
Three shooting stars

Nothing too serious, three friends get transmigrated to an anime mash up world, and their adventures navigating their world, the anime world is pretty much au, with some similar aspects to their original works, but molded how i felt would fit this story the best, (also using this as an excuse if i end up misremembering something ;;;), i do not own any of the characters besides my own oc's This is something im writing for fun to practice my writing, so if you see any blaringly obvious mistakes please do excuse them on that note, i do not have any plans of dropping this any time soon, ill be writing for this fic whenever im motivated to write and just wanna have fun, so i hope you all enjoy whatever it is i end up putting together, and if you all have any suggestions please do let me know!

ValAverescu · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Ch. 6

"And then we made our way back here" Said Kurayama as he finished narrating what had happened, Tatsuya nodded his head before asking, "So did you leave the laptop in your apartment?"

"Yeah, I figured I could do my online research after we eat" Kurayama explained as he slowly ate his small meal, "I didn't want to bring everything here in case you wanted to sleep early or something"

"I see" said Tatsuya as he nodded, grateful for his friends' intentions

"Wait before we part ways," Cut in Akira as he continued to ask, "What ended up happening to that one girl?" Which caused Tatsuya to rub his temples as he slowly explained

"Well about that…" He said, "She actually lives in this apartment building"

"Woah, really?!" Asked Akira with a shocked expression on his face, one that was mirrored by Kurayama

"Yeah… it was actually kind of awkward" Said Tatsuya as he rubbed the back of his head, searching for a way to explain the bizarre chain of events that had occurred after sending them the video, "We ended up leaving the small alley together, walking down the same paths and ending up at the entrance to this building"

"I see…" Said Kurayama, "Well considering the girls mental state, I imagine she wasn't all too appreciative over the fact that you two ended up here together" He continued, nodding his head slightly after mulling over Tatsuya's words

"Yeah, girls got a mean glare to her" Chuckled Tatsuya as he recalled Mahiru's ice cold glare the moment she noticed him next to her, "But before she could accuse me of stalking or whatever, I quickly showed her which apartment I was staying in"

"Makes sense, wouldn't wanna agitate the poor girl" Said Akira as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "More so than she probably already was"

"Is her room close to ours?" He asked after a moment of silence

"Well that where it gets even funnier, well in a sense" Explained Tatsuya

He then went on to narrate how her apartment was right across from theirs, right next door to their black stockings wearing neighbor

"That… is one hell of a coincidence" said Akira as Kurayama nodded in agreement, before saying, "Actually the situation is so out of the ordinary, even for Tatsu's luck"

"Gaia-sama might have had something to do with the fact that we now have two confirmed characters, from different worlds right next to us" Said Kurayama thoughtfully, "And we still haven't been able to confirm the identity of the third resident on this floor, they could very well be someone from a different anime as well"

"Yeah, nothing says they can't be" responded Tatsuya, "But even with all the ruckus earlier today they didn't come out, maybe no one actually lives there?" He asked

"Actually, I doubt that. Considering there's a welcome mat right in front of their doorstep" said Akira as he recalled glancing towards the apartment after being caught by Utaha due to all the noise he had made in the morning

"Right." Nodded Kurayama, "Well in time I am sure we can figure out who lives there"

After their conversation was done the three paid full attention to their now lukewarm food, all their talking worked up quite the appetite. The first to finish was Akira as he was the hungriest due to having played against Aomine, bidding farewell and goodnight to his friends, he was the first to leave Tatsuya's apartment and went in to his own, quickly searching for something else to wear, his closet full of plain clothing curtesy of one goddess of reincarnation, he then showered and laid in bed marveling at all that he had been through today. Raising his arm into the air he clenched his fist, his motivation to be the best now fierier than ever, 'This world is awesome' he thought, before laying his arm down and quietly drifting off into the land of dreams

Back with Kurayama and Tatsuya had their own small conversation as they too finished up their meals

"You think Aki will be alright?" Asked Tatsuya with a worried expression on his face

"In what context?" Replied Kurayama questioningly

"I'm just worried he'll accidentally spill our little secret" said Tatsuya after taking a small moment to ponder how he should respond

"Oh, that" Said Kurayama with a wry grin on his face, "I wouldn't worry to much about that, I think this morning he was just too excited and accidentally drew too much attention" Kurayama continued to explain, recalling the dumb excited look his blonde friend had the moment he confirmed that everything was real

"You know Akira as well as I do, he surprisingly smart in social situations" Said Kurayama

"Yeah, you're right" Replied Tatsuya as he remembered all the time's Akira had bailed him out of awkward situation's he had unfortunately found himself in, "My worries are for nothing" he nodded after a moment of silence

After which the two finally finished off the rest of their meal, Kurayama having passed his leftover carrots to Tatsuya, Kurayama has always been one to avoid carrots by doing this to his two friends, the two taking on somewhat of a garbage disposal for their picky eater friend

After the two-bid farewell, Tatsuya quickly remembered to remind Kurayama, "Oh by the way, be sure to keep me updated on anything interesting you find, yeah?"

"Of course," Responded Kurayama nodding his head slightly, Tatsuya then quickly reminded his friend not to spend too much time online and to try and actually get some rest

Once Kurayama had finally left his apartment, Tatsuya made quick work of his nightly routine, one he had had since he was little, showering and changing in to some plain clothing he had found in his own closet, before making his way the bookshelf full to the brim with what seemed to be a mix of both educational books and some more entertaining ones

Giving the shelf a good skim he noted what seemed to be this worlds version of manga and anime, 'Well it makes sense that this world would have its own version of anime' he thought before taking the book in to his hand and reading the cover, 'Dragon Star Y, huh? glad to know your ideas are present in a different world Toriyama-Sensei' before he bowed his head in respect, the last major event he remembered in his old world being the passing of the beloved author, that shook the world to its core, and had left Akira inconsolable

Putting the book back on the shelf he took out a slightly larger one that seemed to be this nation brief history book, he sat on the carpet to give the thing a quick read, 'I wonder how much of this world and the other worlds history is the same' he thought as he started to read 

Tatsuya read the book in small amounts each section, taking note of what was the exact same with different names involved or what had the exact same people involved in the exact same events at the same time, 'huh… it seems this world has a lot more in common with my old one' he thought as he closed the book shut recalling the name *Oda Nobunaga* and many other names that were the same, 'good to know'

As he stood to place the book back in its original spot he was stopped dead in his tracks, a blue-ish screen having appeared right before his face, shocking the poor boy


~Pov Kurayama~

As he entered his apartment, he noted the time 'it's only 21:00 hours huh?' He thought to himself as he too went on to partake in his nightly routine, showering and changing in to a more comfortable set of clothes

After he was done, he sat down at his desk where he had previously placed his laptop and cracked it open, 'now… where should I even start?' He asked himself and after a moment of deliberation he did a small search in to Shuchi'in academy itself, taking note of anything he might have found interesting

'It seems Shirogane isn't the prez yet' Thought Kurayama as he saw a picture of the student council plastered on the schools website, 'I think that mean's he's in his first year?' He asked himself as he saw someone else being named student council president for the year

'Still, I wonder where that puts us in this world?' Kurayama pondered his and his friends position in this new world, not knowing where to even begin searching for information on this topic. Kurayama was lost in thought, slowly spinning his chair trying to work his brain to produce an answer as he came to a stop his eyes landed on his bed, specifically the lone pillow laying inconspicuously on there or to be even more exact, something that was barely sticking out of the side

'Huh…' Kurayama swiftly stood and reached for the unknown object, taking it in his hand he praised Gaia once more, 'Gaia-sama you know just how to alleviate my worries, don't you?' He thought as he raised the object in to view, it was a student school I.D with his face on it, his name and what middle school he had graduated from

'This means we have only just graduated and are set to take entrance exams in a few days' he ruminated, his brain trying to make a small timeline of events, 'I guess this means I should study for the exams, if I had to wager I'm guessing Shuchi'in isn't an easy school to get in to'

After finding his school I.D he went back to continue his online searches, this time not only searching for the best academic schools, but for all the top schools currently in this world

'Oh, this Totsuki school seems vaguely familiar' He thought as he tried his best to remember where exactly he had heard the name before, after clicking on the schools webpage link he was quickly reminded of where he had seen it before, 'Ah, a school specializing in world class cooks. If I remember correctly this is from that food wars anime Akira showed us in the past' Kurayama pondered, 'It was kinda weird though, people clothes being ripped off by amazing food? I wonder if that's actually happening here' he chuckled as he remembered the absurd things that happened in that show

'With so many high class individuals in this world I am kind of worried about how exactly we can manage' thought Kurayama but those thoughts were quickly washed away, 'with Akira's new found ability I don't have to worry about him, and Tatsuya is bound to rock this world to its core, that's just how he is' he continued his inner monologue as he smiled at the idea of his friend inadvertently causing a ruckus, 'while he acts like he's too last to care, we all know that's far from the truth'

Noting that the time had quickly passed as he was doing some research he decided to finally head off to bed, closing the laptop carefully and diving in to the covers, taking his glasses off and setting them on the near by nightstand, he quickly formed a small plan for tomorrow before attempting to shut his eyes and finally rest

Before he could fully shut his eyes and the clock struck midnight, he was startled by the sudden appearance of a bright blue screen right in front of his face


~Pov Akira~

"Zzzzzz" The boy was happily already sleeping, having completely missed the appearance of the blue screen that now floated in front of him, begging to be paid attention, but to no avail