
Time the pirate and the elf

When I first saw him he was fire, when I cared for him he was cold, but when he rose from the ashes he became my sun. Your fate was settled the moment you had that dream, when raven hair and a freackled face stole your sleep. Little did you know it wasn't all he would take. But can someone be saved who has run out of time? And if it's possible, are you willing to pay the price? This AcexReader fanfiction is set in the world of One Piece most characters belong to Oda not me!

Mysode · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 6 / The battle begins


"Are the transponder snails broadcasting anything yet?"

"Wait I'll try to connect with them. Yup Eddie's reached Marineford. Look at this Y/N. There are so many soldiers."

I immediately ran over to Lou who was hovering Infront of a screen broadcasting what the video transponder snails we had attached to the Moby Dick could capture.

The Moby Dick was located in the harbor of the Marine Base and an insane amount of marines and pirates were engaged in fierce battle. All the water surrounding Marineford was frozen solid making me sigh in relieve that we were stationed out of the proximity of the frozen sea. I had put on my second devil fruit weapon the Warp, which looked pretty much just like the Fata Morgana. It was merely mirrored on the left side of my body and instead of ending in the head piece it ended in an earring pressing another special gem against my left side temple.

It had been combined with the Shimi Shimi no Mi which gave me the ability to create portals of varying sizes leading to any place I could recall the scenery of.

"Are you sure that you will be able to use all those devil fruit weapons without running out of energy?"

Lou's concerned voice made me rip away from the sight of the battlefield and return my conscious to my surroundings.

"It will be fine. Or rather it has to be. I'm the only one who knows how to use them after all. Also I'm more worried about you."

"Pah, I'll be fine."

I was glad to see the worry in Lou's face be replaced by a cheeky grin. I smiled back and turned away from her so that she wouldn't see my own worried expression.

Lou is right. I have never used these weapons on such a large scale before. What if I fail... No, Y/N get it together! You won't fail. I would never fail a friend. Eddie I hope you're sure about this.

I felt the sadness spread in my heart as I thought of the last steps of the plan Eddie, Lou and I had come up with.

(Flashback to the Moby Dick a week prior)

"Marco, I would like to talk to our guests alone for a second."

"Are you sure, Pops?"

"You think a little punk like her could do anything to me? Guarararara get out and stop worrying my stupid son."

"Fine-yoi. Call me if you need me."

I heard the door fall shut. We were alone.

What is this Eddie? Why would you try to keep part of your plan from your crew?

I watched the giant man with silent curiosity as he took another gulp of sake. I hated using my observation haki to predict conversations (they end up being way to boring if you always know what is going to be said) however if that old man didn't start talking soon I would have no choice.

"Spit it out Eddie. What are you up to?"

"Guarararara you are as attentive as ever it seems."

"You wanna talk or should I find out myself?"

"I've missed that attitude of yours. It's a shame I won't get to experience it again."


"Guarararara I'm a relic old friend. I won't leave that battlefield."

"Oh yes you will. I might not be able to see my friends often but if I do I am not going to let them die right before my eyes."

"Rose, I'm not fighting this war to defeat the world government. All I want is to save my son and do so while loosing as few of my other sons as possible. Who will hold back the Admirals whilst they escape to safety?"

"I..." He was right I knew he was. But still it hurt.

"Guarararara I don't think I have ever seen you cry before. Stop that nonsense it doesn't suit you."

"As if you cared for what people look like." With that I jumped on Eddie and hugged him. He had changed a lot over the years. He was bigger, taller, stronger, older. But that didn't matter. He was a friend, a person I had shared one of my most wonderful adventures with.

"I promise I will save Ace. If you ever have doubts look for the rose."

Ace's POV

No why did you guys come. I'm not worth it. Don't you see that your deaths make everything even harder. You should've just let me die. Why Pops?


That voice- there is no way. Where is he why is he here. The sky- He is falling from the Sky. No Luffy why did you come. First my family now my brother. Please stop risking your lives for someone like me.

