
together means us

*this is a bl story* The story revolves around wei ying and bai lou . As soon as wei ying starts at his new school he meet bai lou,and both there lives are about to change

Amber_Lee_0197 · Realistic
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ch 1 new start

wei ying lives in a well off family ,although he did not really like the city they lived in he still didn't want to move .

wei ying was always popular even though he was quite.ying was mostly popular for his handsom looks ,he was tall and had the most beautiful eyes , eyes that can look into your soul.

on the morning of the move he stood by the window looking across the city he lived his whole life. No even having the opportunity to explore it's beauty.

Ying are you ready his mother called , wei ying's father was a political figure and was appointed to a new city.

His mother was extremely happy as she has always been a social butterfly .

ying his mother called again this time he moved toward the door with his strong arms he took the last box and went downstairs, to start his new life.

Afer arriving at the new house wei ying stood at the window taking in the new city ,as the sunrise lit up his cat like eyes .

wei ying got dressed in his new school uniform as the crisp white shirt hugged his athletic body .

As soon as he walked into the school gates people started to whisper, "who is he " his handsom" .

wei ying had to see the principal before going to class so when he got to class everyone was seated.

Class let's welcome our new student Wei ying ,as he looked around he saw a boy at the back of the class smiling at him ,he quickly look away as he felt uneasy.

The teacher look around and said Wei Ying go sit next to Bai Lou , as Ying looked around he saw the boy who had previously smiled at him rise his hand but now he was just staring at him blankly with a slight smirk.

When Ying sat down ,Bai Lou turned his body to face Ying .

Ying started taking out books as he felt Bai staring at him . What about him is making me uneasy he thought as ,he looked at Bai when there eyes met Bai just smiled and said" I LIKE CAT'S" he then went back to his homework and stayed quiet the rest of the day. Wei ying casually talk to his class mates but still wandered if his seat mates was out of his mind .

that afternoon as Ying headed home he caught his reflection in a window "was he making fun of me " he thought .

while he continues to walk home."Ying " when wei ying looked around he saw the boy from his class bai lou, when he caught up he simply grabbed ying's shoulder and said, that is your name isn't it, with a smile on his face this was the first time wei ying saw his face from so close and noticed a tiny scar next to his eye, it made him look extremely manly he thought to himself.

After a while of walking together bai broke the and silence and said , I'm not following you I saw you this morning we live on the same block.

They walked silently until they reached ying's gate ,ying looked at bai and asked would you like to come in , then bai's face turned pale as he looked at ying ,other kids were also passing ying's house than bai said no thanks I should be getting home.

ying looked at bai as he walked away and wondered if bai was always that weird.

when ying walked into his house it was quite as usual he didn't have siblings and his parents were hardly home , Ying looked in the fridge but didn't feel like making something so he closed the fridge and went upstairs.

About half a hour later he got a call from the class monitor ju fen ," ying some of us are going to the arcade you should come" ying didn't really want to, but since he was new he said "okay see you there" not long after he got a message with the address.

Ying sat on his bed for a while staring blankly out the window ,before going in to the bathroom and getting ready.

when ying got there he saw bai standing at one of the games before the class monitor ju fen saw him ,ying I'm so happy you came .

she grabbed his shoulder and walked him over to the rest of there class mate's , they talk for awhile but every body was mostly doing there own thing .

after a couple of hours everybody started to leave, Most of his class mate's got picked up by there parents but since his parents didn't even know he left he had to get back on his own.

It had already gotten Cold and ying didn't bring a jacket so he folded his arm's across each other for some heat .

as he was walking bai called out to him wait up ,why are you always in a hurry bai questioned ying, but ying just shrugged his shoulder.

As they walked Bai suddenly asked are you cold ,but before ying could answer bai had already taken off his jacket, here he said ying was confused and said no I'm fine it's okay,but Bai went behind ying and helped him put the jacket on, before moving to the front and doing the zipper up, ying felt uncomfortable and suddenly asked aren't you cold Bai only smiled and continued walking, the two of them started talking and didn't even notice they were almost home .

when they reached ying's gate he wanted to give bai's jacket back, but when he turned Bai had already continued walking.

ying went inside at this time his parents had returned but we're already in there room, the next morning ying stood outside the gate waiting for Bai ,when bai arrived he smiled and said waiting for me as his eyes lit up.

when they got to class there was a girl waiting at bai's desk she nervously handed him a hart shape letter and said "wil you go out with me" , Bai put his head on the desk ignoring her question . when she left he finally lifted his head.

Ying looked at bai and said "do you have a girlfriend if not ,you should go out with her she's cute ". bai looked at Ying with a look of defeat ,no I don't he simply said and looked away disappointed.