
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasie
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142 Chs


In the center of Raymond's bedroom was his big bed.

Coming out of the bathroom, Raymond smiled bitterly at the hunting outfit on the ground that he had torn into pieces last night.

As if hearing Raymond's footsteps, the naked girl lying curled up on the bed with her hands covering her chest moved imperceptibly, as if she was about to wake up.

Walking slowly to the bedside, Raymond leaned over to the girl. Seeing the purple marks on her neck, chest and other places, Raymond felt a little guilty, knowing that these were the traces left by him last night when he was crazy.

After hesitating for a while, Raymond rubbed the girl's nipples a few times. Seeing Eulgia open her eyes in surprise, Raymond smiled. "Get up, don't pretend."

Eulgia's face turned red in an instant. She shrank back and hooked the thin quilt at her feet to cover her body. She quickly got out of bed, but soon found that her delicate hunting outfit had turned into rags and couldn't cover her body at all.

Embarrassed, Eulgia's neck turned pink. When she turned her head, she saw Raymond holding a wizard's robe in his hand.

In a good mood, Raymond suddenly hugged Eulgia when she came to get the robe. Somewhat arrogantly, he asked, "Weren't you very dissatisfied yesterday? What do you have to say now?"

Eulgia exclaimed in surprise, her face instantly turning pale. She shook her head again and again. "I dare not! I will never dare again!"

Shaking his hand to put the robe on Eulgia, Raymond then pulled Eulgia to sit on the edge of the bed. Seeing the small pool of blood on the bed, Raymond hesitated before asking, "You gave me your first time. What will you give your future man?"

Looking at Raymond in surprise, when Eulgia realized that Raymond did not intend to be happy again, her face slowly turned red. She suddenly straightened up proudly and shouted, "He will get skill!"

Raymond was speechless in surprise. After a long time, he couldn't help laughing. He slapped Eulgia's plump buttocks and got up to let her get dressed.

Hearing the rustling sound of getting dressed behind him, Raymond couldn't help recalling last night's absurdity.

After checking that the potion sent by Louise was correct, Raymond did not keep all three sisters because he was still wary of this charming and enchanting girl. Instead, he chose this slightly arrogant Eulgia.

But Raymond, who hadn't vented himself on a woman for a long time, was extremely brave last night. He whipped this Eulgia, who still wanted to provoke his manhood, hard on the bed.

Raymond thought the question just now would make this proud girl ashamed, but he really didn't expect such a reply. This dispelled the slight guilt in Raymond's heart.

But seeing Eulgia dressed and leaving shyly, her awkward walking posture with legs apart again made Raymond's heart swing. But the potion formula pinched in his hand quickly made Raymond pull himself together and focus his attention.

Seventeen materials for configuring the potion, the first five were ordinary and common, but the more than ten after that were somewhat headache-inducing.

Because Raymond had collected a large number of material samples recently, through the records of the chip, he found the corresponding prices and effects of all the materials involved in this potion formula.

But after checking the cost of this potion formula, Raymond found that if only the first five ordinary materials were used, using potion refinement as a way to enhance spiritual power would not be impossible or very luxurious.

Because the first five materials were extremely common, the cost of each refinement was only a few low-level magic stones.

But if you wanted to refine this potion formula successfully according to the full formula, even without calculating the probability of failure, the cost of each refinement would be as high as 500,000 low-level magic stones.

A potion with such a high price would be worth a try if it was really an ancient wizard's formula.

Through the large amount of information stored in the chip, Raymond already knew the power of some ancient wizards and the glory they had once achieved.

In the countless ages of the past, these ancient wizards had occupied countless planes, and even the underground world was like their own backyard.

The ancient wizards could lead powerful slave legions from other planes through powerful witchcraft, enter legendary planes and collect everything they needed.

The legions of ancient wizards, once called "locust s", were said to have occupied countless planes near this world, but finally because of the ancient wizards' own behavior of robbing each other's resources, it led to a long and protracted war between the ancient wizards.

In the end, countless powerful ancient wizards fell, and even many inheritances of techniques were cut off. The planes once ruled were also regained by the natives of those planes.

Even in some records about the ancient wizards, it is hinted that the plane that gave birth to the ancient wizards was almost destroyed by the powerful men rushing in from other worlds.

"The notes of ancient wizards should in theory be priceless treasures!" Raymond murmured, somewhat puzzled. Why did such powerful ancient wizards leave such unimportant potion formulas?

"Sensitivity to sound...sensitivity to sound..." Frowning, Raymond paced back and forth in the room, chanting the effect of this kind of potion said by Louise, thinking.

But for a long time, Raymond still couldn't figure out why the ancient wizards would leave such an unimportant potion formula in their notes.

"Hiss, hiss...hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Suddenly outside the open door came the sound of little Naga Manda, followed by the stuttering Gutoris language into Raymond's ears. "Raymond, sir...today, time's up, can I come in?"

Looking up in surprise, Raymond suddenly saw two little heads poking out of the unclosed door. The little Naga Kai, who had a higher linguistic talent, was trying to speak in Gutoris as Raymond requested.

In a flash of inspiration, Raymond's face showed surprise and he suddenly shouted, "Enhanced hearing!"