
Another plan

Eric's POV 

She laughed loudly over the phone like I've said something idiotic and funny before she spoke up 

''In exchange for your son.'' she chuckled again

''You underrate me Eric, you don't know me a bit.'' she spoke seriously

I groaned angrily but did not say a word

''My dear Eric, you don't know what I will need, just keep your fingers crossed.'' she spoke seductively with a loud chuckled

I groaned and took another draw of the cigarette.

''What do you want.'' I asked tiredly

''What do I want.'' she muttered those words like she was spelling it.

''I'll think about it and get back to you.''

Of course, she must be thinking of how much she was gonna bill me.

''Where is he, I wanna see him.''.

''You won't see him until I say so.'' she cut me off, 

''And don't bother yourself sending your men in search of him because they will never find him.'' she expressed those words like she was so sure about it.

''I'll get back to you, bye.'' she did not let those words finished from her mouth before she ends the call.

I groaned angrily, threw the burnt cigar on the floor and took out another one.

I light it up and took a low draw of it to calm down my nerves.

Sophie was testing my patience, she now has me under her claw and I can't do anything about it.

She knew that child was very important to me, he was my first seed and I can't hurt or harm him, that's why she knew she was victorious already.

I dialed a number on my phone, it rang a few time before it was picked

''sir.'' he greeted

''I'll send you a number I want you to track her calls and give me details of calls that involves she talking about a child.''

''Okay sir.''

I ended the call and forwarded all Sophie's number to him.

If she has refused to go see the child because she is being followed, then she can't avoid making calls to whoever is with my child.

Through those calls, I will track whoever she calls for the child and take the child from them, then I can sue her to court for irresponsible motherhood and take the child away from her.

I sighed in relief to my plan before taking another draw of the cigarette and threw it on the floor.

I entered my car and decided to go back home and freshen up.

I drove back home, met my housekeeper in the sitting room 

''Welcome sir.'' she greeted 

''Thank you, I have something to say to you.''

She moved closer to me and took a seat opposite me.

''My mate will be discharged from the hospital by tomorrow, and she will have to stay here for at least a day before we can fly back to California, so I want you to prepare the guest room for her.''

''That won't be a problem, I'll start preparing for her arrival.''

''Thank you.'' she nodded her head and Left.