
Toon Force Takeover

What's up doc? Oops, sorry wrong character. Anyways, hello readers. Read my story or I don't exist ples ahshdisjsjisbxodoskeendj

RoyalJest · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - My Backstory

Hello? hello? testing testing! Hello readers! I am Stan, no, not the stan from The Stanley Parable. Sorry :(

Anyways, you're here and for one reason only, to read my story, right? Here's the thing, if you don't read my story, I will cease to exist. Or until I get a proper ending. This is beneficial for both of us right? You read my story for entertainment, and I entertain you!

please take the deal, I'm on my knees for you. Please, please, please? How about this? I'll tell you my backstory! Yep, the chapter title. Ahem.

Amidst the backdrop of a picturesque day that even Disney would envy, (don't sue me ples) there I was, perched like a zen master on my porch. The sun, seemingly inspired by my brilliance, decided to shine just a tad bit brighter. A light breeze danced by, probably curious to witness the extraordinary event that was about to unfold.

I was clipping my toenails! I know, very extraordinary. One toenail, however, changed the course of my life completely.

"Okay! Got to get this last one..."

I clipped the last toenail, but it suddenly flew off and pierced me in the eye! As I was screaming in pain or something, I tripped and broke my neck on a minnie mouse table.

...Very tragic, I know thank you. This is probably the most humiliating death a mc could get. Now that you know my backstory, will you read? Pretty Please?

trying something new

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