
Thrones and Treachery

Daniella is a strong, beautiful, and witty princess. All she wants is to study magic and see the world. However, her royal duties seem to be in her way. Her journey revolves around magic, friendship, duty, and love. Initially excluded from the inheritance competition by her sibling, she later discovers something terrible is about to happen to her kingdom. While everyone else seems to have given up, she is determined to save her kingdom. Her journey will explore love, sacrifice, family, tough love, unexpected love, secrets, rivalries, decisions, morals, and the battle between good and evil. There is no defined villain in this story; everyone is seen as a villain by our protagonist until proven otherwise. The secret in this story may just be jaw-dropping. Everyone has a secret but some more than others

NNice21 · Fantasie
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31 Chs


Alibaba excuses himself from the dance, leaving me alone at the juice stand. Farah approaches with a smirk. "Was he not good enough for you, sis, or did you chase him away?" she asks, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Even as adults, her sarcasm still gets on my nerves.

"Miss Motan must be disappointed," adds Flavia, appearing from behind Farah. Flavia always added fuel where it was never needed, but she was more tolerable than Farah.

"He simply went to relieve himself," I say, trying to keep my composure.

"Are you sure about that?" Farah sneers. "Maybe he found out your age and thought your womb is dry and can't produce heirs for him."

"You speak as if you've had children after two years of marriage," I retort. "Your husband might consider a second wife. For your information, I am a high-level mage, so simple things like age don't bother me because I am no mere mortal like you."

"At least I'm not lingering in our father's house for eternity, if he is even your father," she snaps back.

"And how many high-level sorcerers have you heard that have husbands?" asks Flavia.

I feel my anger rising, my face growing hot. Just then, Sinbad appears behind me. "Princess Daniella," he says smoothly, "I thought Alibaba would never let you go."

I'm momentarily speechless. "Ladies," Sinbad continues, "I would love to borrow your sister for a dance around the fire before my competition returns."

Without waiting for their response, he gently takes my arm and leads me away. I can feel Farah and Flavia's glares burning into my back, but I don't care. For a moment, I'm grateful for the escape.

"Thank you," I whisper to Sinbad as we reach the dance floor.

He smiles, his eyes twinkling. "With sisters like that, I would prefer the woods too."

We begin to dance, the firelight casting flickering shadows around us. The warmth of the flames and the rhythmic music help soothe my frayed nerves. I focus on Sinbad's steady presence, the way he effortlessly guides me through the steps.

"It's always easy to stay quiet," I say.

"Well," says Sinbad, pulling me in closer, "at least you have what many don't have."

"And what may that be?" I ask, but I don't get a response from him, just a smile.

The silence between us is comfortable, and his smile holds a hint of mystery. As we continue to dance, I feel the tension from the earlier encounter with my sisters dissipate. Sinbad's calm presence and the rhythmic music create a cocoon of tranquility around us.

After a few more moments, he finally speaks, his voice soft. "You will figure it out in time."

We continue to dance, the world around us fading into the background. "Your necklace changes color a lot," i say. He twirls me around before pulling me back in.

"It's a magic stone," he explains. "It changes depending on the energy of the people around me."

"What do the colors mean?" I ask, intrigued.

"That's a story for another time," he says, a mysterious smile playing on his lips.

The music slows, and we continue to sway in comfortable silence. I find myself relaxing more in Sinbad's presence, the earlier tension dissipating. The firelight flickers, casting warm hues over his face, making his features even more captivating.

"I appreciate the rescue," I say softly, looking up at him.

"Anytime, Princess," he replies with a wink. "I have a feeling you might need it more often."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "With my sisters around, you might be right."

We dance a little longer before Sinbad gently spins me out and then back in, bringing us even closer. I can feel the warmth of his body, his steady heartbeat against mine.

The dance comes to an end, and we step away from the dance floor. I feel a mix of emotions—relief, gratitude, and a lingering sense of unease. The night is far from over, and I know there are more challenges ahead.

"I should probably find Flora," I say, scanning the crowd. "She'll be wondering where I am."

Sinbad nods. "I'll walk you to her. This party is quite the maze."

As we navigate through the crowd, I catch glimpses of familiar faces—royalty, dignitaries, and various nobles—all engaged in lively conversation. The atmosphere is festive, yet I can't shake off the feeling of being watched, judged.

We find Flora near the grand banquet table, surrounded by well-wishers. She lights up when she sees me, breaking away from her conversation to come over.

"There you are! I've been looking for you," she says, giving me a quick hug. "And I see Sinbad has been keeping you company."

"He has," I reply, smiling. "It's been... eventful."

Flora looks between us, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying the party. Have you tried the desserts yet? They're to die for."

I shake my head. "Not yet, but I'll definitely make a stop."

Sinbad excuses himself, bowing slightly. "I'll leave you ladies to catch up. Enjoy the rest of the evening."

"Thank you," I say, watching him as he walks away. Flora nudges me playfully.

"He's quite the charmer, isn't he?" she teases.

I laugh, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yes, he is. But right now, I just want to enjoy the rest of the night without any more drama."

"Agreed," Flora says, linking her arm with mine. "Let's go get some of those desserts."

We make our way to the dessert table, the array of sweets and treats looking more inviting than ever. As we indulge in the delicious offerings, I feel a sense of contentment. Despite the challenges, the night has its moments of joy and lightness.

For now, I decide to focus on those moments, letting the warmth of the evening and the company of loved ones carry me through.