
Tortured by Siblings

A Park Jimin is the 3rd child of the Park family. His mother really wanted to have 3 daughters. But this 3rd one, she gave birth to a baby boy. Knowing that, his mother didn't like him and didn't give him any love even from the first time he was born. Her first sister loved her little brother, but not her second sister and her mother. His father was happy and grateful to be blessed with a son. Can the mother and brother change to love Jimin? Or will it even make Jimin mentally down?

Nurul_Adiyanti · Prominente
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13 Chs

Without Compassion

The temperature was so cold in a large mansion owned by the Park family. The air was so cold because of the rain that had fallen quite heavily. The gnashing of the teeth of a teenage boy who was sleeping outside the house was heard, trying to resist the cold temperature tonight. He pulled his thick coat tight. His thick lips were pulled inward to reduce the chill that was getting to his bones.

"C-c-c-cold.. hiks." She whimpered. Tears unintentionally escaped from her eyes. Her body shook even more as she shivered from the cold.

"Mom, let me in please, hiks." Her tears were getting worse. He was already tired from knocking on the main door of his house but it was never opened by the person inside.

The teenager was always punished by sleeping outside if she came home late. Who made that rule? Obviously, his mother made it. She had two older sisters who loved her but not her mother.

Bending her knees more and more, she was really tired after returning from tutoring because she was going to take her Junior High School entrance exam in a week.

No longer able to endure the cold, the teenager's voice was getting weaker. Still babbling like before.

"Mom... please open the door..." The voice grew hoarser and hoarser until it was no longer audible. Just in time for her first older sister Yoojung to come home from SHS 2nd grade special tutoring.

"Oh my! Park Jimin!" She shouted. Then ran over to her sister who was lying weakly on the cold floor of her house.

"Oh my gosh, your body is so cold."


The older sister carried her sister's body. Don't ask why her sister could be that strong to lift Jimin's body. Because Jimin had a thin body, that's what made his body light to lift, even as light as cotton.

Luckily, her sister had brought a spare key and was able to open the main door quickly and then close it again after they both entered the house.

Having just walked into the living room, the girl could see that her mother was watching television while stretching her legs on the sofa. Laughing widely with no regard for her youngest child who was willing to freeze waiting outside for the door to open.

"Hahahaha, very funny indeed." The mother quipped without any guilt.

Yoojung shook her head softly, wanting to try to warn her, but in the end she let it go. She just didn't want to argue with her mom anymore when it came to Jimin.

The girl continued to walk past her mother while carrying Jimin's body. Her mother glanced sharply at the two of them.

"What did you bring him in for? Isn't it his punishment to sleep outside for coming home late?" Yoojung sighed.

"Didn't you see? She's cold, I won't let her sleep outside."

"Heh, who are you? The owners of this house are your parents, mind your manners, Yoojung-ah,"

"What parent would let their child freeze outside?"

"What do I care? He's so useless! Even I'm sick of just looking at her face!"

"Whatever, I'll take her anyway. If Mom doesn't allow her to sleep in her room, then I'll take her to mine!" Putting an end to the argument, Yoojung walked away from her mother who was still babbling incoherently.

"How dare you yell at your mom, Yoojung-ah!" The mother shouted with great emotion. Not accepting that her first child was influenced by her youngest child.

Her hands were clenched into fists and the veins around them were visible. Even her neck veins from yelling earlier were visible. Because of this scream, her husband came to her.

"Honey, what's wrong? How come you look so angry?"

"Tuh! Take care of that useless child! He's poisoned Yoojung's mind so she won't obey me anymore and dare to yell at me!" The wife pointed toward Yoojung's room.

"You mean, Jimin?"

"Who else? She dared to yell at me because of Jimin! That boy should never have been born in the first place! I hate him so much! Aakkkhh!" The Wife ruffled her hair roughly and sat down on the sofa.

"Gosh, what are you saying? Jimin is our son after all. He's both of our flesh and blood,"

"But I regret giving birth to him,"

"Never mind, it's already happened. It's been 12 years, you still can't accept it?" The wife turned her face away and shook her head.

"I will never accept him as my son!" Staring at her husband sharply with reddened eyes. Then walked away leaving her husband still thinking.

"When will you realize that all children are the same, Somin-ah?"

"They were not wrong when they were first born. What's wrong is your own mind." He said something that his wife would never hear.


In the morning, on a fairly large bed, there was a teenage boy who was still fast asleep. After being taken to his brother's room, he was covered until his body was warm. His brother had already left for school today.


The loud sound of the door opening was so jarring that it woke up the little creature still asleep in the bed. The culprit was the mother who was trying to wake up the teenage boy.

"Heh! Wake up! You have to go to school!" She snapped while pulling the blanket off the little body.

"Eungh..." Grunted Jimin who had just gotten a hard shake on his body.

"You have exams coming up soon! Don't let your bad grades make me doubly disappointed! Hurry up and get up!" Without waiting for consent, the teenager's hand was pulled and dragged out of his brother's room.


Jimin's body was already on the floor. Inevitably his eyes immediately opened wide feeling the pain in his back. Without caring about the pain he immediately hugged his mother's knee.

"Mom, my head is dizzy. Is it okay if I don't come in first today?" She asked. Her eyes stared fixedly at her mother who had put her hands on her chest.

"No! You have to go! Go away! I'm so sick of seeing that face of yours! At least try until you can win your mother's heart, Park Jimin!" The mother kicked Jimin to the floor.

"Hiks.. hiks..hiks... Akh... my head hurts so much." He said which was ignored by the mother.


Her second sister had just opened the door to her room because she heard the commotion. She was ready in her Senior High School uniform. Her name was Sungkyung.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Oh? Sungkyung-ah, have breakfast and then go. Don't be like this lazy kid who's told to go to school with so many excuses!" Somin, the mother smiled at her second child and touched both of his shoulders, leading him to the dining room while glancing at Jimin disapprovingly. She deliberately teased Jimin so that her youngest son would realize that he had to go to school.

"Alright, but wait a minute. I'll get my bag." Sungkyung replied. The mother had already walked to the dining room.

Jimin tried to stand up, but when he did, his brother grabbed his bag and ignored him. Then when he was about to return to the dining room, he met Jimin. Grabbed Jimin's chin and pressed it, making the teenage boy grimace in pain.

"Hey, listen up, Park Jimin! I'll never accept that you're my brother! You're a boy, but your face is so pretty like a girl! I don't like that, because if you get into the school environment and the guy I love gets interested in you, watch out!" He threatened Jimin. After that he roughly released his grip on Jimin's chin.


To Be Continued