
Time and soul system in another world.

My first serious story please enjoy Will vetiti is an anomaly in the apocalypse while everyone chose a single system he had both something that shouldn't have ever happened. Will the universe kill him to maintain balance or will he step on it in triumph? most likely will add R18 sometime in the future. I mean why not?

Nicholas_dmitryev · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Demi Humans Yay

Over the course of three weeks Damien taught Will the basics of cooking along with basic knowledge of the world and plants and even some tips on what to do when Will got to the city. After three weeks of living together they had developed a good friendship and they grew accustomed to each other's name calling. Will felt bad for Damien. The gateway Damien ran was rarely ever used and very few people ever came through. In fact Will was the first person Damien had seen in three months.

"Thank you for everything old man." Will said tears forming on the edges of his vision

"Shut up and stop crying! You want to become an adventurer right? If you don't grow up and stop crying you'll never make it! Did you know 75% of rookie adventurers die every year? Why? Because they are weak! You need to be strong if you want to survive! Do you understand?" Damien yelled.

Will wiped the tears off his face and hardened his expression. "Yes, senior." He said a smile forming.

Damien kicked Will in the Giblets.

"Don't! Call! Me! OLD!" He said.

"Oh yeah. I got something for you." Damien said to a Will that was rolling around on the ground.

"Wha- wha- what is it?" Will asked, gasping for breath and standing back up.

"Here." Damien said, throwing the enchanted sack at Will. "I put some food and things in there you'll need them."

Will checked the sack. Inside was four days worth of food and some money. "I can't take this." Will said, trying to give the sack back.

"Bah… take it the money Will be needed if you want to get into the city and that's it nothing more and the food Will be needed while you're looking for a place to stay and a job." Damien said, "I also put a book of basic mana manipulation in there and a specially made sword made by the Dwarfs and Elves that I used when I was a young Adventurer. I won't be needing it again any time soon."

"I can't ta-" Will was cut off.

"I won't need it and besides you gave me a good time that I haven't had in a while." Damien said.

"I- Thank you…" Will said searching for words.

"Get moving. No matter what you'll always take forever won't you. Come on hurry up." Damien said while shooing Will into the temple towards the gate. "Okay stay right there and let me start this up." Damien walked up to a panel on the side of the gate and placed his hands on it. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Sparks flew between the two sides of the gate and a square shaped hole appeared and Will stepped through.

Will stepped onto a well kept dirt road and looked behind him. Nothing. 'That was weird.' Will thought while thinking of the sudden tingling he felt walking through the portal. Wil started to feel tears starting again and quickly wiped them on his dirty sleeve and walked towards the massive wall a little ways in front of him.

Will came to a line and started standing in line. As he got towards the front of the line he saw that two guards were making people place their hand on a crystal ball and a few moments later their statuses would show up. 'Dang it I thought I was special. Everyone has a status!' Will thought dejectedly. As Will got closer to the front of the line a thought occurred to him. 'My status… What about my title? Wouldn't it raise some eyebrows if I walked up there with my [World Traveler] title plastered there?' Will quickly opened his status.

[Name: Will]

[Title: World Traveler +2]

[Level: 6]

[60/300 EXP]

[status: awakened]

[Bloodline: To weak to determine]




After hunting off and on Will had leveled up a bit.

Will's full status now read.

[Name: Will]

[Title: World Traveler +2]

[Level: 6]

[60/300 EXP]

[status: awakened]

[Bloodline: To weak to determine]


[Strength: 9]

[Agility: 12]

[Endurance: 11]

[Intelligence: 11]

[Stat Points: 9]



[Basic Swordsmanship lvl: 1]

[Basic archery lvl: 1]

[Hand to hand combat lvl: 1]

[Regeneration lvl: 1]

[Base instinct (sealed) lvl: 1]

[Language comprehension lvl: 3]

[Cooking lvl: 6]


[Basic Fire magic (Sealed) lvl: 1]


Will frantically tapped the [Title] Part of his status and a new menu opened up.


[World Traveler]

[One Who Narrowly Escaped Death]

[Above Average Chef]

Will tried clicking on another title.

[Would you like to equip the title [One Who Narrowly Escaped Death]]



Will clicked yes.

[Name: Will]

[Title: One Who Narrowly Escaped Death +2]

[Level: 6]

[60/300 EXP]

[status: awakened]

[Bloodline: To weak to determine]



'Perfect! A cool ass title and no one can really say much about it.' Will thought happily.

*A Few Minutes Later*

"The fee to enter Arora is 15 Bronze." The older soldier said in a gruff annoyed voice.

Damien among other things had told Will the currency of this world worked as such:

1 Silver is equal to 100 Bronze.

1 Gold is equal to 100 Silver.

1 White Gold Coin is equal to 100 Gold.

1 Platinum Coin is equal to 100 White Gold.

1 Black Platinum Coin is Equal to 100 Platinum coins and can buy you a small kingdom.

The average sized family makes around 2 Silvers a year counting taxes and other fees.

"Please place your hand on the Status Ball," said the young soldier.

Will placed his hand on the crystal ball and his status appeared.


[Title: One Who Narrowly Escaped Death]

[Level: 6]

[60/300 EXP]

[status: awakened]

[Bloodline: To weak to determine]


[Strength: 9]

[Agility: 12]

[Endurance: 11]

[Intelligence: 11]

[Stat Points: 9]



[Basic Swordsmanship lvl: 1]

[Basic archery lvl: 1]

[Hand to hand combat lvl: 1]

[Regeneration lvl: 1]

[Base instinct lvl: 1]

[Language comprehension lvl: 3]

[Cooking lvl: 6]


[Basic Fire magic lvl: 1]


'Good my status doesn't reveal too much.' Will thought.

"Okay you may enter." The young soldier said in a bored voice.

Instantly Will was hit with a sense of how small he was. Inside the wall was a bustling city full of everything a medieval city would have and best of all something Will was almost jumping out of his clothes for.

'DEMI HUMANS!!!!!!!!!'

'Tails, ears, hotties, finally! I can die happy!' Will stood there taking everything in.

[Host has arrived in the Azoroth kingdom's capital]

[20 EXP]

[Host has made it here without the systems 'Rookie Help' Functions]

[50 EXP]

[130/300 EXP]








[Due to host not receiving the 'Rookie help' Functions he has been granted the 'Rookie Help' functions and a reward]

[Please choose a reward]

[+10 to all stats]

[Remove 10% of bloodline Impurities]

[Active skill book: Aura shield]

'Rookie Help functions? What the hell? Hold on… was I supposed to have been given a help cheat from the beginning?!?!? I went through all that shit for nothing? Hold on, why are the rewards so high? If 10 Stat points are that good then all the other rewards must be equal right? Hold on. Is rookie help that valuable? While 10 stat points to all stats are tempting I can achieve that with time. Aura shield must have some type of mana cost or something and Damien told me that while Skill books are expensive they can be bought. But What about my bloodline? What if it's useless? I already have both angel and demonic genes in my Blood but those were there and just jump started with the mana so what is the bloodline? I'm pretty sure Genes and Bloodline are two different things. Damien told me that some rare bloodlines give you skills and stat boosts and sometimes titles or permanent upgrades. Most people's bloodlines just get a boost in magic or physical attributes.' Will was debating what reward to pick.

After a few more seconds he decided to find somewhere to sit down and think. 'I wonder if there's a cafe around here somewhere.' Will thought while looking around.

[The nearest high quality cafe is 15 meters to the right of you and 5 meters forward]

'So this is the Rookie Help function. I wish I had this in the beginning.' Will thought while following the system's directions. He arrived at a small cafe near the city wall. 'No customers. But it smells awesome. I guess the system did say High quality, not famous.' Will thought sitting down and picking up a menu.

'Cappuccino… Teas… Hot chocolate… Mini cakes… Crepes… Sweets. Damn this place is loaded and it all looks so good!' Will couldn't decide what to get.

"Can I help you sir?" A sweet voice from Will's left.

Thank you for reading!! Add to your library can't wait till we have 300 chapters and it's a great story.

Nicholas_dmitryevcreators' thoughts