
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasie
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142 Chs

Trading Tower

In the trading tower of the Wizard Academy...

Several green goblins were shouting loudly outside a shop on the second floor.

"Get out! You greedy reptiles, it's just a Shadow Wolf's heart core!" The old man at the door of the shop was angry. "Do you want to sell it at the price of a Rampaging Lion's heart core?! Sell it if you want to sell it. If not, go find someone else!"

The sudden scene immediately attracted Raymon's attention. With the noisy sounds, the originally empty second floor hall soon became lively. Many people came out of the shops around the hall and looked around at the place where the dispute was happening.

Elif, who was standing next to Raymon, sneered. He stopped Raymon, who wanted to go over, and explained quickly.

It turned out that near the Red Marsh, there were many underground creatures living there. These green-skinned goblins were gathered in a large tribe nearby and were known far and wide for their bullying of the weak and fear of the strong.

Shaking his head, Elif sighed. "They actually want to sell the Shadow Wolf's heart core at the price of a Rampaging Lion's. No wonder Old Tori is angry."

While walking and explaining to Raymon, Elif dragged Raymon up the stairs to the third floor and continued to explain. "This kind of thing has happened before and will happen frequently in the future. If they were not the descendants of the chieftains of the goblin tribe, Old Tori would have driven them out long ago. There is nothing they provide that Old Tori does not recognize. It is impossible to get away with deception."

"Doesn't the trading tower prohibit them from deceiving like this?" Following Elif up the stairs, Raymon felt strange.

There was a helpless expression on Elif's face. "Although they are troublesome, the materials that the goblin tribe can provide are very valuable. As long as they do not make trouble in the trading tower, the academy will not interfere."

Raymon was very surprised and couldn't help asking. The enthusiastic Elif didn't mind. He then explained in detail.

It turned out that the Wizard Academy allowed these neutral or benevolent races to trade for mutual benefit. With their numerical advantage, the goblin race could obtain abundant resources in the vast underground world. In exchange, the Wizard Academy used the grain they lacked.

Although the goblin clan had to make huge sacrifices to obtain the materials wizards needed, with the grain provided by wizards, the goblin clans living near the Red Marsh lived well and far exceeded their counterparts elsewhere.

Raymon did not continue to ask. He guessed that there must be other factors in this seemingly fair trade. For creatures like wizards, without equal strength, there could be no equality at all.

It was the same in the wizard category, let alone these non-human races. Weakness was their original sin.

Following behind Elif, Raymon put aside the doubts that emerged in his mind for the time being and came to the third floor of the trading tower. He observed at the top of the stairs.

The space on the third floor was a little smaller, and there were far fewer shops. The operators in the shops on this floor all looked extremely bored. Even when they saw someone walk into the shop, they ignored them.

According to Elif's introduction, memory spheres containing wizardry and knowledge were sold here. As soon as Raymon entered the shop, he found that each shop contained hundreds of memory spheres arranged neatly on wooden shelves.

When Elif entered this floor, his expression became somewhat helpless. "These memory spheres condensed by first-level wizards all have viewing authority settings. Unless you purchase them with magic stones, you can only see the introduction or summary inside."

The sales method introduced by Elif made Raymon feel strange. He casually picked up a memory sphere and infused his mental power into it.

Soon, a piece of text written in Ancient Gutoris appeared in Raymon's mind. Contained in this memory sphere was an improved version of a fire-based spell. The owner was a wizard named Alexandra.

According to the introduction, this fire spell could increase the power of fire by 20% and reduce consumption by 10%. It was an excellent improved spell.

After quickly browsing the introduction, Raymon was still shocked when he saw the price displayed on the wooden shelf.

Three hundred low-level magic stones!

"This is why there are so few people here," Elif said with a wry smile and apologized somewhat. "Such a high price is simply unbearable for apprentices like us. If you want to browse here, I'll go down first."

Raymon nodded. After exchanging magic arts marks with him for future contact, Raymon let Elif leave first. He then began browsing among these wooden shelves.

Since the contents of all the memory spheres were protected by strict protections, the sellers in the shop did not care at all if the spheres were damaged or their contents were peeked at.

Wandering among these wooden shelves, Raymon could not see all the contents of these memory spheres, but the introductions and descriptions were all recorded by his chip. As Raymon increased the number of references, some referenceable data also entered the chip's database.

For Raymon, the knowledge in these introductory memory spheres allowed him to know the spell skills that the authors were good at. At the same time, it allowed him to master the detailed classification of spells. What was most useful to him was that Raymon understood a critical issue.

Improved spells!

The same fireball spell that a third-level apprentice could cast, after Raymon checked the records in the chip, he found that an unimproved spell was like a standard version.

But after being improved by a certain wizard, the power of this spell could increase by several percent, while the consumption of magic power could be reduced a lot. There were even improved spells by wizards that greatly reduced the mental power requirements for the caster, allowing third-level apprentices to cast high-level spells beyond their level!

The huge gains calmed Raymon down. After spending half a day, Raymon finally finished viewing all the memory spheres on the third floor of the trading tower.

He could clearly feel the curious eyes behind him. After putting the last memory sphere back in place, Raymon turned around and bowed to the operators in the shop.

Then, under the curious gaze of everyone, he walked toward the spiral staircase, preparing to leave.