
together means us

*this is a bl story* The story revolves around wei ying and bai lou . As soon as wei ying starts at his new school he meet bai lou,and both there lives are about to change

Amber_Lee_0197 · realistisch
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2 Chs

ch2 losing hope

Ying and Bai hardly spoke the rest of the day. ,..after school Ying looked around and didn't see Bai , after waiting a while Ying slowly started walking back home . when he got home he took Bai's jacket from his closet.

and put it on his bed ,he called the class monitor after I few rings she answered.

"hello class monitor ju fen do you by chance know where Bai Lou lives " I'll send it to you she responded.

after a while he received the address and left, after a while of walking down the road he notices Bai standing in the front yard of a house shirtless .

Ying felt confused as he felt a sudden rush of emotions,he looked at Bai's model like body with out saying a word he left unnoticed.

when Ying got home he sat on his bed looking at the jacket, with out thinking he brought it closer to his face and inhaled deeply , when he came to his senses he got up and put the jacket back in the closet.

later when Ying was having dinner with is parents he thought about Bai , he wandered how he was going to face him .

The next morning when Ying came out the gate Bai was waiting for him , Ying smiled "happy to see me?"Bai asked

Ying didn't realize he was smiling so happily and quickly said no "you're not" Bai asked, defeated Ying just shook his head yes .

The confucian in Bai's mind wouldn't disappear than ying made a decision thinking to himself,(I like him as a friend that's what I'm feelings friendship) .

Ying asked Bai so why did you leave school without me yesterday ,I had to help my dad .I'm Bai's mind all he could do was stop himself from holding ying's hand.

Bai grow up in a family with two siblings and only his dad although the didn't have plenty they had enough his father always reminded him, although Bai was extremely hansom and had many girls interested in him he never felt attached to girls.even though he felt attached to Ying he can't forget wat happened a year ago when he opened up to his first love to Wang Lei , who was also his best friend the look Wang Lei gave him still hurts him to this day ,that was the last time he saw Lei because he moved school's ,and now lives with his aunt in a different town.

because he didn't want to lose his friendship with Ying he kept his feeling hidden.in the hopes of feeling less alone.

As Ying and Bai were walking ying saw the pale look on Bai face "are you okay" Ying asked Bai , Bai was caught off guard as it has been a long time since anybody has asked him is he was okay, with a smile he said I am fine feeling helpless .

when the bell rang they were already in there seat'sWei ying asked Bai "are you coming by my house later to pick up your jacket"by simply nodded his head afraid of over stepping boundaries.

After school Ying and Bai walk home talking the whole way ,they both felt a sense of peace while talking and had talked about there biggest dreams , Ying felt happy he had always been popular but never had friends Bai was his only friend .

when they reached Ying's house it was empty as usual ,when Ying checked the fridge he he asked Bai would you like some fruit, Bai walked over and asked Ying how about something more filling , because both Ying and Bai hade said that they are hungry ,Ying couldn't cook so he turned to Bai and jokingly said go ahead.

Bai didn't realize Ying was joking so he started cooking when Ying went to get his jacket .

when Ying came down he saw Bai rinsing veggies not sure what to say he left his alone , Ying went upstairs to change .

after changing he went downstairs to keep Bai company , when he got downstairs he felt at peace seeing Bai cook because his parents were hardly home, Ying looked at Bai and said it has been a while since I have had a home cooked lunch.this made Bai happy.

when lunch was mostly done Ying started setting the table , when sitting down Ying looked at Bai (how can this boy with a tough appearance be so caring) after eating Ying walked Bai home but couldn't help feeling that he wanted to spend more time with him.

can I come is Ying suddenly asked Bai, Bai welcomed to Ying is after going inside Bai took Ying upstairs.

when arriving upstairs Ying sat on Bai's bed , Bai went downstairs to get so soda Ying couldn't help smelling the product on the night stand.after going through Bai's tings he sat back down .

Bai talk to Ying by all he could think about was holding him ,it was almost unbearable not kissing him every time he spoke his bottom lip curved.

After a while Ying left ,when Ying got home he suddenly missed Bai .can this be why am I so drawn to him , maybe it's because I never had a friend he thought.

The next morning when going to school Bai realized the feeling he has for Ying are growing stronger ,and he has to act on them or he will regret .