
Toon Force Takeover

What's up doc? Oops, sorry wrong character. Anyways, hello readers. Read my story or I don't exist ples ahshdisjsjisbxodoskeendj

RoyalJest · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2? idk I lost count already lol

If you're here, then that means you want to read my story! Yippee! Okay, so we had a deal. Hm...what is entertaining...oh! How about one of those detective noir type stories? Only for this chapter, of course! Alright! Here we goooooo















The rain-soaked streets glistened under the feeble glow of flickering neon signs, casting long shadows that whispered secrets. The city was a labyrinth of mysteries, each alleyway concealing a tale of intrigue. As the smoke from my cigarette spiraled into the night, I stood in the dimly lit doorway of my office, a lone figure seeking answers in a world shrouded by darkness.

My name? Call me Murphy Lawden – a gumshoe with a penchant for trouble and an eye for detail sharper than a switchblade. With a fedora tilted just so and a trench coat that had seen better days, I was the last beacon of hope in a town drowning in its own sordid affairs.

The city's pulse beat to the rhythm of whispered conversations and clandestine rendezvous. It was a symphony of secrets, and I was the maestro determined to unravel its enigmatic composition. With a gritty determination that could pierce through steel, I navigated through the labyrinth of deception, searching for the truth that always lingered just out of reach.

In a world where the line between right and wrong was as blurry as the bottom of a bourbon glass, I was the one who sifted through the fragments of shattered lives, hoping to piece together a semblance of justice. So, as the rain continued to fall, and the city's heartbeat quickened, I took a step into the abyss, ready to confront the shadows that danced on the edge of the precipice. The game was afoot, and I was the pawn willing to play until the final checkmate.

And then, like a surreal scene from a dream, the darkness seemed to part, revealing a figure that defied all sense of reality. A bat – yes, a bat – strode forth, donning a trench coat that cascaded around its furry form like a cloak of shadows. A fedora sat jauntily atop its head, casting an enigmatic shadow over eyes that held the weight of untold stories.

It was a sight that would've sent even the most seasoned detective's jaw to the floor. But not me. No, I had seen my fair share of oddities in this city. This was just another curious piece to the puzzle, another enigma waiting to be unraveled.

"Yo, I'm Stan."

The bat spoke, bearing a wide grin that showed off one of its fangs.

"People seem to like animal cartoon characters more, so I transformed into a fitting one for this story! Billy Bat!"


"Don't worry detective Murphy!"

The bat, or Stan, as I should call him, stretched himself and spun around me like we were in a cartoon.

"I'll be your partner for this case!"


It would be good to have a partner on this case anyway, investigating the scp foundation.

"Let's get a ride, shall we?"

Stan began beating on his chest until he coughed up an entire car. I would be surprised if I didn't see things like this every day at the foundation.

"Hop in!"

Sliding behind the wheel of the battered sedan, the leather seats groaned in protest as they embraced my frame. The rain, unrelenting in its determination, tapped a steady rhythm on the roof, as if accompanying me on this peculiar investigation. The city's twisted streets guided my path, each turn leading me deeper into the heart of the enimga that was the SCP foundation.

As I navigated through the labyrinth of dimly lit streets, the city's normal hum seemed to fade into the background. It was replaced by a growing sense of unease, a nagging feeling that the secrets i was about to confront were fark darker and more convoluted than any i had encountered before.

"Wow, this is an exciting narrative! Unfortunately, the author don't have the funds to make their own"

The bat spoke again, chuckling at its own joke.

"I thought I told you to call me Stan, Murphy!"

Through the rain-streaked windsheld, the entrance to the Foundatjon emrged like a monolith of secrets. The guards, their expressions blocked by a visor, inspected my credentials with a thoroughness that bespoke of the gravity of what lay beyond those imposing gates.

And then, with a nod that was more acknowledgment than welcome, the gates swung open. The path ahead was shrouded in a sinisyer aura, the mist adding an eerie touch to the scene. The air seemed to thicken, every step I took a step into the unknown.

The SCP Foundation was a place of paradoxes, a haven for the inexplicable and the unfathomable.

"Hey! Don't leave me out like some side character!"

"Follow my lead."

"What!? But that's boring! Fine, I'll do it for the readers..."

The bat quickly followed after me as I stepped out of the car and into the cold embrace of the SCP Foundation's underground complex. The fluorescent lights above cast an otherworldly glow on the sterile white walls that enclosed us, stretching seemingly forever into a disorienting abyss. With each echoing footstep, the air seemed to thicken with a sense of anticipation as if the very atmosphere held its breath, waiting for the next revelation.

Amidst this clinical expanse, the bat's strange company was a reassuring reminder of the uncanny journey we were embarking upon. Its wings rustled softly as it followed my lead, navigating the enigmatic halls with a grace that belied its surreal nature. Together, we ventured deeper into the heart of the labyrinthine facility, where each locked door held the promise of the extraordinary, the dangerous, and the unknown.

The hum of machinery reverberated through the corridors, accompanied by the faint murmur of distant voices – a chorus of whispers from the abyss.

I stopped in front of a containment chamber. To be specific, it was SCP's [][][][] containment chamber.

"How are we going to get in though..." I asked myself.

"Leave that to me! I'm a master lock picker, I did graduate from thief academy after all"

The bat pulled out a certificate, shoving it in my face proudly. I pushed the certificate away and backed up, allowing the bat to do its thing. The bat puts its ear against the door before giggling and closing its eyes. It pulled out a hammer 𝚊𝚗𝚍 with a simple tap, the door turned into dust..

"You'd think the foundation would have some sort of protection against cartoon characters! Hahahaha!"

"Good work."

I walked inside, being presented with an entity with unimaginable capabilities. It was...


"Aw seriously? Welp, I guess you have to wait until next chapter!"

The typewriter font I wanted to use didn't work sadly :(

RoyalJestcreators' thoughts