
Threads of Ambition: The Pursuit of Nobility

Office politics, vengeful colleagues, confusing relationships and desire for more rules the district offices of naerang. Each person has to realise their true worth and the power behind them in order to reach their goals. Image credits to the rightful owner (found it on Google, inform me to add your credit). All rights Reserved @Ebei Lijan @ShiwanoShe.

ebeilijan · Geschichte
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19 Chs

Bi Lai And Rama in Balo

As the day went on, Mu Rong, who had stayed indoors since Yin had left, looked once again at the letter she had written for Bi Lai. She had already checked it a couple of times but wasn't satisfied with much of what she had written.

"Lord, I am growing old writing letters." She muttered to herself and sank into her bed for a while wondering if the letters she wrote with that much effort even meant much to Bi Lai.

Out of the blue, she tore the letter to pieces wondering why she was even bothering with the secrecy of her relationship when almost everyone was living freely with their partners.

"I will just go pay him a visit." She muttered to the air and picked up the torn pieces of the letter and burnt them on her side balcony without anyone noticing.

Since it was past noon, she went out of her room and joined her mother in the kitchen to help prepare a serving of the family buffet they had arranged for some distant relatives who had come on a visit and later spent the rest of her day with the her whole family which eased the depression she had got from work regarding the two invoices.

While Yin and Lu Zheng kept having a great time around Balo visiting almost every nice spot and center, Bi Lai's name lingered in Yin's thoughts, prompting her to inquire about him during a break at a roadside restaurant.

"Hun, do you know anyone by the name of Bi Lai?" Yin asked Lu Zheng, who was taken aback by her knowledge and interest in Bi Lai's affairs.

"Yes, but it could be another person," Lu Zheng replied cautiously.

"Why are you asking?" Lu Zheng asked, His concern as to what connection Yin had with Bi Lai and how she had come to know his name since Bi Lai lived a secretive life almost everywhere he went.

"Ahh first tell me about him then I will tell you why I asked." Yin replied, keeping the air between them speculative.

Lu Zheng smiled and whispered to her jokingly

"Do you want him? I can take you to him." He teased which lightened the mood a bit although Yin was temporarily turned off.

"It's urgent that I know. Please tell me, I won't hide the reason why I asked." Yin assured Lu Zheng and he told her what he knew since he didn't want to be over protective of things that never really mattered to him.

"Well If it's the Bi Lai I know, he is the other son of the regional commissioner and his mother is a cousin to the governor of the three heavens."

Yin was shocked at hearing of the revelation which she hadn't expected and Lu Zheng added on more information which sealed her all her doubts about Bi Lai.

"Anyways he is a cool guy, lives an adventurous life and has his own business. I rarely meet with him but I think he is more acquainted with my father since you know my father and his father worked together for a long time so they must have met a lot." Lu Zheng sipped on his juice wondering why Yin was so puzzled by the revelation.

"Is he your brother or another boyfriend?" Lu Zheng teased Yin again and picked one of the Candies they were eating and fed it to Yin.

After a while Yin told Lu Zheng why she asked him about Bi Lai, her face was somewhat excited and not excited at the same time which was always the face she had when she was moody.

"Actually this morning when I went to visit Mu Rong, I found a letter she had written to someone with that exact name and I think the number three I saw meant the three heavens." She told him and sighed out with her lips curled in

Lu Zheng looked at her calmly, noticing that perhaps she had expected the worst news, he smiled and held her hand under the table.

"Love, that's fine then if he is the one I know. Be glad for Mu Rong but don't let her know a thing yet. They should be able to handle matters on their own."

"That's true love." Yin concurred to Lu Zheng's suggestion to avoid interrupting the course of their relationship which made only much more sense to her.

A new kind of acceptance also flowed through Yin's heart. She had to appreciate that although Mu Rong was probably going to climb a higher social ladder than her due to the status of Bi Lai, her own Lu Zheng was also not mediocre.

Smiling at the warm affection and kind words Lu Zheng showered her with almost every time they were together, she thanked and ate their remaining candy and cakes as they had to visit another few spots around before winding up with a shopping spree that late evening for the next day's festival.

"I don't want us moving around with things. Let's shop only after sightseeing and after that we will go straight to the hotel." Lu Zheng said to Yin and after clearing the bill, they both got out of the mini restaurant and walked towards one of the spots that was some meters just ahead of the restaurant.

Yin gathered more confidence that evening and held Lu Zheng in his hand and surprised himself he didn't resist the moment. They walked while chatting but just ahead of them was another restaurant and as they got nearer to it,

Rama emerged from that restaurant with his wife while holding hands and just when they had turned back on the same lane that led back to where Yin and Lu Zheng were walking from, all their eyes met at once.

For Rama, the moment was an interesting one to witness his senior in such a position with a junior staff but for Lu Zheng, it was a regular moment that he ignored Rama and his eyes showed no interest in him, he instead focused on Yin who had been his other half for two years and kept the conversation alive as they walked.

Yin almost withdrew her hand from Lu Zheng after seeing Rama but held tighter on Lu Zheng's hand as she had learnt who was more powerful and what really mattered.

They crossed one another as if they had never met and Rama quickly looked at them one more time from their back. A smile appeared on his face and his wife, who was taken by the goods of the street vendors, didn't notice a thing.

"Impressive." Rama said within his heart and his heart only became stronger in hating both Yin and Lu Zheng. He took his wife around the town as they shopped for things for the next day's festival but his mind stayed stuck on Yin and Mu Rong, thinking of how to toughen the office politics for both of them.

As it got darker slowly, Bi Lai, who had spent the whole day exploring the town since he had a huge expo for Balo the following day, went to one of the nearby temples to offer some prayers.

He had decided that he had to go to Naerang to at least see Mu Rong before traveling back to the three heavens which was scheduled for the late night of the following day after closure of the festival.