
Thrones of the Past (ASOIAF/GOT)

Julius Caesar, How silly! wait your being serious. Woah Woah, why him, he'd be too hard to write, boss. In the World of Ice and Fire as well, Come on Boss your making it harder for me. Atleast let me give him a power up. And So Julius Caesar was thrust into a world simply for our entertainment. Will he survive or simply fall to a faceless assassin

MrEuripedes · TV
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17 Chs

A Good Start?

"A coward dies a thousand deaths, the gallant never taste of death but once."

Julius Caesar


Gaius Julius Caesar/ Year 279 AC :

I had appeared in the middle of nowhere, before me was a blue entity that had not spoken and simply stated ' SYSTEM '. The area I had appeared in was abandoned lands, A once grand city laid here now collapsed and overgrown with vines and plants.

As I walked toward the city, memories of Rome's collapse had brought a frown to my face. Shaking off the absurd thought, I marveled at the clean-cut stones of the ruined city. The being was simply making fun of me, directly in my face. He had showed me a book detailing the collapse of my empire and then proceeds to send me to a city that has already been collapsed.

A true fool I had been to think the gods had been kind for once, they simply wish to see me suffer in this life of mine. To most likely end up dead to the wild creatures that surround these lands, a land that looked oddly similar to Gaul. Meaning this had not been Rome, unless Italia had been over run by forestry which I sincerely doubt

A voice rang through my ear causing me to spin around grabbing the Gladius strapped to my waist, drawing it. I stared around keeping my pace and movement slow, " Host, My name is System. I am the one assigned by your author. I am here to help you form your very own empire. " The ' System ' spoke with unusual enthusiasm.

Hearing it hadn't brought my guard down anymore than normal but the mention of the Author had peaked my interest, " So, what now? I am in the middle of nowhere with no food and supplies. A city collapsed before me providing barely any shelter." My tone sharp as I stared at the blue entity that called itself system before me.

A dinging noise came from it and a button appear, 'I see. Would you wish to replace the current city with Rome. ' . Seeing this I stared raising my finger I had pressed it, the walls of the previous city before me collapsing being replaced by that of Rome, the city had came to life as statues had shot up from the ground. 

The homes of the people had started to appear, shops and stalls also popped up and not even minutes later people had left their home filling the stalls and shops bringing The New Rome to life. Soldiers had marched through the streets, one of them running up to me. A Praetorian Guard, " My Emperor, what are you doing here? We must take you to the Domus Augustana. " The guard spoke a small smile on his face. His purple cloak blowing through the wind.

Hearing how he had called me Emperor brought surprise to my ears, " Of course. I shall follow you, I was only exploring after all. " I tried to make a easy excuse for the guards to understand sheathing my gladius. 

This Rome was different, with a new statue in the center depicting my triumphs and victories. One statue hinted at Roman against Roman troops, suggesting a possible rebellion that I either led or protected the people from.

The blue page had still been following me but this time It had given detail about the population of the city and the soldiers, fifty thousand filled the city walls and twenty thousand were soldiers. It had also given a list of my children although it stated I was not married and still young. 16 to be exact, my daughter Julia was 1 and another Augustus who was a month old according to this system.

Not having a wife would allow me to gain an alliance in the future, which meant we could focus on expanding Rome in this one area before we bothered with anything else. Turning my head towards the Praetorian, " The Legio's who are they? " The man hearing that perked up as we kept our pace towards the Domus Augustana.

The man suddenly lifted his head as if to think, " They are Ephesius Sergianus, He leads ten thousand men as we did not have another worthy Legio. The other two are Hermanus Clineas and Bertramus Caudex. " The man had listed off as we soon arrived before the Domus Augustana. It was beautiful, I had only been here once since I became a General.

Walking up the stairs towards the entrance, the doors had already been swung open and I could hear the bickering and shouting of the Senate asking about my location. Twisting my head I placed a finger in my ear and twisted it to show my annoyance to those that saw me enter the building.

The Praetorian raised his voice to make sure he was heard, " TO ALL THOSE IN THIS HALL, I BRING OUR EMPEROR, GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR! " His voice reverberating through the hall causing the immediate silence of the senate who had turned to us. 

They had all fell to their knees bowing as I walked towards the throne, made of pure marble. " Tell me, what are you arguing about? " sitting down on the throne my knuckle placed on my cheek, the metal of my armour rattling with the changes of my pose.

A senator moved up, he was old most likely nearing his 50s, " We have found a map, lands far from here. It is known as Essos and Westeros, both filled with Barbarians." He had spoke with disdain gaining the approval of those around him.

Tapping my other hands finger against the marble arm rest, " And the place we reside, where is it? " My voice filled with intrigue and my eyes dim as I stared at the senate.

He turned towards a younger man before nodding, " We are south of Essos and the land is known as Sothoryos, It had been abandoned centuries ago. " The young boy brought a map walking towards me with utmost delicacy handing it to the Praetorian near me. 

He opened the map staring at it with intrigue before handing it towards me, staring at the map before me I smiled, Closing the map I nodded to the guard, handing him the map back he walked off only to be shortly replaced by another Praetorian. 

I turned my attention back towards the senate, " The people, run a few games for the upcoming few days." My tapping increased in pace causing the nod of the senate many leaving the room to organize it with the beast tamers and Gladiator schools.

My headaches had been getting worse the longer I had been in this room, " Guard, take me to my chambers, I require a quick rest. " I turned towards him before standing up, a small stumble in my step as I gripped my head. 

* Ding, Ding* 

The ringing sound of the system had resounded once again, " The host has learned of the world, the author is impressed. Would you like a Roman wife to help? Or more troops for your ever growing war machine. " The system spoke with fervent enthusiasm

Waving it off I stared at the system, " May I leave it until I'm rid of this pain. " I spoke to the system a tired tone leaving my mouth the guard ignoring my words as we continued to my room.

The guard stopped , opening the door, revealing a room so luxurious it would make even the richest of men feel like they had nothing. It had been made of marble, statues of guards adorning the four corners and a large balcony revealed the calm ocean that had surrounded us.

Entering back into my room I walked into the bathroom, A bath already filled with water ready to be used, taking off my armour and dropping my gladius I stepped into the bath, the water was warm and nice to the body. It must of had some type of herbs placed in for the medicinal effect and it had felt like I could fall asleep in this, although I thought best not to unless I wished to drown.

I was in there for not too long, climbing out I dried my self with a tigers pelt dressing myself in a toga I was ready to sleep. Collapsing onto my bed it felt like I was lying in heaven itself, It was comfortable and it helped me sleep, taking only a few seconds to fall into deep sleep.

A door appearing before me, the very same door that leads to the office of Vaion. My eyes widening in surprise at how it had appeared again. I had believed it to truly be the one time things, not a common occurrence. Although this may prove useful, I can read and learn up on more tactics.


The Authors Office :

Walking inside the wooden door I was familiar with I saw him, Vaion , my author. " My, my I did not expect to see you again, but it is good as you can read up on the books. Here, A song of Ice and Fire. " He tossed a book towards me, It was heavy and large.

Sitting on the chair, I leaned back and indulged myself in reading with Vaion continuing his writing in the background a chuckle leaving him every now and then. The book was fascinating it had fantasy elements such as dire wolves and the like. However I do not understand why he had given me such a book.

Turning towards him he looked back at me a grin adorned on his face, " What was the reason for handing this book to me? " I questioned him a neutral look still adorned on my face.

He placed his feather down, fixing his clothes before standing up, " Simple really, that book is the world you are in. A favorite author of mine wrote it, sadly he has not finished it so I shall do it myself. " He paced around the room as he stared towards me placing a cigarette in his mouth.

He clicked his fingers, taking the cigarette out his mouth, " You've got two more hours here. Read whatever you want. I'd let you watch a film if the publisher would let me, but he doesn't like future mixing with past. " The man shook his head leaving the room once again leaving me to the books and my own thoughts.

A ding suddenly rung in my head, " Would the host like me to copy the books? It will be against my code but I can hide it from the author. After all I must make my host proud." Hearing the system I nodded and saw a number ' Download at 1% Please wait. '

Reading the books on the fantasy world had brought interest, it was just like the stories of Hercules and many of the other Gods that had ruled before. It brought out the childness within me as I read the story, always wanting more I picked what I thought to be the second book.

Returning to my seat I continued my read, the time passing slowly as I took in what I could take in best. Trying to remember the important information such as the dates and events, like weddings and battles.

The books were good, sure I only read two. But of the two that I had read, It was good. The system had also neared finishing the download and was masking it as something that the romans had already owned in their libraries.

The time was slowly ticking down and in a few seconds I would be sent back, the door behind me opening revealing the joyous Vaion drinking from a cup, " It seems your time is up, I'll probably see you in here the next night although I highly doubt such a event happening. " The man clicked his fingers once more to signify my time there has ended

The world around me had turned black and my body had gone cold. It had felt like my body had shut down, it was odd.


Gaius Julius Caesar/ Year 279 AC :

Waking up from my sleep, I instantly shot up only to have my system speak, " We've done it host although a issue has occurred, only 50% of the books were copied. Now please pick, soldiers or a wife. " Hearing it, I knew I had 20 thousand soldiers, a huge number for a single city meaning I most likely did not need anymore for now. 

Staring at it I nodded to myself realizing I would need someone I could trust by my side, a woman that could be my eyes and ears for the times I am not at the court. " A wife, allow me a wife. " I spoke with a quiet tone. A bright flash occurring from the bath room a calm voice leaving it.

The system dinged once again, " the one that ruled The Byzantine Empire through Intrigue has been made your current wife. Treat her well otherwise she might gouge your eyes out like she did with her once son. " The System chuckled before disappearing from my eyes, leaving my bed I fixed my Toga. Staring at the new mirror in the room with a desk filled with powders brought a sigh on my face realizing I now had a wife just like that. My blonde hair adorned on my head, my golden eyes glowing in the mirrors reflection.

This was most likely planned by that author. A sigh escaping my mouth, walking towards the balcony I stared off into the ocean completely unaware of my surrounding. The City had become bustling one again and smoke filled the sky from the bakeries and black smiths. People had wondered the streets, heading to their jobs or simply exploring around the city for their work has not started yet.

I wondered what my children were currently doing as I had not seen them for a while, " System, where are my children? " I continued staring off into the distance.

The calming voice of the system spoke again, " They are currently at your home, they are being taught by a man that will allow them to gain their full strength. " I felt like I could see a smile on the blue screen but I simply ignored it thinking it as nothing.


Wonder who his wife is gonna be, and she doesn't sound like good news.

How has this chapter come out? for some reason it seemed odd to me.

( Little revision on the changing scenes part, when he went to the authors office and that. I doubt it will do much but it should allow for a easier part with the changing scenes. )