
Butler of Scarlet Devil Mansion

My name is Shun. and I am a butler of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It was 5:30 AM when I prepared myself and cleaned my room before heading out. After cleaning my room, I went to the storage room to get the cleaning tools. While being a butler is similar to being a maid, the job involves more physically demanding tasks.

"Good morning, Fairies," he greeted them with a smile. The Fairy maids nod to him and continue to wipe the windows. It was already a busy task for the fairy maids.

"Time to check in with Sakuya," he thought to himself and made his way to the kitchen. Upon arrival, he found Sakuya already hard at work preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Shun. Did you sleep well?" she asked, not pausing in her cooking.

Her name is Sakuya Izayoi the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, where she is responsible for its upkeep and maintenance. She can manipulate time, which she uses to perform her duties and sometimes a battle of bullets.

"I did, thank you," he replied, taking a deep sniff. "Miso soup and steak, if I'm not mistaken?"

Sakuya raised an eyebrow. "You have a keen sense of smell. That's exactly what I'm making. Say, would you mind taking this breakfast to Lady Patchouli in the library?" Shun nodded, grabbing the tray of tea and breakfast.

As he walked through the corridors of the mansion, he caught the faint scent of books growing stronger as he approached the library. Shun knocked on the door and entered the quiet room. He made his way to the center of the library, where he found Lady Patchouli fast asleep, with a book open on her chest. Shun quietly approached her and placed the tray of breakfast and tea on the table beside her.

"Lady Patchouli, Wake up... It's currently morning." Shun shakes Patchouli gently. "Mmmm? Shun, Morning" she murmured, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. staring at Shun and the breakfast.

"Did you get this breakfast all the way here?" she asked, surprised.

"Yes, I did. It's my pleasure," Shun replied.

"Thank you, Shun," Patchouli said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "And if you could, please tidy up the library shelves while you're here. I've been meaning to organize them, but I haven't had the time."

"Consider it done, Lady Patchouli," Shun replied, giving her a small bow before heading over to the bookshelves. As he began to sort and organize the books.

Her name is Patchouli Knowledge, A youkai, the head librarian of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, She is very intelligent and studious with a vast knowledge of magic and an insatiable thirst for books. She is often seen reading or studying in the mansion's library and is known for her quiet and reserved demeanor.

"Lady Patchouli, where should I put these books that have bookmarks in them?" Shun asked, holding a pile of books in his arms.

"You can put them back on the shelves. I know where you took them from," Patchouli replied, sipping her tea.

"I see," Shun said, putting the books back in their respective places.

After a few hours of tidying up the library, Shun approached Patchouli again. "Lady Patchouli, I have finished the task."

"Oh? That was fast. Thank you, Shun. You may go now," Patchouli said with a smile as Shun nodded and walked away from the library.

After getting out of the library, He immediately heads back to the kitchen to see if Sakuya is still there. "Oh? Where did she go?"

"If you're looking for Sakuya, she is currently shopping in town," a woman in a black and red dress with white frills informed him as she entered the kitchen. "Good morning, Lady Remilia," Shun greeted her with a bow. "Good morning, Shun. How was your sleep?" she asked.

"It was great. Thank you for hiring me as your butler, Lady Remilia," Shun replied.

"Fufufu~ The only thing I did was offer you a job. I feel bad for Sakuya having to handle everything," Remilia chuckled.

Her name is Remilia Scarlet, A vampire who resides in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, where she serves as the head of the household. She is known for her light-pink dress with a red ribbon on both sleeves and wings, as well as her mischievous and prideful personality.

"I see. Is there something you need?" Shun asked.

"Ahh, that's right... I want you to call her down there," Remilia said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"...Eh? You mean her?" Shun asked, surprised.

"That's right~," Remilia confirmed.

"...I see. Then if it's just calling her, I can do that," Shun said, trying to hide his nervousness.

A few minutes later, Shun stood nervously in front of the basement door. "As if I can do this! I'm already struggling with what to do if she gets out of control," he muttered to himself.

"Here I go." He knocks on the door first and slowly opens the door. "Good morning, Lady Fla- WHA!?" He immediately dodges the incoming bullet. "Lady Flandre! Please refrain from using your bullets randomly!"

"Ahh, Shun! You can call me Flan, you know," Flandre said, pouting.

"As if! Please get off of me!"

"Ehh? I thought you were here to play with me..."

"Not now, I came here to let you know that you can go outside now!" Shun said, trying to maintain his composure despite the chaos.

"Eh?! Really?!" Flandre exclaimed, her eyes widening in excitement. "That's right, Now please let's go."

"Yay! Let's go play outside!" After Flandre excitedly flew out of the basement, Shun closed the door and began cleaning up her room. As he was tidying up, a gap portal suddenly appeared and a woman with long blonde hair stepped out of it.

"How was your stay, Shun~," she said with a mischievous grin.

"I'm fine. What are you doing here?" Shun asked, a bit surprised.

"I just wanted to check on you and see how you're doing. Having a human working in the Scarlet Devil Mansion is a bit concerning, especially for Reimu," the woman said, chuckling. "But it seems like you've been warmly welcomed here."

Her name is Yukari Yakumo, a powerful youkai who was known for her manipulation of boundaries and gaps. He couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by her presence, but he tried to stay composed. "Yes, Lady Remilia, and everyone has been very kind to me," he replied respectfully.

Yukari smiled. "That's good to hear. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to let me know," she said before disappearing through another gap portal.

He dashed outside the mansion and hurried towards the gate, where Meiling was stationed. "Miss Meiling, I'm here now," he said, panting for breath. But when he reached her, he noticed that she was sleeping and standing up. "Hm? Miss Meiling?" he said softly, not wanting to startle her. He walked up to her and gently shook her. "Miss Meiling, I'm here now." He couldn't help but wonder how Miss Sakuya, the head maid, hadn't noticed her sleeping on the job.

Shun clears his throat and calls out to Meiling, "Ohh! Miss Sakuya! Hello!" Meiling jumps at the sudden sound and quickly looks around to find Shun standing in front of her. "Good Morning, Miss Meiling," he greets her with a smile.

"G-Good Morning." She still looks at her surrounding. "So where is Miss Sakuya?" She turns to him with concern, "Ahh, It's a lie, I was checking if it'll work and it did!"

"G-Geez, Shun! Don't scare me like that!" She looks at him with an almost teary face.

Her name is Hong Meiling, The gatekeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and a martial artist who excels in the Chinese martial art of Tai Chi Chuan. I sometimes train and exercise with her.

"Miss Meilling! I came here as usual."

"Ahh, right... Then as usual right?." Shun nods and walks to the other side of the bridge. "I'm ready!" He gets in his combat stance. "Feel free to attack!" She also gets into her Tai Chi fighting stance.

"Here I go!"

Shun charged toward her, Meiling stood her ground, her eyes locked onto Shun's every movement as she prepared for his attack.

As Shun closed in, Meiling dodged his first strike, her body moving with a grace that could only come from years of martial arts training. Shun countered with a swift kick, but Meiling blocked it effortlessly, her arms moving like lightning.

The two exchanged blows in a flurry of movement, their forms blurring as they danced across the bridge. With each strike and block, the sound of clashing sound of their feet and their fist echoed through the air.

Meiling's Tai Chi Chuan proved to be a formidable opponent, her movements precise and calculated as she parried Shun's attacks. For several minutes, the two engaged in a fierce dance of punches, kicks, and dodges, their bodies moving with the grace and fluidity of a pair of skilled dancers.

Shun was panting heavily, his body exhausted from the intense battle with Meiling. As he looked up at her, he realized he couldn't continue any further. "I yield," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He got to his knees, feeling defeated. Meiling smiled as she bowed in respect to her opponent. "Ahh~ That was a good warm-up!" she exclaimed.

"That was impressive," Remilia and Sakuya said while watching from the balcony. Shun was surprised and looked up, "Eh?! L-Lady Remilia?!"

"Good work, Shun," Sakuya said as she looked at him. Shun replied with a polite bow, "Thank you!" Sakuya then turned to Meiling and said, "But is Meiling really a good teacher?" She spoke softly.

Shun watched as Meiling's expression turned serious, "Of course I am!"

"Shun and Meilling were super dashing!" Flandre chimed in with enthusiasm, clearly enjoying the show.

"Now now, you should take a rest for a bit," Remilia said as she sipped her tea. "Right!" Shun agreed, and he and Meiling made their way inside the mansion.

Shun's smile widens as he looks up, "I guess... this isn't so bad, becoming a butler," he says to himself, feeling content with his new job. "After you rest, don't forget to clean the stairs later," Sakuya reminds him. "Yes, ma'am!" Shun replies obediently.

"That's good!" Sakuya beams with a smile, pleased with Shun's response.

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