
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Altair is looking for a training ground

Two days had passed after I bought a new cell phone and opened a bank account, currently I was in the backyard of Louis-san's house doing daily training, the book lent by Kasumi contained various elemental spells and practical ways to be able to use them, Kasumi didn't have a book that explained the spells for the Dark element. [Altair]

Although the book content seems very helpful, the truth is that the book Kasumi lent me is irrelevant for me. There is a big difference between me and the people in this world when using spells. I cast spells by relying on my knowledge of the spell I'm going to use, for example when I use Fireball, I imagine flames that keep moving in circular motion and slowly converge at one point which makes it easier for me to control them to target what I want to shoot down. Likewise, with other spells that I have mastered, I need to imagine a similar process. [Altair]

Unlike the people of this world, if they want to cast the spell they want to use, they must be able to understand the meaning of the spell's chant, but each individual has their own understanding of the chant of a spell, therefore it is useless to explain the meaning of the spell's chant to others, because not necessarily one person's understanding will be the same for another. Because of the chant in each spell, people in this world take longer to use their spells. [Altair]

In contrast, when I use specific spells, I can cut out all the time-consuming processes, as long as I am familiar with the spell I am using, I don't need to imagine from the beginning of the spell formation process, I only need to remember that spell, then I will successfully cast it. However, if the spell that I can just use I have to repeatedly imagine the formation process until I get used to it. That's why I also didn't use the Water element when conquering the Gomadan Dungeon yesterday, I didn't want to endanger Ryoma who had bothered to help me. [Altair]

Currently I am still training my Water element so that it can be used more smoothly, for the past two days I have continued to train elements that I rarely use including Water and Light, for Dark elements I need a target to be able to see the results, that's why I can't train in this area, another reason is that I don't want to be discovered by others if I master this one element too. [Altair]

After browsing the internet about the Dark element, I still didn't get many clues about this element. As for the Light element training I don't think it's possible for others to realize it, the method I use is to slightly injure my arm or leg using the wind blade spell that I have adjusted the attack power and then use the Heal spell on the open wound. [Altair]

During the two days of Water element training I tried to use it to not only focus on attacks but I also wanted to use it as a support spell, the first spell that came to my mind was Cleanse, I just wanted to use it to clean the dirt on my body but every time I used the Spell the results always failed. If I change it to the Wash spell, the water that cleanses my body is too much and makes my clothes wet, even though I imagined reducing the volume of water, it's still no use. [Altair]

I accidentally got the idea to combine the Light element spell between Heal and Wash, it turned out that the outcomes were in line with my expectations, this time I successfully used Cleanse on my dirty body, even I got an additional effect, my stamina improved slightly, and my body relaxed after using the spell. [Altair]

I got the idea when I was about to treat the wound on my wrist due to my own Wind Cutter spell. The wound was accidentally exposed to dust and I wanted to clean it using water before using the Healing spell. With that I managed to create a spell from the combination of the elements Water and Light, and I can conclude that other elements might also be combined with each other. [Altair]

But trying to combine all the spells in an open place like this makes me a little uncomfortable. I am afraid that there might be a backlash between the elements when I'm trying to combine and make other people affected. That's why I've been looking for a dungeon near this town. I'll try to do the experiment inside the dungeon. [Altair]

Based on the info I got from the internet there is a dungeon located not too far from Louis-san's house, the dungeon is in the next town which is only a twenty-minute train ride away. Even without taking missions in the guild an adventurer can enter the dungeon to hunt monsters and collect drop items to sell to those in need. [Altair]


"Yep this spell is very helpful, I don't have to be afraid of getting dirty anymore when doing outdoor activities." [Altair]

But, that doesn't mean I don't want to take a shower or wash my clothes, soaking with warm water in the bathtub is one of the things I look forward to every day. And even though the Cleanse spell can clean the dirt and stains on the clothes, it can even remove the smell of sweat or any odor attached to the clothes, I will still wash the clothes that I have used all day, I feel uneasy if I have not washed the clothes. " [Altair]

"Ok, it's time to go back to Louis-san's house, now it's probably time for lunch." [Altair]

. . . 

"Altair, you came at the right time, let's have lunch." [Louis]

"Okay, I'll wash my hands first." [Altair]

"Is the book Kasumi lent you helpful?" [Louis]

"Hahaha, to be honest I don't really understand the contents of that book." [Altair]

"No need to rush, everyone has their own way of understanding a spell." [Ayane]

"Thank you for the advice, Ayane-san." [Altair]

"Oh yeah, tomorrow… Can I go around the city by myself? I wish to learn about the local region." [Altair]

Of course this is my excuse for them, starting tomorrow I want to head to the dungeon in the next town, I want to immediately start the training that I had planned before. [Altair]

"Sure, but are you sure you don't need a guide, Louis or I might be able to accompany you." [Ayane]

"There's no reason to worry. Ayane-san, I want to try wandering around aimlessly in order to quickly get used to the surrounding area." [Altair]

"What if you get lost?" [Ayane]

"I can just call one of your contacts, oh but if my cell phone can't be reached out please don't worry, that is because I keep it in my Storage, I don't want to lose this cell phone that I just bought, besides the price of this cell phone is very expensive for me." [Altair]

Of course that was also an excuse, inside the dungeon there was no signal at all, before heading to the dungeon in the next town I had found out everything I needed, from the dungeon map, the monsters that inhabited each floor, the number of floors and even small things like myths that spread about the dungeon. But about that cell phone, I didn't lie about it. [Altair] 

"Fine, if that's what you want, but remember, If you have any problems, please contact us right away." [Ayane]

"Of course, Ayane-san." [Altair]

Mission accomplished, with that I got permission from Louis-san and Ayane-san.

. . .

The next day, after having breakfast with Louis-san's family I went straight to the train station to head to the neighbouring town of Kainan.The total time needed was twenty minutes.Since I left at seven in the morning, I had plenty of time to look for the right area to practice in the dungeon.Of course, I had considered that there would be other people who were also doing missions or just hunting monsters in the dungeon I was going to. [Altair]

This dungeon is one of the dungeons that falls into the easy category to conquer, this dungeon is located behind an ancient temple and adjacent to the tombs of local ancestors, this dungeon has six floors. On the first and second floors are inhabited by Fright Monster, while the third and fourth floors are inhabited by Gravehand, the fifth floor is inhabited by Headless Knight and the sixth or last floor is inhabited by Bloodsucker. [Altair]

I got this information directly from the adventure guild's official website. In addition to that information, other information can also be accessed on the official website, such as the weaknesses of the monsters, how to effectively defeat them, the minimum rank required to enter the dungeon, as well as other tips or consultation are also available on the site. [Altair]


"Alright… first of all, I need to find an area that is safe from the surveillance of other adventurers." [Altair]

"As I expected, there were a lot of people within the dungeon, many other adventurers I saw were hunting monsters and collecting drop items." [Altair]

The reason why there were no other adventurers in Gomadan dungeon when Ryoma and I conquered it, was because the guild had not lifted the entry ban on that dungeon, at that time the Gomadan Dungeon was still under investigation for the cause of an irregularity that occurred on the third floor. [Altair]

I don't know what Ryoma was thinking when he chose that dungeon to do my first mission. But now that Gomadan Dungeon has been allowed to be entered again by adventurers, if I choose that dungeon to be my training ground, of course it will be a little time-consuming, the distance is also a little further than the dungeon in Kainan City. Another reason I chose this dungeon is that I want to know what the monsters written on the official website are like. By the names, pictures and descriptions of the monsters that inhabit this dungeon, I have never seen the kind of monsters like them. [Altair]