
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
88 Chs


Chapter 53: Nickelodeon.

"Boss. Someone named Jade Nicholas wants to meet you. His assistant called and said they wanted to talk something about Miss Ling." Zhang Chen called in the middle of night walking up Li Wei from his slumber and delivered this piece of news.

Li Wei's sleep flew away instantly and he sat upright on his bed hearing Zhang Chen. Someone where again searching for Ling Yue. He had previously sent his team to find out more about the suspicious man and the news they brought back shocked him. The suspicious man was found dead under a bridge and no one knew what happened.

This mysterious death immediately after Mr Nian's death gave him a bad foreboding and he wanted to keep Ling Yue away from these things. He can't afford to loose her again. Not now. Not ever.

"Alright. Fix an appointment tomorrow." Li Wei thought of meeting this person. He should at least know who the enemy is and gauze his opponents potentiality.


"Boss. Mr Nicholas is here." Zhang Chen informed as he led Jade Nicholas into Li Wei's office. The young man walked in casually with his hands tucked in his pockets and looked around the office as he sat on the chair opposite to Li Wei.

Li Wei had a emotionless and expressionless mask on his face. He kept looking at the man and it didn't take him long before he figured out who he was - Lord Shan.

Those blurry images in his dreams now slowly cleared out and superimposed with this lethally handsome man sitting in front of him. The scene where he aggressively dragged Xenxi, the scene where he provoked Rem, everything flashed in his mind as the fog started clearing out.

"Belated happy birthday President Li." Jade spoke first as he looked into Li Wei's eyes. He has heard a lot about this new president. And just by gazing into those fearless black eyes staring straight into his eyes and the powerful aura that challenged his own, he can tell that everything he heard about this man is true.

"Thank You Mr Nicholas. What do you want to talk about Miss Ling?" Jade chuckled at his no-beating-around-the-bush attitude. He laughed the same way he did with Rem while claiming Xenxi to be his concubine. Li Wei's eyes turned sharp as he remembered him trying to molest her.

"I like your attitude President Li. And I would be glad to be friends with you. But the only problem is the girl you are in love with. You see, AtStars is one of my subsidiary companies and I don't like to fail. And your girl just did that. She shouldn't have used her brain. Now that she did, I want to meet her" Jade said. he didn't fear that he was sitting in Li Wei's territory. His arrogance knew no bounds.

Li Wei clenched his fists under the table. No way he would let him near Ling Yue.

"And why do you ..."

Ting .. Ting .. Ting ...

Li Wei stopped and looked at his phone which had Ling Yue's notifications popping up on the screen. He opened the chat and looked her messages.

Her messages -

'I was watching a cartoon channel - Nickelodeon'

'A yellow coloured lizard monster with a big shining stone on it's head killed it's own allies because it was bored.'

'Sigh.. But it has a weakness. It is not exactly sure about itself.'

'It gets mighty and powerful when others do what it wanted them to do.'

'If you can confuse it, then you are safe.'

'Please be safe. I will wait for you to come back :)'

Li Wei read the messages and slightly tilted his head. He was quick to grasp the intent of the message. Ling Yue was saving him. That Nickelodeon must be Nicholas. The yellow lizard with big shining shone must be this yellow eyed Jade sitting in front of him. How did Ling Yue know he was here? But his cold eyes softened as he read her last message. She was waiting for him.

He put the phone away and looked back at the yellow lizard opposite to him. Jade Nicholas's face turned few shades darker when he saw Li Wei put more attention on the damn phone than on him, who has been releasing a chilling aura for good few minutes by now.

"Hmm.. So where were we? Ha .. And why do you want to inform me about this? Hmm?" Li Wei questioned. Jade Nicholas narrowed his eyes.

"Don't you want to protect your girl President Li?"


"Mr Nicholas. You are a business man, right?" Li Wei asked as he leaned back on his luxury seat. Jade Nicholas nodded. He couldn't quite understand this person. He wasn't able to read him. Neither was he sensing any fear from him.

"Hmm.. Then you must know that as a business man I only look for profits. If you want me hand over the girl, then you need to entice me with a good deal. If not, then you can try getting her yourself. I have better things to do than go behind a girl." Li Wei replied with the same arrogance Jade had in his posture.

Jade, who had heard numerous praises about Li Wei, didn't expect this kind of cowardly answer from him at all. He thought he would be fighting with this young president. But seems like Li Wei was never a obstacle. He blinked his eyes twice before opening his mouth to speak.

"Are you not in love with her?"

"I am. But more than her, I love my money. I am no Romeo to die for love Mr Nicholas." Li Wei said with an indifferent tone which disappointed Jade. Tch.. He thought he would have some action here. Business talks were boring. He got up from his chair, ready to leave.

"I will be leaving now President Li" Jade walked with the same arrogant attitude he walked in few minutes before, but Li Wei sensed the fluctuations in his temperament. Just as Ling Yue said, he was confused. Li Wei now got hold his disadvantage. This Jade was simply brute force and no brains. But he still have to test the intel behind him.

He turned on his phone and opened Ling Yue's chat. She now went offline. He read the last text again and again.


"Huh? Wei? Why are you back so early?" Mother Li questioned when she saw Li Wei return back home so soon. It was not even lunch time yet.

"Mom. Where is Ling Yue?" Li Wei asked as he changed his footwear and walked into the house. He still had to know how she got to know about Jade's presence in his office.

"In the garden."

Li Wei didn't wait and jogged to the garden. Mother Li too followed him behind to know what he was up to.

"Yueyue" Li Wei called out as soon as he found her sitting on a swing in the lawn with her feet dangling. Ling Yue looked at him and jumped down from her seat. Li Wei, who didn't even take more than two steps towards Ling Yue was abruptly caged in her warm and soft embrace.

Ling Yue ran towards him as soon as she saw Li Wei and couldn't help but hug him tight. She was troubled and worried about his safety since the moment she heard of Jade visiting Li Wei today. Burying her face in his hard chest, she released a short sigh hearing his heartbeat.

"Wei" Ling Yue mumbled as she rested her hands on his broad back. Li Wei, who was startled by this unexpected touch didn't wait anymore and hugged her back. His right hand gently patted her head as he rested his chin on the top of her head. He smiled slightly knowing that she was worried about him.

Mother Li and father Li, who were just behind them didn't quite understand their dynamics. Li Wei just went out for few hours and they were behaving as if they didn't see other for ages. And they wouldn't have been so shocked if it was Li Wei jumping onto Ling Yue. But now it was the opposite.

"A-Are you hurt?" Ling Yue asked with her eyes still closed and head resting on his chest. It was good that she messaged him on time or else it would've been a disaster.

"No.. Yueyue. I think we should talk." Li Wei replied. He still didn't know why a murderer was searching for her.

"Yueyue" Li Wei called again hearing no reply from her. She was alone before now, but now that he was here, he would not let her play these dangerous games.

"N-No .." Ling Yue spoke in a broken voice and hugged him tighter than before. She was not ready speak about anything. She crunched her face as a terrible headache hit her. It was skull-splitting and soon all the surrounding voices were tuned out and all she could hear was a slow and jarring buzz which seemed to be coming from all the directions and also from within her brain.

"Yueyue. What's wrong.. Let's go .... Yueyue" Li Wei couldn't complete his sentence when Ling Yue's knees gave away and she fell unconscious in his arms.

"Little girl"


The Li parents didn't anticipate this at all. They thought their son was having a romantic moment when Ling Yue fainted off. Her complexion didn't look good and her body started turning cold.

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