
Thrones and Treachery

Daniella is a strong, beautiful, and witty princess. All she wants is to study magic and see the world. However, her royal duties seem to be in her way. Her journey revolves around magic, friendship, duty, and love. Initially excluded from the inheritance competition by her sibling, she later discovers something terrible is about to happen to her kingdom. While everyone else seems to have given up, she is determined to save her kingdom. Her journey will explore love, sacrifice, family, tough love, unexpected love, secrets, rivalries, decisions, morals, and the battle between good and evil. There is no defined villain in this story; everyone is seen as a villain by our protagonist until proven otherwise. The secret in this story may just be jaw-dropping. Everyone has a secret but some more than others

NNice21 · Fantasy
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56 Chs


As Sinbad and I continue to dance, the world around us fading into the background, I notice my father approaching. His tall, imposing figure is unmistakable, and I can see the seriousness etched on his face. I feel a slight pang of nervousness, unsure of what he might say or how he might react to seeing me with Sinbad.

"Princess Daniella," my father says, his voice firm but not unkind. "May I have a word with you?"

Sinbad immediately steps back, bowing slightly. "Your Majesty," he greets respectfully.

My father nods in acknowledgment before turning his attention fully to me. "I would like to discuss something important," he says, his tone indicating that it's not a request.

I nod, feeling the weight of his words. "Of course, Father." I glance at Sinbad, who gives me a reassuring smile before stepping away to give us privacy.

We move to a quieter corner of the gathering, away from the music and the dancing. My father's gaze is intense, and I brace myself for whatever he might say.

"Daniella," he begins, "word got to me that you declined Malo's marriage proposal, why?"

"Father," I say, sounding as formal as possible, "I didn't know you knew. I don't desire him as a husband."

My father sighs, his stern expression softening slightly. "Is that all?"

''Yes father,'' I reply. I take a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "Father, I understand the importance of alliances, but a marriage should be more than just a strategic move."

My father's eyes narrow slightly, considering my words, he takes a deep breath." You don't need to explain yourself I understand, Part of me is happyyou rejected.''

''Why father,'' I ask my curiosity picking through. 

''You will know in time,'' he says patting my head,''enjoy the festivities.'' With a final nod, he turns and walks back towards the festivities. I stand there for a moment, processing our conversation. The weight of my responsibilities feels lighter knowing that my father respects my wishes, even if he doesn't fully agree, but I wonder why his happy I rejected Prince Malo's proposal.


I lose the morale to return to the party. I walk towards my chambers to rest. I open the door to my chambers and find the handmaidens playing checkers. The moment they notice me, they get up and straighten themselves.

"I would like to rest if you care to excuse me," I say. They all bow their heads.

"Would you like assistance to undress?" one of the maidens asks and goes straight to her task. In no time, I am dressed in a nightgown and ready to rest. As I prepare to enter bed, an announcement is heard.

"Prince Malo requests your audience," says one of the handmaidens. I signal them to let him in but to keep the net down so he doesn't see me in my nightgown. I sit upright in the bed.

I see his figure in the dim light, and he sits cross-legged on the mat across from the bed.

"Why did you say that to my dad?" I say in a firm voice still recalling the conversation I had earlier with my father at the back of my head.

He takes a deep breath,'' I made my intentions clear to your father but I didn't tell him more,'' he says.

"And ways that," I yell out, but not loud enough for the maidens to listen in.

"Prince Malo, I can't possibly marry you. We are better off as friends." There is a moment of silence from the other side.

"My conscience won't let me live with the sins I have committed towards you until we are married," he says. I do understand his perspective well.

"You are obligated to keep that secret until death," I say, "whether I marry you or not."

"Who will marry you if the truth comes out?" he says.

"Is that a threat, Prince Malo?" I ask, my voice low and dangerous.

He hesitates before responding. "It's not a threat, Daniella. It's a fact. If people knew what happened, it would ruin your reputation. No one would want to marry you."

"I would rather live with my integrity intact than be coerced into a marriage based on secrets and guilt," I say firmly. "Your sins are your burden to bear, not mine, you knew what you were getting into that night."

Malo's silhouette shifts in the dim light, and he seems to slump slightly, as if the weight of his own actions is pressing down on him. "I never wanted it to come to this," he says quietly. "But I can't erase the past, Daniella."

"Neither can I," I reply, softening slightly. "But we can choose how we move forward. You have to find a way to live with your conscience, just as I have to find a way to live my life on my terms."

He remains silent for a long moment, then finally speaks. "I understand. I won't push this any further."

"Thank you," I say, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to rest."

He stands up and bows slightly, though I can barely make out the gesture through the netting. "Goodnight, Daniella."

"Goodnight, Malo," I reply.

As he leaves, I let out a deep breath, feeling the tension slowly dissipate. I lie back on the bed, pulling the covers up and closing my eyes. The evening has been overwhelming, but at least one issue has been addressed. Tomorrow will bring new challenges, but for now, I allow myself to rest.