
Titanfall in Marvel

A soldier who died in war was reincarnated in the Marvel universe with a titanfall system after his "training". This isn't your avarage pushover. The mc will do whatever it needs to be done to achive his goals. While trying not to be edgy or cringe. Warning: Gore and heavy language

The_Puffer · Filme
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25 Chs

Mission: Steal everything

"Captain we located earth."

"Finally. I was going to murder emily if I see her doing something stupid again. Head to earth."

"Roger that."

As we were warming up our Translight Engine AKA warp drive which was faster than light by the way (you can google it), a strange group of yellow pods surrounded us.

"Unknown ship. This area is sovereign space. State your purpose."

"Ah fucking great."

"You know them Captain?"

"Yea. They are an ass to deal with. You see those pods? Those are remote controlled. So they will throw them at us as much as they want." I said as I pressed the coms.

"No need to worry. We dont have a Map about this area because we came from far away. If you can share with us the map about at least your area, we can stay away." hopefully this works. I dont want to spend ammo or energy on these bastards so I might just go to their planet and send a friendly nuke.

The ships waited a bit before answering" Sending the map right now. It only has our area in it for you to stay away."

"Okay Thanks." Thankfully our engine finished heating up so we just teleport the shit out of there. When I have enough forces, I am going to invade them. This, I can promise.

We arrived at earth. It was beautifull. Green, White and blue created a piece of art. And then I saw a bright light on the surface. Yes. It was a fucking nuke. Ah yes. I forgot that WW2 was still going on in 1945. It was so small that you would miss it. But when the thing you are looking at wasn't moving that much, even the tiniest change will be visible.

"Great job guys. Keep this baby in orbit." I said to the pilots while I made my way through to the captains quarters. After I wear my helmet, pilot uniform and kit, I went to the hangar. Everyone was waiting for me.

"Okay guys I uploaded your missions to your headsets. After everything is done, we can go sight seeing."

"Yes Sir!" they all shouted in sync.

"Great. Lets get stronger."

/Emily Pov/

Captain wanted me to hack everything I find and upload the data to the system. Which was so easy that I nearly fell asleep considering These monkeys dont even know how to delete their browsing history. He Also wanted me to create websites. One for People to upload videos and one for People to speak with eachother better. I dont know what he is planing but I trust him. He is the second smartest person in the whole crew after me.

After couple of minutes, I finally got some juicy informations. Hydra bases was the one I was searching for since Captain told me that they hold very important plans to upgrade our tech. I send the locations to everyone whos mission were infiltrading those bases and stealing everything.

I sent the information about Captain America's last known location and possible location to Valk and continues my hacking. Some places had closed network but there is nothing that signal connector cant solve. Thankyou captain for this amazing tech!

/Kairi Pov/

I equiped a lazer cutter and launched towards the Arctic. My mission was to find and extract two items. One was a shield which was apparently made from some kind of a strong metal. The other one was a blue cube that contained a stone that could open portal everywhere in the galaxy in seconds.


I started to go down. The pressure was nothing as even a normal titan could've endure between 600 and 900 meters not to mention a upgraded one. My feets touch the ground after few minutes. I open my spot lights and start my search. I could already see some pieces so it must've been already close.

After 3 hours, I finally found it. It was actually quite far away. I dont know how it got there with a unstable frame but anyways. I aproach the plane. My energy readings were going off the charts. I cut the cockpit and see a man inside it. The treading were showing that he was still alive. So I quickly called the captain to ask what to do about him.

He said that man was going to be found by others later so I focused on the cube he was holding. I carefully cut the ice and took out the cube. The ice didnt cracked so the man's life wasnt in danger. I put the first item in the cpntainer I brought and started to search for the shield.

After searching the cockpit, I couldnt find it. So I activated my metal detector sonar. Nothing too fancy just different vibrations means different metals. It finally caught something unknown. This must be the shield. I moved towards the shield and picked it up. It had a white star with red stripes around it. I put it in the container and iqnited my jet motors.

After going to the surface, I called for and evac and a pelican with a titan hook came down. I attached myself to it and fly away.

/Rey Pov/

My mission was to take vibranium and Heart-Shaped Herbs from a country called wakanda. Captain gave me a giant lazer to cut the metal. Just how strong is it that I need this thing to cut it? I guess thats why we are after it. The pelican flies above a forest. I cant see the country but the radars show that there is a city infront of us.

The pelican activated the cloak and we fly above a very technological and beautifull city. They have this much technology and resources but they are hiding like cowards. At lest with us, it can be put to good use.

We hover at the back of the Mountain. I get in my titan and land without a sound. I Dig using the lazer's dirt mode. Its like a wide lazer that vaporates rocks, dirt and plants. When it finally reached the vibranium, it made a sound. I took the lazer and placed on top of it. The lazer started cutting. While the lazer was cutting, I decided to collect the herbs. I got out of my titan and activate my scanner.

After few minutes later I spotted the herbs. I activated my cloak and rushed there. There was a whole field of them. So I started collecting them carefully to not kill them. I placed the herbs I picked in the containers that were specifically made for this. After my 11th herb, Guards rushed to the field. I guess they had sensors or something. Now I had two choises. One, exfiltrate and leave without too much noice or two, kill the Guards and get as much as I can before leaving with a boom.

Captain said that this herb can power up a normal human so they can fight wars easily. If I manage to get more samples, Imahara-sama can get this power and she can be safer. I already failed to protect once before, I wont fail this time.

I rushed to a Guard. I took my katana out then swiftly cut the guard. She didnt even realised that she was cut in two and fell down to left and right I jump towards the other one and decapitaded her. Her blood splashes on my suit so I am partially visible.

Others realised that two of their comrades died and took defensive positions but they were too terrified. None of them saw someone being cut in two like this in their lifes. I phase shift behind them and cut down the remaning guards.

Now to quickly collect the herbs Before more guards came, I managed to get 6 more flowers. Suddenly I was trapped in the middle of the guards. They had heavy weapons and were aiming at me. I throw a flashbang and phase shifted behind them. I started to run towards my titan and gave it a command to complete the drilling proccess. Luckly It managed to cut more than enough vibranium. Total of 80 metric cube. The guards were chasing me right behind.

I jumped towards my titan and teleported inside. I got up and connected the vibranium to the pelican's hook. While it was lifting, I got on top of it and looked them from above as we fly away from them. They tried to send some planes after us but I quickly dispose of them.

Everything for Imahara-sama.