
Time and soul system in another world.

My first serious story please enjoy Will vetiti is an anomaly in the apocalypse while everyone chose a single system he had both something that shouldn't have ever happened. Will the universe kill him to maintain balance or will he step on it in triumph? most likely will add R18 sometime in the future. I mean why not?

Nicholas_dmitryev · Fantasie
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14 Chs


"Wow…" Will couldn't help but say in amazement. In front of him was a grand temple like structure made of what appeared to be gold with some type of dark rock that seemed to be an abyss.

"Young man, why do you come here?" Will looked to his left to see an old man draped in a silk robe.

"I'm on my way to Arora senior." Will had read enough cultivation novels to know this was his heavenly chance to gain insight into the secret of the universe from this immortal master.

"Call me old again and I'll make sure you'll never have children." The old man said in a cold harsh tone.

Will gulped. "Yes sir."

"Two silvers." The old man said.

"What?" Will asked confused.

"For travel to Arora it costs 20 Bronze." the man said, annoyed.

"Oh… well you see-." Will began.

"Fuck off you poor piece of shit." The man said.


'Wow that was brutal.' Will thought walking away. 'I need to eat and drink before I die.'

"Young man!" Will turned around hearing the old man.

"I'll make you a deal. If you can do some stuff for me I might be able to waive the fee." The old man said, smiling.

'PEDOFILE!!!' Was all that Will could think.

"What are you thinking?" The old man said, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh… Nothing sir. What would you like me to do?" Said Will, resisting the urge to run.

"Come here." The perverted old man said walking behind the temple. Will followed with no other choice. The old man led him to a small shack.

"Cut this firewood." The old man said, pointing to the stack of uncut firewood. "I'll make something to eat." Will's stomach growled. "No cut firewood, no food." The evil perverted man said.

'Stupid old man, how heartless do you have to be?' Will thought picking up the axe resting against the shack and grabbing a piece of wood.


"HUH… what? Hello? Weird that almost sounded like the system." Will said aloud.

"Shut up and work!" Will heard the man yell through the open shutters.

*1 hour later*

"Few… damn that was fun." Will said. His stomach was so hungry.

"Finally. you're slower than me. Get over here if you want some food." The perverted old man said.

Will practically ran to the makeshift picnic table. He grabbed a bowl of soup and a piece of hard bread. And right before he put the spoon in his mouth…

"Go get some water from the stream behind the cabin." The old man said with a cackle.

Will snatched the pail from the man and trudged behind the cabin looking for the stream. Finding it he scooped it up and started back up to the shack. "Cabin my ass, that thing would barely fit a bed." Will muttered.

"Did you say something?" Will practically jumped out of his skin spilling water down his trousers. There he was right behind him. 'This guys fucking with me.' was all Will could think of.

"Looks like you need more water." the man said, walking past Will.

*2 minutes later*

"Oh my god! This is the best thing I've ever had." Will couldn't help but exclaim. He could feel the beginning of tears. He started stuffing his face with food, most likely breaking a few records in the process.

"Hmph… At least you have a taste for food." The man said indifferently.

"Wait… sir If I work for you a little bit longer can you teach me the basics of cooking?" Will asked. Will decided it would be best to know what plants were edible and how to skin and cook animals as that would come in handy.

"And teach you my secrets? First you have to prove you are worthy and really want to learn. Cooking is an art, not just something you can do half heartedly." The man replied.

"Haw ken I da tht" Will asked, mouth stuffed.

"What?" the old man asked, impressed at the sheer volume Will could fit in his mouth.

"How can I do that?" Will said, swallowing.

The man pondered for a bit. "I know, catch me two horned rabbits to cook and we'll start with that. But we'll start tomorrow. You can sleep on the floor."

"Yes!" said Will, eager to start.

"Oh! Sir, wait! I don't know your name yet. My names Will." Will said quickly.

"Damien. My name is Damien." Damien replied.

"I'll just call you old man." Will said.

"Shut up if you would like to finish eating." Damien snarled back.

*The next day*

"Get up you lazy little shit!"


"OUCH! That hurt!" Will felt his head. The beginning of a bruise had started forming already.

"Your fault for being a lazy shit." Damien said with his signature cackle.

'Asshole.' Will thought with a tired mind. The amount of stress he had endured in the past days was enormous therefore his mind had practically shut down.

"Today you Will catch a horned rabbit if you would like to eat." Damien said with a wide grin.

"You're just too lazy to do it yourself aren't you old man?" Will asked finally deciding to fight back.

"Your children Will never be born if you don't stop." The perverted old Damien said.