
Tome-Bearer: LegendEater

Oliver has lived a miserable impoverished life until he was 16 and aged out of his orphanage, took a job as a lookout for a heist and it all went wrong. Thankfully In his most desperate hour, He awakened as a TomeBearer, a powerful weilder of a unique Soul Tome that gives him the Power to consume the Tomes of those he kills In order t grow stronger, but life won't leave him alone, he finds himself having to hide from Powerful enemies and made to do desperate things to survive... *Art doesn't Belong to me and I take no credit for it, if it does belong to you, and you do t want me to use it, or you want credit, I'm happy to oblige, let me know. if this takes off I'd love to Commission something custom I am going to shoot for roughly 5 chapters per week until it takes off and I can afford to devote more time to it, I work on weekends so that will be when I am less likely to post. Magic, Game Themes, Rpg themes, Morally grey MC, Weak to strong, Cheat, Powerful MC, System, Fantasy.

Insidious_Mask · Fantasie
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13 Chs

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Oliver Sat on the Small bed taking in his new surroundings. After speaking with Gertrude Oliver was led to the other side of the Colosseum. On this side of the Colosseum was a vast network of hallways, this network extended up into the heights of the towering Colosseum several stories, as well as down into the depths below the Colosseum. After an uncountable number of twists and turns, The Butler Harold had brought Oliver to a rather plain-looking door and left him there, as well as leaving him with the knowledge that his first fight would be the next day. Upon entering the small room, he immediately took note of the bed, it was not as comfortable as the one in the recruiter's office, but he collapsed into it anyway. The rest of the room was scarcely furnished. A Mannequin in the corner for his armor and next to it a place for his weapons, neither of any use for now since he had neither weapon nor armor. A small chest sat at the end of his bed, assumedly for clothes and belongings that he also had none of. And finally, a long but ruggedly constructed desk takes up much of the rest of the room.

Disregarding his surroundings now that he was familiar with them, Oliver reluctantly Got out of bed long enough to undress and then climb back into the bed again. he was exhausted from running last night, and then all the activity and expending his soul energy at the merchants.

Several hours later, which were spent struggling to squeeze out an accumulative hour of sleep between anxiously waking up every time a noise was heard, or having nightmares where the boy he killed stared up at him with accusing eyes, Oliver woke. It took several minutes of just laying there to rouse any motivation but he knew he had to be productive. Oliver had wanted to look at his Tome before but a nap had called to him first, knowing that now was his chance, he summoned his Tome. Finally, he would get to see what he had gained that day. Upon opening his Soul tome, this time it took only a full minute to do so. Oliver saw that he had four more pages than he had before.

Flipping past the Title page, Oliver glances over his stats, seeing a small change that thrilled him.

Mind: 15

Body: 1-->4

Soul: 11

It wasn't a huge change it was downright tiny. The stat he had gained also wasn't the stat he had expected, still, it made sense in a way. The boy he had killed was strong-willed, or mentally adept, he was a coward and a fool.

It made sense that he would have enough body stat to flee and hide, tactics that Oliver himself was fond of, although perhaps not to the extent of the coward in question. Although a surprise, it was still certainly a happy one, Zero was the start of an average normal human, anything above that was even better, with Ten being the height that a normal human could achieve if they were perfect in every way. These few points would bring him from just above average, to the same level of athleticism that a competitive adult athlete would have, albeit not the best one.

Curious, Oliver climbs out of the basic rustic bed and examines his body, muscles have begun to appear, filling out his shape with Lithe Toned muscles. The changes were broad rather than focused, improving everything instead of just strength or speed, additionally, Oliver could tell that his senses were a bit sharper. Not only was everything improved, but scars and blemishes were removed and healed, and his physical beauty was better than ever.

Even with all the changes, Oliver knew he still wasn't perfect, his body would continue to improve along these same lines until he had a 10 in the body stat.

Oliver sat back down on the bed, the rough top blanket of the bed scratching against his bare skin. Once again he picked up his book and flipped to the next page which housed his innate ability page [Tome-Eater]. He looked it over but saw no changes, however, one thing did catch his eye. The ability said that Oliver would be able to assign the points where he wanted them to go, But the points he got from the boy were automatically assigned. After thinking about it for a while Oliver shrugs his shoulders, he has theories but he would have to experiment to see if he was right. Oliver's theory is that when he had gone to sleep without assigning the stat points to anything, they auto-assigned to their natural state, what they were when they were in his victim.

Having no way of confirming, Oliver flipped to the next page and began to read.

[Veil of Unseeing-Upon use, this ability covers your features in a thin veil of mental energy which has a repellent effect on the Vision of others. Those who look upon you will be unable to notice your appearance, although they can see you clearly, their minds will be unable to notice or retain specific details, such as eye color, skin tone, height, hair color, face or body shape, etc.

Rank: Rare]

It took a couple of rereads to understand and proceed with what it said. This was even better than what his victim had, but it was clear how this ability was derived from that one. Now he truly understood what it meant by "make compatible" when it absorbs things. If it could be turned into a version that fit his affinity then it would be. Oliver was speechless, such an ability is way more powerful than it appears. It could be used to an extremely powerful degree to avoid detection when committing crimes, May even help the guards if they ever track him down. After processing such an awesome skill, it was difficult to turn the page and see a less awesome one, but Oliver did what he had to do. Looking at the next page and the lackluster ability attached to it, Oliver sighed. He knew that the skill was vital to his growth and that it could grow and become very powerful, be customized, upgraded, and more, but he wanted something amazing. He was happy he got it, knowing that often the most Life-saving, reliable, useful skills were the low-ranking basic skills like this.

[Telekinetic Dart Focus the power of your mind into a small sharp dart capable of flying fast and far. While not the most powerful ability, the dart does well with targeted attacks at weak points on the victim's body

Rank: Common]

Hiya everyone, sorry for my long absence, my grandmother was having health problems, happy to be back though!

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