
Check up

Victoria's POV 

Slowly, I opened my eyes by the noise of the continuous tapping of a keyboard.

I moved my gaze around the big room and saw Eric by the reading table, seriously occupied with some work.

I stared at him one more time, and realized his black thick hair were messy all over his face and his green piercing eyes were fixed on the screen of his computer.

He stopped typing and moves his gaze to me.

''You are awake.'' he stood up from the chair and walked over to me.

''How is your head.'' he asked, 

''I'm fine, I don't feel any pains.'" I replied quickly, so I could avoid going to the hospital.

He took a good look at me for a while before he nodded his head to my words.

''Glad you are awake, the doctor will be here, any moment from now.''

''Doctor.'' I murmured 

''Yes, he has to run some check up on you'" he ran his fingers through my hair while giving me a mischievous smile.

''I don't wanna get tested, I told you I'm okay.'' I grumbled

''Yes you are fine, but we just have to be sure.''

Hearing those words from him, I grumbled but did not say a word.

A knock on the door got our attention.

''Sir, the doctor is here.'' his housekeeper spoke from the door.

''Bring him upstairs.''

''Alright sir.''she replied him and left.

''I'm alright, I don't need to do this check up.'' I spoke in a pleading voice, hoping it would work, but it didn't.

''I know, I just wanna be sure if it's safe for you to fly in air, since we would be leaving tomorrow.''he did not finish those words before I cut him off.

''We are leaving tomorrow?'' I asked happily

''Yeah, only if it's safe for you to travel.'' he expressed those words in a serious tune.

''I'm fine.'' I grumbled

''I know.'' he smiled at me before going for the door.

''Welcome.'' he ushered the doctor in and closed the door.

''How are you Victoria.'' he asked while taking a seat before me 

''I'm fine, that's what I've been telling him.'' I grumbled

He nodded his head and took my hands.

''Do you feel pains anywhere?'' he asked, 


''Then what happened when you felt dizzy.'' He asked

''I don't know.'' I surged my shoulders.

He nodded his head and asked a few questions before standing up from the chair.

''She is safe to travel on air, but make sure you always take her to the hospital at least once a month for her check-up.''

''Thank you, I'll do that ''

''Very well then, I'll be on my way, take care of yourself Vicky.'' he smiled at me before leaving the room with Eric.

I released a sigh of relief and collapsed on the bed, deep down I was really happy I can't wait to see aunt again.

Eric opened the door and walked in With a quizzical look on his face.

''What?'' I asked, 

''Hope you did not lie to the doctor.'' he asked, while staring at me with a piercing gaze.