training ground. [Altair]

"Wow, it's pretty dark inside, it's good I've already prepared an adventure flashlight." [Altair]

Not only the adventure flashlight I bought before entering this dungeon, I also bought a small knife used for survival in the forest to cut things. About the remaining money Ayane-san gave me, I used to top up the digital balance on my cell phone to pay for my train ticket. [Altair]

After spending several hours in this cave, I started to feel bored and decided to call it a day. Everything I did didn't produce any results, just combining elements without any clear picture that I could imagine made it futile. [Altair]

"Aggghh, although it's annoying, but it's still the first day, I'll continue this practice tomorrow." [Altair]

"Before going home, I want to go around the first floor of this dungeon to quickly get used to the terrain." [Altair]

"It's now a little past twelve noon, I'll be out of this dungeon by one in the afternoon so that I have time to go to Miyu's school and pick her up." [Altair]

That's the least I can do to show my gratitude to Louis-san and Ayane-san. [Altair]

"Oh before that, in order to avoid the suspicion of Louis-san and Ayane-san I need to clean the dust on the clothes I'm wearing." [Altair]

"Cleanse" [Altair]

"I am grateful that I was able to find this spell before starting my training in this dungeon." [Altair]

"Yep, it's all cleared up, even though I wasn't too tired after doing that simple activity, but after I used the Cleanse spell I felt that my stamina, which is dwindling, returned to my body a bit. It almost eliminated my tiredness." [Altair]

. . .

"Miyu... here." [Altair]

"Altair nii-chan, you came to pick me up again?" [Miyu]

"Yup, let's go home." [Altair]

"Hehehe, thank you Altair nii-chan." [Miyu]

"Anoo~ please wait a moment." [Eleina]

As I was about to leave the school, I was detained by a woman of the beast race that I wasn't sure what type she was. The woman was neatly dressed with several documents in her hand, she had a tail like Ryoma, but with a slightly different ear shape, this woman was wearing glasses that matched her cute face. Although I say cute, the mature aura she exudes cannot be covered up. [Altair]

"Yeah, is there anything I can help you with?" [Altair]

"Eleina Sensei..." [Miyu]

Oh it turns out that this woman is Miyu's teacher, does she have anything to do with me?. [Altair]

"Can I talk to you for a few minutes? Do you know Miyu?" [Eleina]

"Of course, I'm currently staying with her at Louis-san's residence." [Altair]

"Is it true, Miyu?" [Eleina]

"Altair onii-chan lives with Miyu." [Miyu]

"Do you mind waiting for a moment? I will contact Miyu's residence to confirm whether what you said is true or not." [Eleina]

"Sure…" [Altair]

. . .

"It's ok, I don't mind at all." [Altair]

After her teacher Miyu or Eleina-san contacted Louis-san's residence and got confirmation of my identity, she immediately apologized for doubting what I had said. [Altair]

"Once again, I'm sorry for this trouble. Umm… Altair'' [Eleina]

"No problem Eleina-san, you're doing that because you care about your students right? Do your best! Eleina-san." [Altair]

"In that case, we'll leave first." [Altair]

"Well, be careful on the road Miyu, Altair" [Eleina]

"Altair nii-chan, hands..." [Miyu]

"Is Miyu's hand hurt?" [Altair]

"Mommy told me not to get separated in a crowd of people." [Miyu]

"Ah! Okay, let's hold hands until home." [Altair]

. . .


When I arrived at Louis-san's house, Ayane-san laughed at the incident that had just happened, saying that elementary school children usually go to their own homes alone. 

"I happened to be near Miyu's school, I might as well stop by." [Altair]

"Thank you for taking the trouble to take her home, if you haven't eaten lunch yet, just go straight to the dining room." [Ayane]

"I'm not bothered just by picking up Miyu from school." [Altair]

. . . 

The next day was like yesterday, when the clock hit 7 am, I went straight to the dungeon in the next town. Last night I had planned what I should focus on, I didn't want to waste time practicing without a clear goal like yesterday. Today I will focus on honing the elements that I rarely use, that is the Light and Dark elements. [Altair]

Before entering the dungeon I had activated the Stealth skill so as not to be the center of attention like yesterday, this time I am not going to eradicate all the Fright Monsters that inhabit the cave they are in, because today I want to practice the Light and Dark elements, which means I need another target to receive the impact of those two Elements, or in other words I need a guinea pig. [Altair]

The strategy of seizing their residence is still the same as the one I used yesterday, the Wind element is the main key in the process of reducing the number of Fright Monsters in the cave I am aiming for, after leaving four Fright Monsters that I have stopped the mobility of their bodies, they will become my guinea pigs this time. I also didn't forget to seal the entrance of their base with the Earth Wall spell and leave a small gap at the top for the air vent. [Altair]

The first element that needs to be trained is the Light element, because I'm not sure I can treat the wounds of these monsters if I immediately try all the basic curse skills that I mastered. Training Light element will make my ears hurt due to the screams of these monsters later. [Altair]

"Heal X4" [Altair]

"Wind Cutter" [Altair] 


"Relax, it's just the beginning, I will not end your life so soon." [Altair]

"Heal" [Altair[

"Wind Cutter" [Altair]


"Heal" [Altair]

I still can't treat wounds that are lethal, currently the only wounds I can heal are wounds from sharp weapon scratches or open wounds that do not lose parts of the body. If the wound reaches the stage of losing an arm or leg detached from the body, it is already beyond the ability of my Heal spell. [Altair]

"Take it easy dude... we still have time, please stick around until twelve, because you're my training partners today." [Altair]

If other people saw what I was doing right now, there would definitely be some who would not accept my actions. But all of this is necessary for me to do, I don't want to be in a helpless situation like in the Dimensional Rift back then. These monsters had done the same thing to me in the Dimensional Rift, even worse and over a longer period of time. I did all this in order to become stronger, whereas what they did to me in the Dimensional Rift was just for fun. [Altair]

Well, although I wouldn't care what others would say to me if they saw this, and to be clear what I'm doing right now isn't for revenge or anything like that, it's just that my sympathy for the monsters has disappeared since I travelled around in the Dimensional Rift. [Altair]