
To Reach You Again

" You're the moon, I'm the tide, Drawn to you, but kept aside. Our love a beautiful, forbidden dance, Destined for eternity, but denied a chance. " - Ling Yue Longing, a bitter sweet ache that grips the soul. This is a tale of love transcending space and time, a tale of longing of two parted souls who have been mercilessly teared apart again and again.  Yi Hua and An Yun, whose souls have been cursed to be defeated by evil, even when their hearts are blessed to be bound by love. How ironic right?  Their yearning made them meet each other in many life times but the evil won every time.  But, how can evil win over good? How can hatred overpower love? The almighty won't be so merciless right? After many lifetimes, after many separations, Goddess of light, Yi Hua and God of darkness, An Yun crossed their paths again. This time in the modern world, as Ling Yue and Li Wei. Will their scarred souls fall in love again. If they did, then will their love win? Or will they be defeated by the same fate they were destined for many lifetimes before?  " Unattainable love, a cruel game, Bound by circumstances, I can't claim. But in my heart, you'll always reside, A love that burns, though never to collide. " - Li Wei ----------------------- "To Reach You Again" is my first ever novel and I am looking forward for this journey. Hope you all join me on this wonderful ride. - Z https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094142227485 For regular updates and illustrations of our sweet couple and adorable pets you can follow the above facebook page. I would love to interact with you all. ---------------- The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it.

Z_Orion · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Early morning talk

Chapter 54: Early morning talk.

"Urghh..." Ling Yue woke up to a slight headache in the morning. The sun rays peeked into the room and Ling Yue was confused whether it was sunset or sunrise. She rubbed her eyes as she recollected what happened before she fainted off.

As her head got clearer she felt a weight on her stomach and found Li Wei's hand there and Li Wei beside her. Ling Yue blinked her once, twice, and thrice to process what's happening. Did he sleep here all night?

The fresh golden light caressed Li Wei's youthful face making Ling Yue's heart race and a pink blush settled on her cheeks. She felt guilty for bothering him and his family. And even more grateful for not taking her to hospital.

She stayed quite without moving not to disturb his sleep. She can also tell that she had a high fever last night and he was here last night to take care of her.

It was only after a good thirty minutes that Ling Yue felt him move and he pulled her closer to him. Ling Yue didn't resist and kept looking at him as he slowly blinked his eyes to get rid of drowsiness and finally caught her staring at him.

"Good morning" Ling Yue greeted him first but he didn't respond and kept staring at her before hugging her and releasing a breathe which he didn't know he was holding.

"Please don't scare me like this again." Only he knew how scared he was when she fainted in his embrace. Her temperature was going up and down all the night and the only reason he didn't rush to hospital was because she somehow managed to respond in her sleep and even Chen Meiling told him about her usual repulsion to hospitals.

He had all kinds of absurd scenarios running in his mind. What if she forgets him? What if she tries to give up on her life again? What if he won't be able to save her? He dozed off with all these horrific thoughts running in his head.

"Sorry." Ling Yue replied and they both didn't speak for some time. Li Wei was not sure how to ask her about yesterday and at the same time not to trigger her. Now that he had already seen what happens when she is triggered, he would not try that stunt again.

"What's with your cartoon language yesterday?" He felt this was the perfect way to ask, at least about few things. Was someone keeping a eye on them that she was trying to be secretive about this. He was expecting something serious but Ling Yue unexpectedly chuckled to this question.

"You should be more careful. Someone is hacking your phone." Ling Yue said and he got alerted. Someone is hacking? He grabbed his phone from the lamp table and turned it on to check important files and documents related to Li corps. All the while he didn't loosen his grip on Ling Yue making her face heat up.

He checked his phone for few minutes and didn't find anything out of place.

"I think everything is fine" Li Wei said scrolling through his phone.

"Check your gallery" Ling Yue instructed and he opened his gallery. Here too he find anything odd. He was about to ask her again when his gaze finally settled on a folder named - Weapons, the folder where he usually recorded and stored Li Mei's guilty actions to use them later against her. He opened it and found the whole folder empty. He exasperatedly parted his lips. When did this girl become so brave and intelligent?

Ling Yue chuckled at his expression. She liked these both siblings a lot.

"She has been peeking into your phone a lot lately. I didn't want her to dig up a murder mystery in our chat. And also your IT department is slacking a lot. Hahaha.. Even a beginner in coding can hack into President Li's phone." Li Wei pursed his lips. What she said was true and it was good that she was not direct in that chat. He will deal this thing with Liu Shan later. He sighed. At least he got to know that his sister can know do something productive.

He lowered his head and gazed at the green-eyed beauty giggling on his chest as she scrolled through the amusement park photos on his phone.

"Yueyue. Please.. Let us go to a doctor. Please" Li Wei now practically begged her to visit a doctor. Now he felt he should have done medicine instead of business. Ling Yue stayed quite hearing this. She rested her head on his chest as she thought of how to respond to his request.

"I am fine now"

"You weren't fine before"

"It is not serious"

"It might get serious" How was it not serious? Li Wei had visited a neurologist few months ago with her reports and her old injury was very serious since she has not even used medicines. Ling Yue stayed quite again for some time.

"H-He will find me if I go for treatment." Li Wei finally said it. The only reason why Jade Nicholas was not hundred percent sure about her being alive is because there were no medical reports of her in any hospital even with her serious condition.

Li Wei gazed at her and frowned. That yellow lizard was even searching hospitals? Does he know about her condition? Ling Yue closed her eyes and solely focused on his heart beat. This sound was helping her a lot. Li Wei gently patted her head as he looked at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts.

"Why is he searching for you?" Li Wei questioned, not so sure if this okay to ask.

"I don't know. I-I don't know w-what he w-wants from me. H-He w-wants something f-from m-me but I-I don't k-know what. I d-didn't even know t-them .."

"Shhh... Stop. It's okay. Leave it. Let's forget about this. Sorry. I won't ask this again. It's okay. Everything is okay.. Shh now" Li Wei knew it was getting hard for her and she was panicking after hearing her stuttering and even her tone rose a pitch higher. He didn't want her to trigger again.

Ling Yue stopped and lay quite on his chest. Though Li Wei felt that her condition was bad, she felt that her condition improved. She was now able to speak about Jade without fainting right away. Was it because Li Wei was here? These thoughts somehow successfully distracted her. She spoke again after some time.

"Was it you in the hotel?" Ling Yue asked and Li Wei understood she was speaking about the person who slept beside her.

"Hmm.. Sorry. You were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to disturb you."

"Hmm.. It is your heart beat in that music right?" This time she was mentioning about the gift her gave to her and he again complied again. There was nothing to hide when she has already figured it out. Ling Yue chuckled and thanked him. Ling Yue knew his intentions were never malicious. His eyes always spoke volumes of his sincerity.


"Marcus, did you find something?" Jade asked as he sat on his majestic black leather seat.

"They have only known each other for a very short time and as President Li claimed, that girl might not be so valuable for him. We have our people near her apartment but seems like she shifted to a new place since she has not appeared in the premises for few months. According to her office schedule she was on a business trip and just returned." Marcus reported about Ling Yue, the assistant director at Z Heights.

"Hmm. What about the green one?" came another lazy question from Jade Nicholas.

"There have been no news about her yet. We are still tracking all the hospitals and laboratories. Our final round of tracking will be done soon. We should probably start searching in some other country if there are no results here." this time the report was about Ling Yue - the girl who escaped them years ago.

"Hmm.. The old man seems to be dying. We should give him some news before he kicks the bucket." Jade said as he rubbed black's fur. "I will take this to a hunt" saying this he stood up and walked out of the room with the huge panther following him.


"Big Sis. Why did you faint off yesterday? How are you now?" Li Mei rushed to Ling Yue when she saw her in the garden with her pets and her brother. Yesterday she returned from school to play with Ling Yue but found she was high on fever. And to top it all her brother didn't allow anyone to take her to hospital.

"I am fine now. Nothing to worry. Why are you not yet ready? Aren't you going to school?" Ling Yue asked while caressing Xiao Bai's soft white fur.

"I will go and get ready now... Big sis? Where did you study?" Li Mei asked curiously.

"I never went to a school. It was either home tutoring or self-study." Ling Yue replied as she leaned her back against a tree. She too wanted to go to school, learn together and make friends but those dreams couldn't come true when she would run away from everyone approaching her. In a way she was glad that she didn't go to a school. It helped concealing her identity for a long time.

"Oh.. Then how about you come and drop me today? I will show you around." Li Mei volunteered. She didn't only delete those video weapons, but also peeked into the investigation file her brother had about Ling Yue. Her big sis had suffered and missed a lot. She also knew that Ling Yue killed her aunt, but that tarnish Ling Yue's image at all. Li Mei felt she would have killed everyone in that Su family had she been in Ling Yue's place. Her Big sis was truly a softie.

"Hahaha.. Then I will come to pick you up instead. You can show me around after your classes are done." Ling Yue suggested. She was still a little weak and was planning to take some more rest.

"Okay then. I will come home early and let's go together to pick her up" Li Wei, who was silent till now spoke up. Though he can see that Ling Yue was now back to normal, he couldn't stop worrying. Accompanying her would be better instead of working up his brain cells.

"Why? You missed your work yesterday because of me. I cannot let you do that again. I can drive safely. Or I will just take a driver. Don't worry too much." Ling Yue suggested. Handling Li corps was not a joke and Li Wei didn't even have a CEO assistance like she had Ning Tang who would manage most of the things for her. And Li corps was much larger than Z heights. He would be busy even with a CEO.

"It's not a big deal. And Zhang Chen can handle things in my absence. It is just few hours. It won't be a problem" Li Wei would not back down. And it's not like Li Mei never demanded him to pick her up before. Ling Yue didn't assert on this anymore and agreed with the plans. Li Mei soon left to school and Li Wei to office. She too got busy with her work on laptop and playing board games with uncle Li. Thank fully none of the family members brought up yesterday's topic and Ling Yue relaxed well till the evening when Li Wei came to pick her up.

"Yueyue. Are you ready. Let's go now." There was nothing much for her to get ready. It was again a simple baby blue shirt paired with her dark blue jeans and black contacts. Li Wei can now somewhat guess why she always wore those contacts. Green eyes were not very common in their country and it would be easy to attract attention with that eye colour.

Soon their car took off to Li Mei's school. Li Wei told a lot about his schooling along the way. Ling Yue listened to everything curiously. These kind of talks were not really possible with business partners, nor were they exciting.

"BIG SIS.. HERE." Li Mei shouted and waved her hand as soon as she saw Ling Yue alighting the car. Completely ignoring the fact there was another man standing beside Ling Yue, she held Ling Yue's hand and pulled her into the school compound. Li Wei pursed his lips looking at this. Was this really his sister who would never leave him alone in public places?

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