
Thrones and Treachery

Daniella is a strong, beautiful, and witty princess. All she wants is to study magic and see the world. However, her royal duties seem to be in her way. Her journey revolves around magic, friendship, duty, and love. Initially excluded from the inheritance competition by her sibling, she later discovers something terrible is about to happen to her kingdom. While everyone else seems to have given up, she is determined to save her kingdom. Her journey will explore love, sacrifice, family, tough love, unexpected love, secrets, rivalries, decisions, morals, and the battle between good and evil. There is no defined villain in this story; everyone is seen as a villain by our protagonist until proven otherwise. The secret in this story may just be jaw-dropping. Everyone has a secret but some more than others

NNice21 · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Hide And Seek

After the excitement and camaraderie of the treasure hunt, the anticipation for the next game—hide and seek—begins to build. The gentleman who announced the game steps forward again, a playful glint in his eye.

"Alright, everyone, it's time for the second game: hide and seek," he declares. "But this isn't your ordinary hide and seek. We'll be playing it across the entire palace grounds, including the gardens, the stables, and even the library. The seekers will be given ten minutes to find as many hiders as possible. The last hider to be found wins a special prize. The seeking with the most hiders collected wins too. Hope you all got familiar with the grounds during the treasure hunt."

Cheers and laughter fill the room as everyone starts strategizing and forming new teams. The palace guards and staff are informed and ready to ensure everyone's safety during the game.

"Who will be the seekers?" someone asks from the crowd.

"We'll select them randomly," the gentleman replies, holding up a box filled with slips of paper. "Everyone, please come forward and draw a slip. If you get a red mark, you're a seeker. Blue marks are for the hiders."

One by one, we each draw a slip. I unfold mine to reveal a blue mark. A wave of relief and excitement washes over me. I look around to see who else will be hiding and who will be seeking.

Sinbad, standing next to me, unfolds his slip to reveal a red mark. He grins mischievously. "Looks like I'll be coming after you, Princess."

I chuckle. "We'll see if you can catch me."

''I do like a good hunt,'' says Sinbad with a mischievous grin. My eyes widen at his statement but he simply smiles and walks away.

Alibaba and Nala both have blue marks, as does Princess Lisa. Malo, however, holds up a red mark, sharing a conspiratorial look with Sinbad.

"We'll give the hiders a ten-minute head start," the gentleman announces. "When the bell rings, the seekers will begin their search."

The hiders quickly disperse, each of us heading in different directions to find the perfect hiding spot. The palace grounds are vast, offering countless nooks and crannies to conceal ourselves. I head towards the gardens, where the dense foliage and winding paths provide excellent cover.

As I weave through the hedges and duck behind a large, flowering bush, I hear the distant sound of the bell ringing, signalling the start of the game for the seekers. My heart pounds with adrenaline as I crouch low, trying to control my breathing and stay as quiet as possible.

Minutes pass, and I hear the occasional rustle of leaves or the faint sound of footsteps. I peek through the leaves, scanning the area for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, I spot Sinbad moving stealthily through the garden, his eyes sharp and focused. He moves with the grace and precision of a seasoned hunter, and I hold my breath, hoping he won't notice me.

He passes by without a second glance, and I release a sigh of relief. I stay hidden, remaining as still as possible. After what feels like an eternity, I hear the sound of voices growing closer. It seems some of the seekers have found their first targets and are moving on to search for more.

Just as I'm beginning to think I might actually win, a rustling sound catches my attention. I turn to see Princess Lisa emerging from her hiding spot, her eyes wide with concern.

"Princess Daniella, they've found me," she whispers, her voice tinged with worry.

Before I can respond, Sinbad appears again, this time with Nala by his side. They spot Lisa and quickly move towards her. I realize I need to act fast to avoid being caught.

With quick but careful movements, I slip out from behind the bush and make my way towards the stables, hoping to find a new hiding spot before the seekers catch up. As I run, I glance back to see Sinbad and Nala helping Lisa up, their attention momentarily diverted.

As I walk toward a trench in the gardens, curiosity gets the better of me. The trench runs deep in the ground, likely carrying water. As I step closer, I spot Alibaba standing in one spot, seemingly in a trance. A strange magic emanates from the tunnel, strong and veiled, yet calling out to me.

I hesitate, staring into the tunnel and contemplating whether to explore further. Suddenly, I feel Sinbad's touch on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. He also taps Alibaba, breaking his trance. 

"You two aren't very good at this games," Sinbad says with a grin.

The magic from the trench seems to dissipate, leaving me to wonder if I had imagined it. I look up at Sinbad, smiling despite my earlier curiosity. "That's two losses for me today," I admit.

Sinbad chuckles. "Let's head back to the hall," he suggests, casting a wary eye on the trench. "Same applies to you, Ali."

As if everything had been forgotten, Alibaba shakes off his trance-like state and joins us. We make our way back to the hall, the earlier sense of adventure replaced by the comfort of familiar company. The hall is abuzz with the sounds of laughter and chatter, a stark contrast to the eerie quiet of the garden.

Inside, the gentleman who announced the games steps forward again. "I hope everyone enjoyed the hide and seek," he says with a smile. "We have a few more activities planned for the day, but first, let's take a moment to relax and eat lunch."

As the guests begin to mingle and share their stories, I find myself drawn back to the memory of the strange magic in the trench. I glance at Alibaba, who seems to not be bothered about it.

Alibaba seems to shake off the strange encounter, blending back into the lively atmosphere of the hall. As the crowd disperses for lunch, my curiosity about the mysterious trench grows stronger. I decide to slip away to the gardens, hoping to investigate further.

To my surprise, the trench seems to have vanished. The area where it was is now just an ordinary patch of garden as if nothing unusual had ever happened. Puzzled, I decide to head to the palace's magic library hoping to get something on it.

The library is a grand, ancient hall filled with towering shelves of books and scrolls. The scent of old parchment and ink fills the air, creating an atmosphere of wisdom and mystery. I approach the librarian, an elderly mage with a long, white hair and piercing orange eyes.

"Princess," she greets with a respectful bow. "How can I assist you today?"

"I'm looking for information on unusual underground tunnels or dungeons or something of a sort," I explain. "Something that might be related to dungeons or new types of magic."

The librarian nods thoughtfully and gestures for me to follow her. We weave through the aisles until we reach a section dedicated to geomancy and subterranean magic. She pulls out a few hefty tomes and places them on a reading table.

"These volumes contain records of known magical tunnels and dungeons," he says. "However, if this is something new, it might not be documented yet."

I thank him and settle down to read. Flipping through the pages, I find detailed descriptions of various underground phenomena. Some are natural magical formations, while others are man-made or the result of ancient spells. However, none seem to match the strange magic I felt from the trench.

As I continue to search, a passage catches my eye. It describes a rare type of magical tunnel known as an "Ethereal Path also known as power domains. " These paths are not bound to the physical realm and can appear and disappear at will. They are often linked to powerful magical sources or ancient relics hidden deep within the earth.

My heart races as I read on. Power domains are said to be portals to hidden dungeons or vaults containing immense power but they are way stronger than any power you will ever get in a dungeon or vault. Avault or Dungeon will have one award but for these power domains, the whole domain is yours. But the only drawback King candidates can assess them and unlike dungeons power domains pick you. Well, there goes my hope, I am a woman.

Could this be what I encountered in the garden? The description matches the fleeting nature of the trench and the strange magic I felt. I guess it looking for a king candidate?

Lost in thought, I don't notice the time passing until the librarian gently taps my shoulder. "Is there anything more you need, Princess?" he asks kindly.

"No, thank you," I reply, closing the book. "You've been very helpful."

Determined to find answers, I decide to keep this discovery to myself for the time being. I need more information and a better understanding of the magic at play before involving anyone else. As I rejoin the others for lunch, I can't help but feel that this is just the beginning of a much larger mystery.