
Tortured by Siblings

A Park Jimin is the 3rd child of the Park family. His mother really wanted to have 3 daughters. But this 3rd one, she gave birth to a baby boy. Knowing that, his mother didn't like him and didn't give him any love even from the first time he was born. Her first sister loved her little brother, but not her second sister and her mother. His father was happy and grateful to be blessed with a son. Can the mother and brother change to love Jimin? Or will it even make Jimin mentally down?

Nurul_Adiyanti · Celebrities
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13 Chs

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It was almost 7am. Less than 5 minutes away, a teenage boy with a sweet face that tended to be pretty was almost late if he didn't run all the way to the school gate that was already half closed. Jimin always left late because there was always drama before he left for school such as his mother inviting an argument, asking Jimin to do homework, and many more.

Successfully entering the gate, Jimin now Jimin still catches his breath slowly. Slightly lowered his head while holding his left chest.

"Hah.. hah.. hah.."

"It's a good thing I'm not late." He said relieved, then walked leisurely to his class which was still some distance from the gate.

Arriving at the classroom, the teachers had not yet arrived. Entering in a state of sweat that still flowed a little on his forehead.

"Are you late again, Jim?" Asked the man sitting on the same bench as him.

"No, there's no teacher yet," sarcastically Jimin who didn't want to be thought late by his friend. Jimin began to sit in his seat as usual. Taking the sari package book in his bag and also stationery.

"Your mom must have scolded you again, right?"

"You know what, Tae,"

"But it's true," Jimin bowed his head sadly. The boy who was usually cheerful and pretended to be strong could only accept the fact that what his friend said was true.

Taehyung stroked Jimin's back in understanding. He had been going to this elementary school for years with Taehyung, his classmate. So Taehyung was very familiar with Jimin's attitude.

"Never mind, Jim. It's okay. By the way, which SHS are you going to continue at by the way?" Taehyung changed the subject so Jimin wouldn't be sad.

Raising his head, Jimin began to answer him.

"At Yeonghon, which is close to my house," Jimin exclaimed.

"Looks like we're the same," Taehyung said casually.

"How about registering together? We can do the impression together," Taehyung suggested to Jimin, who was already thinking a bit.

"Alright, but let me know if you want to register. The important thing now is that we study hard so that we can answer all the questions when we enter the exam at that school," Jimin exclaimed with fiery enthusiasm.

"That's right, what you said. Unfortunately, I'm really lazy when I'm asked to study."

"You shouldn't be lazy, Tae. You should be grateful that you can still have free time to study. As for me, I'm only at home but I always get angry if I don't do my homework and studying is a waste of time," Jimin paused his sentence with a sigh first.

"My most effective learning is only at school and during tutoring. Other than that, I can't go anywhere. Especially to the point of going out with friends freely or hanging out at cafes. I don't have time for that at all. Surely my mom will scold me immediately if I don't make good use of my time, not just scold, but also hit me," continued Jimin who was already looking down sadly.

"Woah, you're really diligent Jim. What's your mom doing being so controlling? After all, you're a boy, you should be free, right? Not like girls who are regulated a lot, especially about housework that should be done by women," Taehyung said a little carried away by emotion.

"Huh... I don't know, Tae. My mom has always taught me not to go anywhere after school and tutoring, so what am I supposed to do other than obey?"

"Your mom is too cruel, ishhh,"

"Tae don't talk like that. She's still my mom though. So I'll never go against her orders,"

"Even if she hurts you?" Jimin nodded in response.

"I'll take this as God's destiny for me so I have to live it sincerely," a sweet smile etched from Jimin's thick lips.

"You're the nicest boy Jim," Taehyung complimented his classmate.

"Never mind don't keep praising me, I'll float later hahaha,"

"Even at times like this you can still laugh." this still only smiled without responding too much to Taehyung's words.


As recess began, Jimin decided to go to the cafeteria with Taehyung. Since Jimin's school was opposite to his brother's school who was already in SHS, when Jimin and Taehyung passed by in the direction of the cafeteria, many whispered about Jimin's charms that were more beautiful than handsome for boys, and it made the girls in the school insecure.

"Woah, he's really pretty, even though he's still in elementary school." Whispered one of the hordes of SHS level students who passed by Jinin and Taehyung. Jimin just smiled as they observed him.

"Jim, do you feel uncomfortable being watched by them all the time?"

"No, it's normal."

"Alright, let's go. The important thing is to go to the cafeteria, I'm really hungry." Jimin nodded his understanding.

Arriving at the cafeteria and had time to eat too, Shin Hyun Seo and his friends, he was his 2nd brother's girlfriend Sungkyung saw Jimin with an unusual look. By sitting on a bench that was a little close to Jimin and Taehyung he continued to observe the beauty of Jimin's face.

"You see that elementary school kid's face?" His friends suddenly observed the direction of Hyunseo's index finger.

"He's so pretty. I can't even believe he's a boy. She's even prettier than Sungkhyung," he continued, still staring at Jimin.

"But isn't she Sungkhyung's sister?" Asked his friend on the right.

"She's still in elementary school, it's unethical for you to like elementary school kids," mocked the friend on his left.

"Yeah, he's a boy after all, but I admire his pretty face a bit."

"Dih, do you want to turn?"

"Not that, just admiring, hehehe,"

"Great! Instead of admiring her boyfriend, you're admiring her sister? Should I just kill my sister so you don't always see her?" Suddenly Sungkyung came in and surprised the three of them.

"Ah? Ti-no, that's not it, dear. I just love you, you said he's a boy, why would I have a crush on him?" Hyunseo sarcastically.

"Alright, if you mess up, watch out!" Threatened Sungkyung who then walked towards Jimin and Taehyung's bench who were enjoying their hot tea.

"Follow me!" The older brother pulled Jimin's right wrist tightly, making him grimace slightly in pain.

"Where to, big brother?"

"Don't ask too many questions!" Sungkyung continued to pull Jimin to the back of the school.

"I hate that pretty face of yours so much, Jim! Even my girlfriend admires you more than I do! I hate you so much!"

"Why, Sis? I didn't ask for this face, I just want to go to school and study well. I also didn't ask Hyunseo to admire me," After a long time, Jimin was able to express his feelings.

He was just confused, why did his biological family not like him? Even though he always did good, obedient, and never disobeyed at all. Because Sungkyung was carried away by emotion, she immediately grabbed Jimin's hair strongly.

"Akh!" Jimin whispered with pain in his head.

"Because you're not a girl, Jim! And you don't deserve this pretty face, I'd love to cut your face with a sharp object. Unfortunately at school there's always a ban on carrying sharp objects. This time, you're safe, but not at home!" Jimin gulped harshly. What could he do? Everything was God's destiny, there was no way Jimin had to undergo plastic surgery at such a young age? Moreover, his face was also fairly normal, not deformed.

"If you were a girl, maybe I could accept it, but you're a boy, Jim! I won't accept that!" Sungkyung pushed Jimin to the ground in the mud at the back of the school. His uniform blazer even got covered in the mud. His brother waltzed away without caring about Jimin who started sobbing while hugging his knees.

"Hiks.. why is my life like this, God?"


To Be Continued