
Transmigrated as a Game Character

A Gamer suddenly found herself as her avatar. (Note: I just wrote this for fun...)

Mr_SlimePB · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

A beautiful and cute loli walked passed the guards at the gate of the palace as she is followed by a group of beautiful girls with their own quirks.

At her room, she gave them a maid uniform, having the colors black and white. When she gave it to them, they had question marks written on their face.

"What's our job again?" asked Najeda.

Akame nodded while Mine had a red face as she saw the clothes. Tatsumi might envy in his grave if he knew that Mine is going to wear maid clothes.

"Didn't I tell you? You're going to be my battle maids."

"Battle maids?" asked Mine.

"You fight my enemies while doing chores as a maid should…"

Their eyes widen when hearing this, the dignified Night Raid have to be maids? At least they're able to use their fighting skills but doing chores? Well they can do it… except Leone, her only skills are fighting and flirting.

The first one to wear the clothes is Sheele. She went to the bathroom to change because it would be embarrassing to change in front of everyone. She doesn't have that thick of a face to ignore the gazes of everyone, you know?

"W-Wait for me, Sheele!"

Mine shouted as she quickly followed her to the bathroom. The only ones left were Akame, Leone, and Najeda, the three were changing their clothes in front of the loli, they ignored her gaze as they quickly stripped off their clothes and change it to the maid clothes.

Najeda is quite thick skinned so it's no problem. You've got to have a thick skin to be a leader, that's what it's all about. As for Akame, she doesn't mind boys staring at her much less someone of the same gender. She's that type of ignorant girl…

And Leone is a tomboy-ish girl. Even though she's quite flirty towards the opposite gender, it still doesn't change the fact that she's tomboy-ish. The number of times she wore a dress can be counted on one hand.

After a few minutes, Sheele and Mine came back, wearing their own maid clothes, looking very cute. As they gathered together, they showed themselves to shiro.

"You look very cute in those clothes…"

Her eyes were gleaming in satisfaction as shiro said this. Mine was the only one really embarrassed to wear these clothes, her face blushed red as she became shy.


When the sound rang in the room, Everyone turned to Akame, who scratched her cheeks lightly and was slightly embarrassed.

"I-I'm hungry…"

Shiro suddenly thought of something before saying.

"It's lunch time…"

She quickly lead the group of girls to the kitchen; the royal chef should be cooking something during this time. As she went in the kitchen, she found Aria and Esdeath there.

"Ar-chan, Es-chan, I'm here!"

She waved her hand as she said this. Esdeath rushed towards shiro and hugged her, feeling the softness of the loli, she let out a bright smile that shouldn't belong to someone titled "villain" by the fandom.

When the group of girls saw this, their jaws dropped to the ground. Is this the general that ruthlessly beat them? Where is the sadism?


"Dear~ It's been so long since I last saw you."

Shiro had a dead-panned face when she heard this.

"It's just been 2 hours…"

She pushed Esdeath away and went towards the plate of food on the kitchen table. Akame and the rest followed her and ate their meal.

During their meal, Aria placed shiro on her lap the whole time while feeding her. Though shiro doesn't want to be treated like a child, but just this one time she endured the embarrassment. Plus she slightly enjoys it…

After their meal, Shiro gathered everyone at the Palace courtyard. She stood in front of them and said.

"Es-chan, Ar-chan, Night Raid… would you like to go to another world?"

Silence fell upon the ground; most were very confused because another world is not really a concept in this world since science, technology, and even culture isn't really developed in this world.

What do you expect from oppressed people?

"What is another world?" asked Leone.

"Another world is another world…"

What shiro just said brought more confusion, that's really not an answer but considering this is a loli then I could forgive this.

"Anyway, would you like to or not?"

"Yes, Dear/Shiro-chan/Master" All of them agreed immediately.

It's not like they have a choice, it's either go back to prison and wait for their sentence and have a bleak future or go with shiro to whatever she goes to and have a bright future. Plus they already liked shiro a bit, maybe not romantic like but it's getting there.

Opening up her mission tab, a transparent screen appeared in front of her.


[Task: Erase corruption in the empire

Task Completion Rate: 100%

Rewards: 1 World Travel Ticket]

[Do you accept Rewards? Yes or No]


A golden ticket then appeared on her hand. Walking to an empty space, she quickly tore the ticket in half.


The air in front of them cracked, revealing the endless void. Endless mystery and nothingness can be felt when staring at it.

That appeared for only a split second before a golden door appeared in front of them.

"Let's go…"

Shiro said this as she opened the golden door. Boundless light came out of it causing her to close her eyes, walking through it, the rest quickly followed her.

After everyone went through the door, it mysteriously disappeared like it was never there. That day, the existence of Esdeath and Night Raid girls were gone. The Empire mourned for the loss of the strongest general for a few years before everything turned normal.

The only one who wasn't able to move on with their disappearance was Lubbock. His love interest, Najeda, disappeared so obviously he would be heart-broken. If she rejected him then it would be fine but if she disappeared then her life and death is unknown.




(A/N I felt like I'm forgetting something… And… Sorry for short chap…)