
Thy Cruel Wendigo System

Rather than taking breaks and returning weeks after I think it’s time I make a choice. So I feel as though I should finish the novel, however I’ll finish it completely and then post from he ground up, starting from chapter one to the end. Thus, I’m not going to be continuing the novel though you will be able to find updates on it here if it still interests you, thank you for your time. Leave a review and let know how you’d feel about bonus chapters in the comments. Did you know that there are many things kept hidden from the public eye? State secrets, hidden alarms and dreadful mysteries around ever corner. Now, here's a story that is sure to shake irony to its very core. Hear this: a boy who wants to save the world is given his chance, but at what cost: family betrayal, loss of childhood, and, most importantly, loss of humanity. Yes, there's more! He must choose a side, decide whether human affairs are worth his beastly time, and thus decide whether to support his own unique species or join the Humans in their eternal conquest for power! Although I wasn't lying when I said things would be ironic, the truth is that Marcel isn't even given a choice. Which will he back? Will his love for humanity remain constant, or will it wane? Enough of that, I suppose you'll have to read the book to find out! Current Upload Schedule - Two a week, preferably Monday and Thursday’s!

so_Mo · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Lightning Beasts

"It could be something related to their intelligence, or instincts. Maybe they had such little Ki that they don't even notice it or their instincts are to just use magic rather than their Ki reserves?" I said to myself while running through the and around trees.

"Finally, one that looks like it can support my weight!" I saw once spotted a thick tree branch that I could rest on.

"It may be a bit uncomfortable at first but I'll just have to adapt, it's what humans do best," I said while forcing more power into my feet and booting myself up to the tree branch rather than climbing the tree.

"Yeah, this hard and rough texture will take some getting use to," I spoke aloud while laying my head against the tree and laying my feet across the tree branch, lastly I placed my nunchucks on top of my stomach.

Then I began counting to myself and suddenly recalling this song although it had no words, the soothing hums I made were enough to put me into a deep sleep.

So much so that around ten minutes later, I hadn't heard the loud movements of the pack of beasts below me, until suddenly my body jolted awake, and I was shaking in fear. This was killing intent, or so I believe.

My eyes were wide open by now, and they were like two big moons compared to the orange slanted-eyed four beasts below me. Then suddenly as if the whole attack had been planned out already, the pack's alpha wolf growled while locking eyes with me.

Then suddenly it happened, all four blue fur-colored wolves fired bolts of lightning! This total contradicted my thoughts, I thought the beasts would either be of the water or fire affinity.

After taking the full-blown force of one bolt I was sent flying out of the tree, lucky I grasped both of my nunchucks before being sent flying.

[-6 Life Force!]

[4 Life Force Remaining!]


[You've received a Survival Quest!]

[Survive the night!]

[Rewards: ???]


'A survival quest?!' I thought after impacting with the ground.

[-1 Life Force!]

'Just how strong are these beasts to have summoned a new quest method from the system and a survival one at that!' I thought while looking around in terror, I was obviously in search of those four beasts.

'So they can't all be Rank Two in the Low-tier, and I'm not confident that I can take a full blast from a Rank Two Beast in the Higher tier. So they must all be in the middle of Rank Two!'

'I guess Ka'dar was right, after all, there is a certain strength in numbers.' I thought before standing up straight on my feet.

"Maybe I can't outrun those lightning wolves or whatever they're called, but I should be safe going from tree to tree," I said to myself after a few minutes of waiting for the pain in my chest and back to ease up.

Then just like before I took the trees, but suddenly I had another idea! 'I'll just use my Air Walking skill to avoid them on the ground and mix that with both of my legs using Partial Transformation, well, I should be able to outrun them or at the very least match their speed.'

Then I hastily put my plan into action.


[Skill Air Walking is now active!]


[Skill Partial transformation has been activated on both your right and left legs!]

[+2 Agility]

'They've already found me!' I thought while dodging a lightning bolt from the pack's alpha.

This little interaction ran on for about twenty minutes, I would dodge the lightning bolts the wolves shot my way while looking for a safe place to take cover. Never had the thought of killing the wolf pack cross my mind, I simply knew that I was too weak.

Then once I got a chance to rest a bit, the wolves began to snarl and bark. Maybe this was how they were communicating, all I know is that the four wolves shot out a combined thunder spear.


The spear of lightning made this sound as it flew towards my position. Upon hearing these sounds, my entire body shivered in fear. I knew that if I didn't do something now that I would fall off my journey to power, just because of a mere pack of magical wolves.

With this fear and anger twisting inside of me, I made a swift call, it would just run in the other direction of the spear! That way it would miss its target, and I would still survive!

As I turned my back towards the trees and my front to face the pear, I knew that I was once again looking death right in its face. Then I simply stepped to the side and dashed past the spear.

And to my luck, Air walking was still active! So I ran right over the four wolves. Although this attack may have drained their reserves down quite a bit, I still wasn't going to risk it.

This I dashed off into the distance and came to a stop once I heard a loud sound.

Boom! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The loud booming sound I knew just had to be the wolves' combined lighting spear attack, and the rest were trees falling to the ground.

"Good, I made the right call," I said as I jumped down from the tree I was on and landed at the entrance of a cave.

"This will do just fine, but just in case, System, remove both of my legs from the skill Partial transformation and transform both my arms."

[Both of your arms have been altered accordingly to the skill Partial Transformation.]

Then I slowly walked to the cave. That's when I came across a bear, it was sleeping luckily but still, it was a bear, not even a magical beast. So I slowly walked up to the bear and activated Ki Drain, however, the results were expected.

[Ki Drain has been activated!]

[You've absorbed a total of zero Ki!]

'So it is something to do with just magical beasts, just what makes them so special that they could use both Ki and Magic?'

After that though, I suddenly saw the bear twitch, and right now I was so on edge that I had thrust my hand right through its body.

Then the bear roared in pain.


This led to me finishing the bear off with a clean hit from my nunchucks. This caused the bear's head to be sent back a bit, and blood to spray all over my clothes, to which I'm confident to say have seen better days.

Then unlike before with the cheetah beast, I made sure to collect my free status point.

[You've received one unallocated status point!]

"Well, It looks like I'm clear to sleep here for a while, and after I eat this bear in the morning, I can also go looking for a source of fresh water. And I can begin with some of my theories, that involve the system."

"But for now, I'll just sleep on top of this bear."