
Transmigrated into Yang Kai Becoming the Master of The Multiverse

A normal Cultivation lover was reading the last chapter of Martial Peak and cursing Yang Kai’s good luck and how many good opportunities he possessed throughout his journey and thought I could do better

FaNFiC_Writer_2000 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Killed by R.O.B, Granted 3 wishes, Reborn as Yang Kai

I am Allen Troy I am a 21 year old orphan in college but I have a secret not a single one of my friends know I am a Cultivation nerd meaning of a novel or manga has cultivation on it I have probably read it At the moment I am reading martial peak cursing the heavens

"Yang Kai is too lucky he doesn't even use his opportunities properly he doesn't even spend time with his wives I would be way better than his dumb ass for a protagonist the only reason he is powerful at all is luck pure unadulterated luck" I curse to myself

I decided to go on a walk outside of my apartment to go blow off some steam I was walking and decided to go get some food at McDonald's after buying and eating my Mc chicken I started to walk back and I stopped at the crosswalk when I saw that a little girl was on the street trying to get her toy and a truck was coming her way on instinct I immediately ran and pushed her out of the trucks path ready to accept my fate I was about to close my eyes only to see a FREAKING LIGHTNING BOLT heading my way I mourned my bad luck and closed my eyes awaiting my death only to open them again and see myself in a room full of white with Morgan Freeman

"So you were really God huh" I ask Morgan

"No I am not Freeman I just decided to look like him so this conversation can go a little smoother I am what you mortals call a R.O.B or a Random Omnipotent Being" R.O.B says to me

"So why am I here" I ask R.O.B

"Well you see you weren't supposed to die from the truck hit it would have broken a few bones but you should have been fine but I was playing around with lightning at the time and you got hit in the crossfire." R.O.B says with his head down

"So what happens to me now" I ask R.O.B

"Well you are one of those manga and novel loving nerds right" R.O.B says

"Yes" I say no reason to hide it now that I'm dead right

"You get to reincarnate or transmigrate as anyone you choose with an extra 3 wishes"

R.O.B says and my face would have lightened up if still had it

"Really" I ask R.O.B he nods and I smiled

"I wish to be Transmigrated as Yang Kai the moment he is knocked out by the book and can you make it so that my cultivation is at zero I don't wanna deal with a faulty foundation" I tell R.O.B

"Alright no problem"

"My first wish I want a system but issues no quest it shows my status, my cultivation realm, My Realm of Combat power , My mastery over techniques and It should allow me to travel to other worlds and let's me bring people with me"

"That's no problem but you have to wait 1 year period intervals before you can world hop." Rob tells me and I nod

"My Second Wish is for a Cultivation Method that utilises The Primal Chaos Qi present in all the universes and it must slowly temper my bones, body, mind , soul with Primal Chaos Qi and turn my physique into Primal Chaos Physique the Cultivation method should also refine my bloodline into one that can match the power of the Primal Chaos. It should also my Qi into any technique I use and if I dual cultivate with one of my partners it should help boost there cultivation and can you make it to where I already have perfect mastery over the method" I say to R.O.B giving all the specifics of the Cultivation Method

"Alright it shall be done" R.O.B says

" My third wish is for a weapon that can turn into any weapon I chose and is soul bonded to me it should be able to handle Primal Chaos Qi and grow with my while I reach the peak." I say to R.O.B

"Alright it shall be granted " R.O.B says

"I have a little request can you make it so that my memories of meeting you and all my wishes be hidden from everyone unless I specifically tell them."

"No issues there it shall be done now go enjoy your new life find happiness" R.O.B tells me while waving his hands

"Thank you I wont waste this chance you gave me" I say before everything went black.

So that was the first chapter how was it horrible alright great