
Thrones and Treachery

Daniella is a strong, beautiful, and witty princess. All she wants is to study magic and see the world. However, her royal duties seem to be in her way. Her journey revolves around magic, friendship, duty, and love. Initially excluded from the inheritance competition by her sibling, she later discovers something terrible is about to happen to her kingdom. While everyone else seems to have given up, she is determined to save her kingdom. Her journey will explore love, sacrifice, family, tough love, unexpected love, secrets, rivalries, decisions, morals, and the battle between good and evil. There is no defined villain in this story; everyone is seen as a villain by our protagonist until proven otherwise. The secret in this story may just be jaw-dropping. Everyone has a secret but some more than others

NNice21 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Queen candidate

I think I might have figured it out. The tunnel won't open for me. It only appeared when Alibaba was around, he may be a so called king candidate. Determined to test this theory, I make my way to the grand hall where the royals are finishing up lunch. If the portal opens up for him, I need to create a scenario where he can inadvertently trigger it again, but I can't make it obvious.

I ponder my plan as I walk through the palace corridors. Tonight, after all the games are done, I can bring Alibaba to the garden without raising suspicion. The thought of discovering the tunnel's secrets both excites and unnerves me. That thing was definitely calling for me?

As I enter the grand hall, I see Alibaba laughing with a group of nobles. His easy demeanour and infectious charm make him the centre of attention. I catch his eye and give a small, deliberate smile. He acknowledges me with a nod, understanding the silent message to talk later.

For now, I need to focus on the rest of the day's activities without revealing my true intentions. I mingle with the guests, participate in conversations, and even manage to enjoy some of the games, all the while keeping an eye on Alibaba and mentally preparing for tonight.

As the afternoon progresses, we move to the next event: a scavenger hunt that takes us all over the palace grounds. I use the opportunity to subtly steer our path towards the garden, observing Alibaba's reactions and the environment closely. But nothing out of the ordinary happens. I decided to push the scavenger hunt longer considering Alibaba and I haven't got any eggs.

"Enjoying the afternoon?" I ask, my tone light.

"Very much, Princess," he replies with a smile. "And you?"

"Absolutely," I say, then lower my voice slightly. "I was thinking of strolling the gardens more. Care to join me for a stroll?"

His eyes light up with curiosity. "I'd love to." We walk in silence as I try to sense the tunnel but I feel nothing.

''What's the matter?'' asks Alibaba.

''On second thought,'' I say,'' I think we should go prepare for the ball, I think I will need to rest before that.'' Alibaba looks down at me with an understanding expression.

''I will escort you to your chambers,'' he says as he leads the way. We walk in silence for in silence for a while.

''Are you sure you're fine,'' he asks again.

''In all honesty,'' I say,'' I feel a bit nauseous, maybe it's something I ate for lunch.''

''I can get my nurse to check that,'' he says as he holds my hand,'' oh no, even your body temperature is high.'' I smile at his statement and remove my hand from his grip. 

''I simply need rest,'' I say, ''today's sports were rather tiring.''

''Its better than what the other group had,'' he says, i didn't even know there was another group,'' they had a foot race and a horse race.''

''That sounds like pain,'' i say feeling sicker. i stop walking and look down. Don't tell me I got food poisoning. This feeling isn't food poisoning that thing must have opened again.

"Are you okay," asks Alibaba worried.

"I forgot something in the garden," I say looking back, "please go a head with ou me." With out waiting for a response I start walking away as fast as I could.

I reach the place the tunnel opened and I was right, the tunnel is opened no denying the magic coming from it. 

The tunnel was alive and open, shimmering with that strange, alluring magic. It wasn't Alibaba after all, but probably another natural force. I looked around to make sure no one was following me. Satisfied that I was alone, I cast a small light spell, just enough to illuminate my path without attracting unwanted attention.

I stepped into the tunnel, the cool, damp air immediately enveloping me. The walls glowed faintly, almost as if they were breathing with the same magic that opened the tunnel. As I walked deeper, the air grew thicker, charged with an ancient energy that made the hairs on my arms stand up.

As I walk farther, the air grows cooler and the magic hums around me, a constant reminder of the ancient forces at play. After what feels like an eternity, I come across a large gate. Its surface is covered in intricate carvings and glowing runes that pulse faintly with magical energy. With a deep breath, I push it open, the heavy doors creaking as they swing inward.

What lies beyond takes my breath away. It's a whole world down here.

The underground expanse stretches out before me, illuminated by bioluminescent plants and crystals embedded in the cavern walls. Strange, ethereal creatures flit about, their forms casting dancing shadows on the ground. 

I step forward cautiously, marveling at the beauty and mystery of this hidden realm. The ground beneath my feet is covered in soft moss and grass, and a clear stream winds through the cavern, its waters shimmering with an iridescent glow. It's as if I've stepped into a forgotten world untouched by time.

As I explore further, I notice structures in the distance—ancient ruins partially overtaken by nature. Intrigued, I make my way towards them, my heart pounding with excitement and anticipation. 

Reaching the ruins, I see remnants of an old civilization. Stone pillars stand tall, covered in vines and strange, glowing symbols. I run my fingers over the carvings, trying to decipher their meaning but can't make sense of it.

This isn't like any dungeon or tunnel I've encountered before. There are no traps or monsters. I sit down in the grass and start to think about what it could imply or if it's a trap. This can't be a fae trap; it's too easy to survive. As I sit thinking, the ground below me starts to move. I get up as fast as possible and look around. I jump off the moving grass to a concrete platform. I look up to see a beast made of grass and rock. It opens its single eye; it looks like an earth worm.

"Not seen a human in a millennium," says the monster in a sleepy tone.

I step back, my heart racing. "Who are you?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I am the Guardian of the domain," it replies, its voice rumbling like distant thunder.

"Guardian," I echo, trying to understand. "What is this place?"

"I think it's the Magic Garden," it says as if trying to remember. "Been a sleep for too long."

"Are you serious?" I say in a disappointed tone.

"Try being a guardian of a forgotten garden and tell me how that goes," it retorts in a child-like tone. I place my hand on my head, trying not to seem too disappointed.

"Are you a dungeon that I have to claim you or defeat you?" I ask.

"What's a dungeon?" it asks back, and I almost collapse with disappointment. What is this thing and why is it so damn frustrating?

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my frustration in check. "So, if you're not a dungeon, what are you guarding exactly?"

The Guardian shifts slightly, the ground trembling beneath its weight. "This garden holds ancient magical plants."

I nod, trying to piece together the fragments of information. "And why did the tunnel open for me? Or was it just a coincidence?"

The Guardian's eye narrows slightly. "The garden responds to those who seek knowledge and possess a certain affinity for magic. You must have awakened it."

I ponder its words. "So, what am I supposed to do here? Is there something I'm meant to find or learn?"