
Time and soul system in another world.

My first serious story please enjoy Will vetiti is an anomaly in the apocalypse while everyone chose a single system he had both something that shouldn't have ever happened. Will the universe kill him to maintain balance or will he step on it in triumph? most likely will add R18 sometime in the future. I mean why not?

Nicholas_dmitryev · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Rabbits and Agility

Will walked through the forest behind the so-called "Cabin." Will started to look forward into the trees hoping to see the clearing the "Old Perverted Man'' had told him about. 'Forget the clearing where's the path?' Will wasn't even sure he was going the right way everything looked the same. Suddenly the trees cleared and Will entered a clearing.

"Rabbit, rabbit where are you?" Will thought aloud while looking around. The clearing was mostly just short grass and flowers but patches of thick brush popped up randomly. He saw a Rabbit slowly come out of the brush and slowly hop over to a bright blue flower before taking a petal in its mouth and chewing on it.

Will slowly crept up on the rabbit. 10 feet… 8 feet… 6 feet… 4 feet… 2 feet… Will dove at the rabbit. The rabbit shot forward like a bullet and ran into the brush leaving Will to fall forward and crash into the ground where the rabbit had been moments before.

'Ow… ow… ow…'

Will quickly stood up half expecting Damien to come out of the woods laughing. Will decided to regroup and observe. "Okay… Oh… I see…" Will said aloud, "What the fuck? All they do is eat and run. What am I even looking for?" Will was pissed. 'Even corrupted Bunnies would be better, at least they won't run.'

Before he went to sleep Will had asked Damien what a Corrupted being was. After looking at Will like he was an idiot Damien had told him, "Corrupted beings are animals that have lost control of their mana. Of course monsters can be Corrupted to and they are more common than seeing a corrupted animal because very few animals have their own mana and they are usually only Corrupted if they had come into contact with a raging mana source or if they were manually Corrupted but purposely Corrupting a living or dead being is punishable by death and besides the Corrupting arts were all lost during the second great war."

"Great war?" Will asked, gaining a look of "Are you a dumbass" from Damien.

"Are you stupid? Or did your parents not teach you anything useful?" Damien asked.

"I've been having problems with my memory lately and maybe this Will help." Will said unconvincingly.

"If you didn't want to tell me you could have just said." Damien said. "Kids these days… The first great war took place around two thousand years ago and any other information has been tightly secured. All that is known publicly is that three ancient dynasties were annihilated. The second gre-" Will cut Damien off.

"What were the dynasties?" He asked.

"Interrupt me again and you'll regret it! The three dynasties were the Dark Elf Clan, White Phoenix Clan and the ancient War Dragon Clan." Damien said. "Anyways the Second Great War took place around five-hundred years ago. This war was between the four great Kingdoms, the Darknorth Kingdom that is home to the dwarfs, the Greenwood Kingdom that is home to the elves, the Azoroth Kingdom, The one we are in, Azoroth is home to every race and a center for many interracial groups, and the Cloud Kingdom. In the beginning Azoroth was a Kingdom of mostly humans, and humans, who are greedy, wanted more so they tried to capture land from the Greenwood Kingdom thinking that the elves peaceful nature would make it easy unfortunately for them elves may be peaceful but when they want to be they can be downright demonic and fighting broke out and then escalated into a full scale war. Darknorth originally wanted nothing to do with the war but soon news of dwarven kidnappings by the Azoroth kingdom soldiers stationed on the border reached the royal family and they had no choice but to fight the Azoroth kingdom. Now that two kingdoms were fighting the Azoroth kingdom the old royal family tried to back away and form treaties but the Darknorth Kingdom and The Greenwood kingdom wouldn't let this go unpunished so the Azoroth kingdom decided to send delegates to the Cloud kingdom for help. Now the Cloud kingdom that lives on the mountains to the north is home to very powerful entities. These entities had grown tired of watching the war and decided enough was enough. No one knows how it happened but the old royal family of Azoroth was obliterated and was replaced with the leader of the rebels that had rebelled against the old royal family for starting the war." Damien finished.

Back in the present Will was trying to formulate a plan. 'Wait. What about my extra Stat points?'

[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 7]

[Endurance: 9]

[Intelligence: 9]

[Stat Points: 3]

Will pressed [Stat Points] And a +1 appeared at the side of his stats. 'Okay let's upgrade agility by one and see how much that helps.' Will proceeded to upgrade [Agility] by one.

[Agility: 8]

Will felt the muscles around his legs get a little warm for a few seconds before the warmth left leaving them a little stronger. Will stretched his legs and decided to test them seeing another rabbit wander out of the brush and walk up to a flower. This time Will started off on a run hoping to gather more momentum and speed but just like last time right as he got about two feet away the rabbit ran back into the brush leaving a disheveled Will behind. Will returned to his spot in the trees.

'Okay if I use the last two points on [Agility] I might be able to make it.' Will opened his status panel and clicked on stats.

[Strength: 7]

[Agility: 8]

[Endurance: 9]

[Intelligence: 9]

[Stat Points: 2]

Will then clicked on [Stat Points] seeing the +1 next to everything he pressed twice on [Agility]

[Agility: 10]

The warmth Will felt this time was a little bit more but not by much but the difference in leg strength was more noticeable. Will ran around for a second to become accustomed to the new speed. Will noticed though that running took more stamina too and he assumed that [Endurance] Counted for Stamina as well as physical defense as he had more stamina since he had more stamina since he had gained that +3 in [Endurance].

Will went back to the trees and waited a little longer for a rabbit. A few minutes later a Rabbit came out and hopped up to another flower and started chowing down. Will decided to try and sneak up on the rabbit again this time in a crouched position. 4 feet… 3 feet… 2 feet… and once again the rabbit took off.

'Not this time!'

Will took off after the rabbit and dove for it, catching it in his hands and firmly holding it down. He then reached for the knife that was given to him by Damien on his waist and in one swift motion turned the rabbit over and slashed its neck before putting it in the sack given to him.

"Don't lose that sack, it's enchanted for bigger storage and it Will contain any smell along with preserving any food leaving it the same as it was before. It's usually used by hunters, trappers and adventurers. And it's expensive so you better not ruin it!" He had been told. This left him excited not because of the sack but because of the adventurer part. 'I was right!'

Will then repeated this on another rabbit and headed back up to the shack.

[Congratulations on killing 2 Horned Rabbits]

[calculating rewards]

[100 EXP]


Will opened his status.

[Name: Will]

[Title: World Traveler +1]

[Level: 4]

[40/200 EXP]

[status: awakened]

[Bloodline: To weak to determine]




Damien was in the cabin preparing for the rabbits.

"What took so long?" He asked, annoyed.

"I couldn't catch them." Will replied.

"Oh… all you had to do was grab the petals off their flower and keep it in your hands while standing really still and they'll come right up to you no problem. Must have forgotten to tell you." Damien said nonchalantly.

'Damn bastard he knew the whole time.' Will thought.

If you like the bigger chapters add it to library.

Nicholas_dmitryevcreators' thoughts