
To Have A Second Chance To Reunite With My Love

Asutashi · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The Tickets

"Welcome to the Son Of The Bun. How can we help you today?"

Yoshiharu walks over to the counter and makes his order.

"Yeah, can I get the number 1 with extra pickles. Oh yeah, can you add pineapple to that too."

The cashier gives Yoshiharu a smell before replying.

"Yes of course sir. Will that be all for you today?"

"No, I'm getting my buddy something too."

Yoshiharu points over to his right at Kyohi, who is sitting at a table already.

"Oh, okay, and what would he be having today?"

"He will take a number…"

Yoshiharu looks at the menu for a good minute trying to remember what Kyhoi wanted.

("Was it the number 3 or number 4? I can't remember.")

As Yoshiharu starts to scratch the back of his head, the cashier asks him.

"Are you having a hard time finding what your friend would want sir? If so, I can help if you have any questions."

Yoshiharu looked at the cashier and said.

"It is all good, I found what he would like to have."

"Okay sir, and what would that be?"

"He will take the number 4, with no cheese and added chili."

"Okay no problem, sir."

The cashier puts the order in and looks at Yoshiharu.

"The total will be ¥2,100 yen."

Yoshiharu hands the cashier the money and she hands him their drinks. Yoshiharu then walks over to Kyohi and tries to hand Kyohi his drink, but Kyohi is just on his phone not paying attention. Yoshihaur puts Kyohi's drink on his head, as Kyohi slowly looks up at Yoshiharu.

"Why is there a cold drink on my head, Yoshiharu?"

"I don't know, it could be because you're not paying attention."

"But I was. I saw you walk over here."

"So, why did you make me hold your drink for so long?"

Yoshiharu sits down in the seat that is on the other side of the table from Kyohi, as Kyohi takes the drink off of his head and takes a sip before answering Yoshiharu.

"Because I didn't feel like taking from you."

"Do I look like your mom to you?"

Kyohi looks at Yoshiharu with a weird face before saying.

"I don't know, if you put a wig on you could. You can try it out one day and we can see how it goes."

Yoshiharu looks at Kyohi with a face of disappointment, before he puts his hand over his face.

"I swear, I don't know how you're as smart as you are but at the same time you act like you have no brain."

"Was that an insult or a compliment?"

"Take it as you please."

The cashier walks over to their table holding a tray with their food on it.

"I have a number 1 with extra pickles and added pineapple, and then I have a number 4 with no cheese and added chili."

"That is correct."

The cashier puts the food down in front of Yoshiharu and Kyohi then looks at the two boys.

"Is there anything else I can get for you?"

"No, that will be all. Thank you."

"Thank you, enjoy your meal."

The cashier walks away as Yoshiharu starts to eat his burger then looks up over at Kyohi, as he just looks at his burger for a second before he starts to eat it. Yoshiharu wipes his mouth off with a napkin before speaking.

"What is wrong, you are not hungry or something?"

Kyohi looks at Yoshiharu.

"No, I am."

"Then why did you look at it like it was poisons or something?"

"Well, it is because I told you I wanted the number 7 not 4. But it is okay, I can eat this."

Yoshiharu hits his head on the table.

"That looks like that hurts."

"Why do I suck at numbers?"

"I don't know, maybe because you just do."

Yoshiharu looks up at Kyohi.

"You are so helpful, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know. I am the best."

"If you think that."

After Yoshiharu and Kyohi finished eating, they left the restaurant and started to walk around town. As they walk, Yoshiharu grabs something from his pocket and hands it to Kyohi.


Kyohi looks at Yoshiharu and sees he is holding an envelope right in front of him.

"What is that for?"

"It is a graduation gift."

"But we only graduated middle school."

"Yeah, but still, we are not promise to go to the same school for high school, so I got you something. And you're my best friend."

"But I didn't get you anything."

Yoshiharu grabs Kyohi's hand and puts the envelope in his hand.

"That is okay, because what I got you is something we can do together."

Yoshiharu gives Kyohi a smell. Kyohi opens the envelope and sees two tickets to the next Dream Diaries concert.

"Yoshiharu, I don't know if I can take this. How much did these cost and where did you get them from."

"They are yours and don't worry about where I got them from."

Then Kyohi remembers back at the mall when the idol groups were there.

"You got it when we were at the mall."


{Flash back to the mall}

Yoshiharu stands up for his seat and walks over to the doors. Kyohi looks over as Yoshiharu leaves and said.

"Where are you going Yoshiharu?"

Yoshiharu looks back at Kyohi.

"I have to use the bathroom. Be back in a flash."

Yoshiharu gives Kyohi a thumbs up and leaves the food hall.

("I swear he uses the bathroom like every 5 minutes.")

As Yoshiharu walks to the bathrooms he sees that the line for the autographs and pictures with the idol group Dream Diaries has disappeared, so Yoshiharu decides to walk over and see if they are still doing autographs or even maybe pictures. When Yoshiharu walks over there he sees no one there, and as he starts to leave he then notices that there is only one member left from Dream Diaries. The girl doesn't see Yoshiharu as she stands up and starts to get ready to leave as Yoshiharu walks over and speaks to the girl.

"Excuse me miss."

The girl turns and looks at Yoshiharu.

"Oh, I didn't see you there."

"It is all okay. I was wondering if you are still doing autographs?"

The girl stands up straight and looks Yoshiharu in the eyes and speaks.

"I do apologize but we are no longer doing the autographs."

The girl then gives Yoshiharu a bow.

"Oh, it is okay. I was just curious, that is all. Well you have a great day now." 

Yoshiharu starts to walk away as the girl turns and looks down in one of the boxes and sees that she still has two tickets. The girl grabs the tickets and runs over to Yoshiharu.

"Sir please wait and second."

Yoshiharu turns to look at the girl and she stops and hands him the tickets.

"Here you go."

"Wait, are these for your next concert?"

"Yes, they are. I was supposed to hand them out early and I forgot to, so please take them."

Yoshiharu takes the tickets from the girl.

"Well thanks. I guess I will see you at your concert then."

"Yes, hope to see you then."

Yoshiharu leaves the room and heads back to the food hall and sits down in his seat. With a smell on his face.

"What made you smell?"

Yoshiharu looks at Kyohi before realizing that he never went to the bathroom.

"I will be right back."

"Where are you going now?"

"To the bathroom."


{Back to Present Time}

"That makes sense now."

"What did you think I was doing?"

"I figured you had to use the bathroom that badly."

Yoshiharu shakes his head then smells.

"So, you're going to the concert?"

"I mean yeah, because it would be rude not to go because that girl gave them to you."

"Not because I gave them to you."

"And that too of course."

The two part ways and then meet up again in 5 days for the concert. When Yoshiharu and Kyohi get to the concert they see how many people showed up for the concert.



"Tell me, how famous is this idol group again."

"I believe they are the second best idol group in the nation."

"Okay that explains everything."

As Kyohi and Yoshiharu stand at the entrance of the building for the concert, they see over thousands of fans to see their favorite idol group play tonight. Kyohi looks at the ticket in his hand to see what seat is his.

("Row SS") "Where is Row SS at?"

Yoshiharu looks at his ticket and sees the same thing.

"I think it is in the front row."

"So, not only did you get free tickets, but they are front row tickets?"

"I guess so."

Yoshiharu and Kyohi make their way to the front to find their seats, but they both look confused when they get to the front, where they thought their seats were supposed to be.

"Kyohi this is Row A."

"I see that but where is Row SS."

"That is a good question now."

"Let's check the back."

"Yeah, that is a good idea."

As the two start to walk to the back Yoshiharu hears a familiar voice from behind, that makes him turn around.

"Hey, wait a second sir."

When Yoshiharu fully turns around he sees the idol member he got the tickets from.

"Hey that is the girl right there."


Kyohi turns to see who he is talking about.

"The one who gave me the tickets. Hey you good man?"

Yoshiharu looks at Kyohi as Kyohi stands there frozen like a statue, as he looks at the girl that is approaching them.

"Hey, I am glad you could make it."

"Well thanks for the tickets. Oh, yeah don't mind my friend, he is having a deep thought that is all."

Yoshiharu looks over at Kyohi who is still looking at the girl without blinking.

("Her hair, her smell, her eyes. How can anyone be that perfect? What is this feeling that I am having? Why is my heart beating so fast? It feels hot.")

"Earth to Kyohi. Hey Kyohi."

Yoshiharu slaps Kyohi in the back of the head that knocks him out of his mind and brings him back to reality.

"What was that for?"

"Why are you staring?"

"Sorry I was lost in thought, that is all."

Yoshiharu shocks his head at Kyohi as the girl stands there and starts to giggle at them.

"Hehe, it seems like you'll are close."

"Yeap, we are best friends."

Yoshiharu puts his arm over Kyohi's shoulders.

"Get your hands off of me."

"Well, my name is Sakka, but you can call me Sakka or even The Angle. Whatever you feel like."

"I am Yoshiharu, and this statue is?"

Yoshiharu gives Kyohi a look.

"I am Kyohi Subete. It is nice to meet you."

Kyohi reaches out his hand to shake Sakka's hand. Sakka shakes his hand with a smell on her face.

"Well, it is nice to meet you Kyohi and Yoshiharu, and I hope you enjoy our show tonight."

("Even her voice is soft and sweet to hear. My heart just skipped a beat.")

"Well, it is best we go find where we are supposed to sit."

"Oh, you don't sit out here."

"What do you mean?"

"Those are Row SS tickets, right?"

"Yeah, that is what they say."

"Follow me. I will show you to your seats."

"Okay. Are you coming to Kyohi?"

"Yeah, sorry." ("What is going on with me today. Something is off with me, and I don't know what it is. It feels good but I am also weird that it is something bad.")

Kyohi follows behind Yoshiharu and Sakka, as Sakka leads the two to the top floor of the concert, where the VIP seats are.

"This is your seats in here."

Both the boys were shocked to see their seats and where they were.

"Are you sure these are ours?"

Yoshiharu looks at Sakka with a confused face, as Sakka looks at his ticket.

"Yeah, this is the right place. Now I have to get going so enjoy it, boys."

Sakka leaves the room as Yoshiharu walks around the room with a smell on his face.

I never thought I would ever be in a VIP room for a concert. Can you Kyohi?"

Yoshiharu turns and looks at Kyohi and sees him looking at his hands before looking back at Yoshiharu.

"You good man?"

Kyohi takes a second to answer Yoshiharu.

"What is this feeling that I'm having right now? Like I feel like my heart is going to explode from my chest."

Yoshiharu smells even more as he walks over to Kyohi and said.

"I know what it is, but I would let you find that out on your own."

Yoshiharu walks over to his seat and sits down and waves over at Kyohi to come sit.

"Come on, you're going to miss the show."

"Yeah, I'm coming."

Kyohi sits down in his seat next to Yoshiharu and the two watch Dream Dairies perform.