
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime und Comics
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184 Chs

Tasks & Recruitment



A few tough guys showed expressions of disapproval. Nick Fury, to be honest, didn't attach much importance to these two matters and casually mentioned a few words.

The kidnapped playboy, the military's experimental target—these trivial matters were not even on the same level as Earth's security in his eyes. Talking specifically about these issues now meant that the military and the government were exerting some pressure on him.

Regardless of what he thought deep down, a posture needed to be maintained.

After discussing the mission, Nick Fury glanced at everyone present with his one eye. He wanted to see if anyone would volunteer to handle these two tasks.

Surprisingly, someone really did.

"I'll cooperate with the military to capture the experimental target," said Victoria Hand. She had been somewhat overwhelmed by Daisy's combination of punches, and now, under great pressure, she volunteered for the mission to improve her image and took the initiative to fight.

The office fell silent, and Daisy, who was busy calculating how much money she could make by shorting Stark Industries, noticed that everyone was casting sidelong glances at her.

Why are they looking at me? It took her a moment to understand the situation.

Victoria Hand was challenging her to a competition. Both would work independently, to see who achieved better results.

The old woman was quite cunning; she chose a relatively easy task. General Ross and Colonel Rhodes, just take a look at their ranks and you know who had broader connections in the military.

The resources each side could mobilize were simply worlds apart.

Daisy sneered inwardly; who said one task was easier than the other? General Ross's mission was undoubtedly to capture the Hulk, with a very slim chance of success. And the other task? Forget about having a prophetic advantage; the key was that Stark didn't need rescuing; he could escape on his own!

Moreover, she thought about it; Stark had just gone missing, and there were three months before he returned. It would be best to short the market on the eve of his return when he announced the termination of the weapon manufacturing department...

After all, the stock market had too much risk; there was no concept of daily limits here.

From the general theory of relativity to the special theory of relativity, from fundamental forces of the universe to string vibrations, Daisy's superpowers could involve any kind of vibration in the universe, but she couldn't control the shocks of the stock market... entering the market now, a few shocks could wipe out all her hard-earned money.

So, she decided to participate in the rescue mission, seizing the timing while also being able to gather funds more calmly.

After careful consideration, she saw no major issues. Consider it a vacation to Afghanistan! She immediately exclaimed, "Well, I'll go rescue Tony Stark."

As her words fell, the meeting officially ended.

Daisy and Hand took on the tasks and went off to prepare.

On the way, Daisy reviewed the briefing. Currently, everything is unknown, and the information available is very basic.

She had only half a day to recruit a team.

She returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy to recruit assistants.

Even as a Level 7 agent, she occasionally came back and attended classes at the academy. However, recruiting agents personally was a first for her.

After obtaining the student's information, she casually looked through it and then, following directions, found her target in the training room.

It was a beautiful blonde woman holding two batons, facing two male students. It was one against two, but they could only parry but not fight back. 

She skillfully took down one with a sweeping leg kick and then, with a backhand, used the batons to strike the other's ankle, causing him to cry out in pain and collapse.

From Daisy's observation, the entire fight took the blonde woman only twenty seconds.

She could tell that her own arrival made the blonde woman abandon her practice and choose to end the fight quickly. From this, Daisy could analyze that this was a woman who was strong and eager to win at the same time.

"Very good, Miss Barbara 'Bobbi' Morse." Daisy greeted her warmly.

Being at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Barbara wasn't afraid of any ulterior motives. She put away her batons and shook hands with Daisy, her face showing a hint of curiosity.

"The academy is no longer suitable for your development. I have a mission now, and I need your assistance." What academy is not suitable, this was all nonsense. The main reason was now the territory of Victoria Hand, and talented people would be chosen by her first. So she came to pick away earlier.

Miss Morse was indeed a talent. Although she appeared no different from an ordinary agent, her future achievements were expected to be high. During her time as a superhero, she had a codename, Mockingbird, and her S.H.I.E.L.D. designation was Agent 19. She was equally famous as Daisy's friend Sharon Carter, who is designated Agent 13.

Miss Morse was a former gymnastics champion and had already completed basic training at S.H.I.E.L.D. The only thing lacking was experience.

Faced with Daisy's recruitment, she didn't hesitate much and agreed. It was normal for agents to go on missions, especially when someone like Daisy, a "famous" agent, personally recruited them. She had little reason to refuse, with the only condition being a sparring match—she didn't want her boss to be too weak.

The result was obvious; Mockingbird barely managed to block three of Daisy's moves before being knocked to the ground.

Having successfully recruited a future elite, Daisy checked the academy's records again. She found a few agents she recognized, but they were either still in training or already earmarked by other departments, making them unsuitable.

She no longer bothered searching, anyway, it was a task of a tourist nature.

With many eyes around, she couldn't wear her sword, shield, and armor this time. She concealed an Adamantium alloy dagger in her boot, wore Vibranium wrist guards on her hands, and put on the standard S.H.I.E.L.D. combat suit.

There were a few non-professional field agents in the Information Processing Department, along with Mockingbird. She led a team of five men and four women, a total of ten agents, heading to Andrews Air Force Base to meet the current person in charge of the mission, Air Force Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes.

The tall and thin black man is Tony Stark's good friend. In the future, Colonel Rhodes will also receive a set of Iron Man armor, becoming a member of the Avengers with the codename "War Machine."

In the movies, this guy may seem optional, perhaps a bit stronger than the faceless extras, but in fact, he is a big character.

The rank of Colonel is not low; even Nick Fury was a Colonel before retiring, and Captain America fought for four years to achieve the rank of Captain. 

For someone like Rhodes, a Colonel, who is far from the frontline battles, is seen as a high-ranking officer in the eyes of the common soldiers.

As an Air Force Colonel, one step further is Brigadier General. Although the ranks in the Air Force are generally higher than those in the Army upon enlistment, Colonel Rhodes is still a rising star in the military.

Daisy now felt that there were too many black people around her... What happened to "God bless America"? If Wakanda is predominantly black, that's understandable. But why is the head of the secret agency black, the presidential candidate is black, and now the Air Force Colonel is also black? Daisy felt that the blacks were taking over America…

Fortunately, she doesn't have a military rank, so there's no need to salute. The two briefly discussed the entire process of Stark's kidnapping.

Based on the firefight at the scene, it was determined that the enemy was a highly capable force. The American military personnel responsible for guarding Stark were all killed, with not even one left alive.

The enemy also used two missiles. According to Colonel Rhodes' analysis, it was likely an attack initiated by a local tribe as retaliation against Stark Industries. The enemy's goal was to abduct Tony Stark.


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