
Transmigrated into Yang Kai Becoming the Master of The Multiverse

A normal Cultivation lover was reading the last chapter of Martial Peak and cursing Yang Kai’s good luck and how many good opportunities he possessed throughout his journey and thought I could do better

FaNFiC_Writer_2000 · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Status, First Steps to the Peak , Abaddon

I open my eyes to see myself in a hut

"It was all real thank you R.O.B" I say before calming down

"Status" I say

Yang Kai

Cultivation Realm None

Combat Power 2nd Stage Tempered Body


Supreme Chaos Cultivation Method (100%) Mastery

Multiversal Travel Unavailable until reaching Saint Realm

"All right time to start cultivating" I say and sat down in a meditative position while my hands did Shikamaru's thinking pose and I started to feel the Primal Chaos Qi seeping through my bones and started to slowly change the Golden Skeleton and infecting it with the Primal Chaos Qi I could feel it slowly but surely refining my bloodline and I could feel it transforming each and every one of my senses to higher state but the sense it was changing the most was my eyesight after 12 hours of cultivating and getting a feel for Primal Chaos Qi I opened my eyes and grinned

It seems that the first change to my physique that the Primal Chaos Qi were my eyes once I poured my Qi into them I could see where the weak spots of things were located I could see where Qi was naturally a small bit. I stopped channeling Qi into my eyes realising that I didn't have the cultivation to keep using the technique I decided it would be prudent not to check my status and said mentally Status

Yang Kai

Cultivation Realm 5th stage of the Tempered Body

Combat Power 10th Stage Tempered Body


Supreme Chaos Cultivation Method (100%) Mastery

Chaos Eyes (2%) Mastery

Multiversal Travel Unavailable until reaching Saint Realm

Not bad 5 realms in 12 hours I probably would have gone higher if I cultivated longer I thought to myself

I decided that was enough of testing my skills and decided to go back to the hut when I finally arrived I noticed there was a sword lying on the bed I smacked my self in the head at my own stupidity of forgetting my own wish. Deciding to quickly correct my mistake I grabbed the blade and I remembered another thing I wondered if I still had it even though I took over this body I summoned the Black Book into my hand and there it was in all its glory deciding to go through its contents later I sent it back and picked up my sword.

"I wonder what I should name you" I said out loud to no one but myself.

"Your name shall be Abaddon" I say to myself deciding it was a good name for the sword that shall help me bring destruction and decimation to all my enemies throughout the multiverse I sensed that the weapons strength was tied to my cultivation. I decided that the form it would take for now would be a katana. I willed it into a katana and it became so deciding to test out my new weapon I left the hut to practice my sword slashes on the trees. When I saw that the sun was coming down I decided to head back to the hut and cultivate till the morning rose again. When I sat down and started to cultivate the Supreme Chaos the feeling of euphoria was washing all over my body and I went into a deep meditative state all the while my bones, muscles and tendons were being broken and rebuilt more powerfully with help of my Qi.

When the I felt the sun through the window of my hut I opened my eyes and say large amount of impurities on my floor and I was shocked I immediately decided to check my status.

Yang Kai

Cultivation Realm 10th stage of the Tempered Body

Combat Power 5th stage of Initial Element


Supreme Chaos Cultivation Method (100%) Mastery

Chaos Eyes (2%) Mastery

Qi Slash(8%)Mastery

Multiversal Travel Unavailable until reaching Saint Realm

Incredible all the impurities inside my body are gone and I have the perfect foundation for my physical body thanks to the Primal Chaos Qi helping me reach the tenth stage of each realm thanks to my unique Qi this will make it so that when ever tribulation comes for me I won't have to rely on silly treasures for survival if I can do this for every realm up to Immortal ascension and my Baptism when I reach the saint realm will be incredibly intresting I thought to myself.

Since I was done cultivating for the day I decided to head out of the hut with Abbadon and start to train in some sword techniques by going to kill that spider that was hiding in the mountain after running for a bit I had finally arrived at the front of the mountain I started to climb up the mountain till I came upon the entrance of a cave. I readied Abbadon who had gotten a power boost since I last saw him reading my self to take a life I walked into the cave

The spider greeted me by trying to shoot webs at me. I manoeuvred out of the way and shot myself towards it it tried to attack me with one of its legs but I cut it and jumped in the air falling down towards it with a Qi Slash killing the beast. I took a moment to calm down and accept the fact I took a life and would continue to take human lives. After I burned the remains of the spider I left the mountain and started to walk back to the hut.

Once I arrived at the hut I decided to check the black book for any interesting techniques I saw the Immovable Will Technique inside of the Black Book and decided to start comprehending it after a few hours passed I opened my eyes and mentally said Status

Yang Kai

Cultivation Realm 10th stage of the Tempered Body

Combat Power 5th stage of Initial Element


Supreme Chaos Cultivation Method (100%) Mastery

Chaos Eyes (2%) Mastery

Qi Slash(8%)Mastery

Immovable Will(80%) Mastery

Multiversal Travel Unavailable until reaching Saint Realm

Now that I am sure I am not completely just brute force it is time for me to break through I thought to myself I started to cultivate and felt the wall that was the next realm and used my power to breakthrough it

Yang Kai

Cultivation Realm 1st stage of Initial Element

Combat Power 7th stage of Initial Element


Supreme Chaos Cultivation Method (100%) Mastery

Chaos Eyes (2%) Mastery

Qi Slash(8%)Mastery

Immovable Will(100%) Mastery

Satisfied with myself I decided to hunt and eat a meal after eating I went back to the hut in a good mood and sat down on the bed to cultivate for the remainder of the day.

How was the chapter too long to short not enough details bad development tell me how you feel