
Threads of Ambition: The Pursuit of Nobility

Office politics, vengeful colleagues, confusing relationships and desire for more rules the district offices of naerang. Each person has to realise their true worth and the power behind them in order to reach their goals. Image credits to the rightful owner (found it on Google, inform me to add your credit). All rights Reserved @Ebei Lijan @ShiwanoShe.

ebeilijan · History
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19 Chs

Bi Lai and Shin

Although many people in Naerang knew of the lovers' festival that occurred yearly every February in the town of Balo, not many attended because they felt it was primarily for youngsters. Only a number of adults would attend out of love and sometimes curiosity.

It had crossed Mu Rong's mind in the past to attend the festival, but she was never able to, not even once, as her interest kept wavering. The vibrant tales of love and celebration during the festival were whispered through the town every year, creating a buzz that many youngsters found hard to ignore.

On that afternoon, as her family indulged in the lunch buffet which they had prepared for their distant relatives who had visited, a sudden realization dawned upon her as her cousins discussed the festival,which reminded her that the next day was a public holiday, and she would be home again.

After everyone in Mu Rong's household had concluded their dinners and had retired to their rooms for rest. Mu Rong lingered alone on her balcony, gazing at the starlit sky.

The warmth she felt wrapped in the shawl gifted by Bi Lai during the New Year celebrations added a sense of comfort to the chilly night.

Yet, despite the serene scene, a hint of sadness lingered. She couldn't shake the thought that Yin, her dear friend, was in a better position than her, deepening Mu Rong's sense of solitude.

"Girl!" Mu Rong spoke softly in her mind, addressing Yin. She glanced at the flowers that once held a special place in their teenage hearts.

"You are so lucky!" she muttered to herself, acknowledging Yin's fortune in everything. Turning away, Mu Rong stepped into her room, where a dimly lit candle fought against the encroaching darkness.

As she pushed the balcony door to secure its bolt for the night, one of the family's long-serving guards, Uncle Shin, called for Mu Rong to wait a little bit, prompting her to pause and get out of the room after recognising his voice.

He stood next to the balcony bars so they would converse more discreetly.

"Uncle, I didn't see you come," Mu Rong apologized, thinking he had come to request something.

Shin, aware that Mu Qing and Mok Dan's room was on the other side of the house, had ensured no one eavesdropped before he delivered a message in a low tone, meant only for Mu Rong's ears.

"Three is waiting for you outside. Change; I will escort you and cover for you later," he said, admiring Mu Rong's choice of man and gesturing approval to Bi Lai's appearance with a ring gesture, leaving Mu Rong blushing.

"Meet me in Aunt Lulu's quarters, and we'll go," Shin told Mu Rong, even flipping Bi Lai's token to her just to show off.

Surprised by Bi Lai's boldness, Mu Rong went back inside to change without seeking further explanations. Shin went to Aunt Lulu's quarters and waited there to escort her to the restaurant where Bi Lai awaited.

Before Shin had agreed to assist Bi Lai, he sought extra confirmation about his intentions. Bi Lai, understanding Shin's point of worry, had proved his identity with an identity token, leaving a copy with Shin for assurance.

Once away from the house, Shin initiated a conversation with Mu Rong, his happiness evident.

"So where did you meet this big fish?" he asked, prompting Mu Rong to inquire if Bi Lai had given him something, noticing Shin's heightened interest.

"He gave it to me, but I appreciated his genuineness more," Shin admitted, looking at Mu Rong seriously. As they walked towards the main road to find a cart, Mu Rong shared the details about her encounter with Bi Lai, which further fueling Shin's interest.

He continued his inquiry about Bi Lai with a series of additional questions, and Mu Rong, experiencing a sense of freedom within, candidly responded as if engaged in a conversation with her own father.

Shin, being impressed with all the details Mu Rong shared about Bi Lai expressed his endorsement of Bi Lai after considering her answers.

"Anyways, if we don't find a cart, we will walk there; after all, it's not so far," Shin said confidently though after a while they were able to secure a cart that drove them to the restaurant.

Upon arrival, Mu Rong proceeded inside while Shin settled into the back lounge which Bi Lai had assured him would be prepared before his arrival for the hours of waiting ahead of him.

Before leaving the house, he had coordinated with fellow staff to cover for him and Mu Rong until noon of the next day.

After a warm embrace, Bi Lai apologized to Mu Rong for his abrupt visit and requested her to share a few precious hours at the festival before his return to the Three Heavens for an extended period.

Mu Rong was hesitant at first as she had concerns about her parents' opinion regarding her absence but she eventually agreed after Bi Lai revealed to her how he had coordinated with Shin.

After saying bye to Shin, Mu Rong and Bi Lai took another ride to Balo. Bi Lai wanted to arrive before the fireworks that ushered the festival at midnight and the enchanting lantern-lit night view of the town that followed afterwards,

And the grand opening of the festival – an experience Bi Lai was eager for Mu Rong to witness with him before her return home and to his own home.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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