
Thorn Academy, Book One: When His Moon Recedes

Riddle was... well lonely to put it mildly. But after an interesting man hunts them down things like loneliness seem far far away. However when opening a new door a closed one always follows. What happens when things and people from the past come back to haunt them. All Riddle wanted was a quiet and peaceful life yet the gods seem hellbent against it. Thank you for taking the time to read this book! I write part time so don't expect updates too often! I apologize for any future errors, I don't write this book directly on the app so sometimes things change when I make the transfer! Also this book is a polyamous book! Don't like it, Don't read.

Hallows_Spence · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Chapter VIII: The Choices We Make

As the door shuts behind the pair uneasiness starts to set in. Maribelle looks to her friend with concern as their back remains turned. "Hon? What's wrong?" She asks, her voice laced with the sweetness that Riddle was so fond of.

Without saying a word Riddle turns towards her. In an instant they wrap their arms around the smaller girl, their head buried in the crook of her neck. "I don't think I can do this." They whisper, their lip trembling with anxiety.

Maribelle was a bit surprised by the sudden contact but she embraced them nonetheless. "Honey.. Yes you can."

Riddle shakes their head, not moving otherwise.

Maribelle sighs. "My dear, my precious, my sweet little orchid. You can do anything. I mean that literally too." She jokes quietly.

Riddle's face flushes as they stifle a giggle. "I've missed that nickname." They think as the pair falls into silence.

Xena, who was previously sleeping soundly, had sensed her master's distress and had awoken. She silently was over to the pair, her pale feet barely making a sound. "Sounds like someone needs loving." She says, her voice calm yet cheerful.

She gently wraps her arms around the duo, making sure to include Maribelle. "I know how hard this must be for the both of you."

Riddle had flinched at Xena's sudden touch but enjoyed it. "Mhm." They nod and mumble into Maribelle's neck. "I'm trying.. I really am. But they're all so…"

Maribelle chuckles lightly. "I know darling. My orchid must be so scared right now.."

Riddle and Xena both nod at this. Xena sighs audibly. "I know you don't want to do this but you really should. It.. could help?"

Riddle nods. "I know it could but.. what if.." Their voice trembles before they just stop talking all together.

Xena nods. "I know, I know. But isn't it wise to take that chance? You never know. They could be just like your old man."

Riddle shakes their head. "Or they could be like her.. only keeping me around to use…"

Maribelle shakes her head. "Darling don't say that! A, I highly doubt Eowyn could ever think of doing that. B, Cerelia follows you around like a lost puppy dog, she clearly adores you! And Vincentius.. He's Vincentius. He acts dumb yeah but I highly doubt he'd ever do such a thing."

Riddle whimpers quietly as they cling onto Maribelle more. "At least cuddle me? Both of you? While I do it.. I-.." Their voice trails off.

Xena giggles softly. "Of course we will!!! How could we not! You know we both love you to bits!"

Maribelle chuckles softly. "And in more than one way." She gently kisses the top of the elders head as they let go to stand back up. "We promise. We will always love you!" She kisses both Riddle's cheeks as Xena kisses the back of their head.

"Yep! Now come on. Stop stalling, I'm sure you're making the others worried!" Xena exclaims as she grabs the pair's hands. "We need to get going."

Riddle groans quietly. They pull Xena back from the door and embrace them tightly. "I don't have to be honest right?..."

Xena and Maribelle both sigh, shaking their heads slightly. "Technically speaking you don't. But… would you really be okay lying to them? They all seem to be very sweet. I doubt they'd harm you for telling the truth?" Maribelle says, making sure her voice sounds concerned but still kind.

Riddle grumbles quietly as they tighten their grip on Xena. "I know you're right but.. it's not that easy."

Xena nods. She gently runs her fingers through Riddle's hair. "I understand that better than anyone in this case. But this time I really think it would be good for you to let down your walls. Them knowing your name, your species, or anything else like that won't harm you I promise."

Riddle nods. "So I don't have to tell them?"

Maribelle sighs gently. "I suppose you don't but did you see the look on Cerelia's face when she found out that there are two of your kind in our sector? She looked absolutely delighted! Do you really want to break that sweet girl's heart? I can tell you really do care for her. Think about how much it will weigh on you if you don't tell them the truth."

Riddle sighs but nods again. Their face shows clear relectense as they break away from Xena. "Okay. As long as you're both there with me I can do it.."

They reach their hand towards the door knob. Just as their fingers graze it Xena and Maribelle both lean over, kissing both of Riddle's cheeks simultaneously.

Riddle's face flushes bright red. They quickly throw the door open and exit the room. They weren't sure what to make of what just happened. "What the hell!?" They think.

Xena giggles quietly from behind them. "We nailed it. They're gonna be way too focused on that to even think about lying anymore." Xena smirks as she and Maribelle bump fists.

Maribelle giggles along with her. "They're much too shy sometimes. They just needed a distraction!"

Riddle grumbles quietly. "I can hear you!" They exclaim grumpily. "Whatever! Let's just do this!" Their normal cold and cruel demeanor returns as they walk down the hall.

Maribelle giggles quietly as she and Xena follow Riddle down the hall. They enter the dining room quietly taking their seats. Xena sitting on the arm of Riddle's chair of course.

Riddle sighs. "First, I apologize for the delay. Having to fully introduce myself like this poses a lot of risks for me-"

Xena's soft chuckle cuts them off. "In other words they needed some cuddles for moral support!"

Riddle glares at her. "Shut it."

Vincentius laughs. "No worries. Take your time. I really don't think any of us minded." He gestures to the ongoing game of poker on the table.

Riddle laughs gently. "Of course." They shake their head lightly. "Alright, let me introduce myself officially then you all can get back to your game."

The trio set their cards down then look at Riddle who sighs. "Okay.. first things first. My name.."

Maribelle gently squeezes their hand underneath the table. Riddle's face flushes red as they continue to speak. "My full name is Cyprian Aldwyn Riddle."

Cerelia's face falls. "Wait.. woah woah woah.. slow down. As in thee Cyprian Riddle!? I just-"

Vincentius covers her mouth with his hand quickly. "Shut up.." He whispers quietly. He looks back to Riddle. "Sorry 'bout her! Continue!" That didn't really sound like a statement, more like an order.

Riddle sighs but nods. Maribelle's reaction to Cerelia's outburst did not look pleasant. She squeezes Riddle's hand gently as Xena nuzzles against their face.

Riddle chuckles softly. "Right well. I'm uh-?" They pause for a second. "I'm about one thousand five hundred and fifty eight? I think?"

Ginger nods from her spot at the bar where she was sitting atop the counter. "Yes." Is all she says as she continues to glare at Cerelia.

Riddle nods. "Well uh.." They obviously weren't good at this type of thing. "Right gender. I'm non-binary but I guess any pronouns work? So long as you don't use she/her I'm fine with anything."

Vincentius nods. "Say! What about your sobriquet? I know I've always called you Cloak but I really don't think that's it." He laughs.

Riddle chuckles. "I was getting there. I guess I don't really have one? I just go with whatever people have decided to call me."

Vincentius nods, still covering Cerelia's mouth. Cerelia, who had enough, quickly twists his arm away causing him to wince in pain. "I'm done here." She growls as she stands from her seat.

Riddle's face falls as they launch up from their chair. "Wh- wait-? Where are you going-!" They exclaim as they walk after Cerelia who had ran down the hall and towards her bedroom. "Leave me alone dammit!" She yells as she angrily pulls her door open then slams it shut.

Riddle whimpers as the door gets shut in their face. "Cerelia… please open the door.."

Cerelia's angry voice can be heard screaming from inside. The screams were filled with rage. It's obvious she is not going to open that door anytime soon.

Riddle gently places their hand on the door. "Cerelia please.. I-.. I don't know or understand why you're so upset but please.. Let's talk about it, okay? I don't.. I don't like seeing you hurt."

The screams slowly began to stop as Riddle continued to stand outside the door. "I don't understand.. Everything was fine earlier. Why is she so angry?.. I don't.. I don't want her to be angry, I like her." They think, their hand still pressed gently against the door.

Quiet footsteps can be heard walking towards the door as it suddenly opens. Cerelia's hand shoots out and grabs Riddle's, pulling them inside her room.

Her room was decked out with dark blues and dark magentas. It had a lot of band equipment as well as posters along the walls and floors. It was unique to Cerelia and Cerelia alone. There were beautiful black musical notes painted along the middle of the magenta colored walls.

Riddle was surprised as they gazed around the room in awe. "This room… it fits her perfectly." They think then shake their head. "Not now, admire later. I need to focus on her right now."

Cerelia pulled Riddle over towards the dark blue bed which was tucked away in the north west corner. She plopped herself down on the edge of the bed, still holding Riddle's hand who was still standing.

Riddle gently crouches down to her level. "Raspberry? What's wrong?"

Cerelia stiffles a quiet laugh. "Raspberry? Really? Nicknames at a time like this?"

Riddle sighs. "I- I'm sorry.. I'm not great with this whole… people thing-?.."

Cerelia nods as she sniffles. "Yeah, you never were. At least from what I heard anyway.."

Riddle cocks her head. "What's wrong? C- could you explain it to me so I can help you?.."

Cerelia's eyes grow teary again. "I… I don't understand…. H- how could you possibly be related to those bastards?... I- I never thought that.. Riddle was your actual last name.."

Riddle sighs. "I see.. Unfortunately I am.. I'm." They pause for a moment to catch their breath. "I'm not proud of it, by any means.."

Tears start to fall down Cerelia's cheeks. "M- my parents and I…. W- we worked for your household."

Riddle's eyes widen as she admits this. Everything slowly starts to piece together for them. "N- no.. pl- please no.. tell me that you didn't.. they were horrible to our workers!"

Cerelia takes notice of the word workers and smiles slightly. "Mhm.." She nods. "They.. didn't call us servants? I guess they really aren't like their family. At least in that regard."

"My p- parents and I.. the lady of the house sh- she.." Cerelia pauses. Riddle gently squeezes her hand, silently letting her know she doesn't have to continue. "She k- killed my parents and I- I.. she.."

Riddle shakes their head. "That's not right! I'm s- sorry.. I know there's nothing I can do to bring them back but I'm truly truly sorry. I know first hand the treatment our workers get.." Their mind flashes back to moments in their past for a brief second.

Cerelia shakes her head. "N- no you don't! Y- you got to live it up in luxury meanwhile we got tortured for even the smallest misstep!"

Riddle sighs. "I understand why you may think that." They pause for a minute as they try to think of a way to change from this specific subject. "I might've known your parents? What were there names? I can make sure they have a proper burial."

Cerelia sniffles as she looks at Riddle. "It's been years.. they're bodies are probably rotted to Peklo and back by now."

Riddle nods. "I suppose you're right but that doesn't mean we can't give them the proper treatment that they deserve. We could do a memorial? And put their favorite things around the house when dia de los muertos comes? I know it's not fixing what happened but.."

Cerelia smiles gently. "It's a good start.. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did I-"

Riddle cuts them off by wiping her tears, causing Cerelia's face to flush red. "Don't worry about it. Anyone would have done the same I'm sure. I don't blame you, I understand that going through something like that as a child must have been rough."

Cerelia nods. "It was.."

Riddle smiles slightly as they pull their hand away from Cerelia's face. They place their hands in their lap as they ponder for a moment. "Do you want a hug?.." They ask quietly, so quiet that it's basically a whisper.

Cerelia tilts her head to the side as they speak. She heard it but only barely. "Sorry, what was that?" She teases.

A small dust of pink spreads over Riddle's cheeks as they look down and say again, but a bit louder this time. "Do you want a hug?"

Cerelia giggles. "That would be nice."

Riddle nods. They slowly wrap their arms around her, pulling her in close. "I'm really sorry about your parents, I promise we'll have a memorial for them."

Cerelia smiles as she nods. "Thank you. I'd really like that." Her smile falls a bit as she continues to talk. "I- I'm sorry for assuming you were like your parents.."

Riddle shakes their head. "Don't be sorry, it was a fair assumption." They gently kiss her forehead. "I understand why you would think that. But really, I don't see any of those people as my family. The only person who was ever my family was my father and he passed a while ago."

Cerelia nods. "I see.." She snuggles into Riddle's embrace as a smile spreads across her face again. "Who knew you were so good at this comforting thing." She laughs quietly.

Riddle laughs as well as they shake their head. "I'm really not. You just got lucky I swear I suck at this."

Cerelia chuckles softly. Her chuckle seems lively but it fades after a moment. "How do I really know they aren't like their parents? Nen has always said that there was something off with them.." She thinks, her face falling. "But I really like them.."

Riddle sighs gently. "You know, for a keeper you really aren't good at hiding your emotions."

Cerelia jumps a little as she looks to them again. "What? Sorry?"

Riddle chuckles weakly. "Nevermind. How about we go somewhere else? I know of a good place to relax around here."

Cerelia shakes her head. "As much as I would love to, you have an introduction to finish."

Riddle sighs. "Alright fine, but I'm gonna tell you something in advance because I feel like it would be rude to make you wait-"

Cerelia cuts them off. "Ah ah. Nope, I like surprises. Now let's go, after you're done you can take me to that place you were talking about." She gives them a flirty wink as she stands from the bed. "Come along." She motions for Riddle to follow her as she walks out of the room.

Riddle shakes their head. "That girl." They mumble as they rise and walk out of the room. They're greeted with a an small group of excited faces.

They laugh softly. "Okay fine fine. I'll get this over with, only because I wanna take Cerelia out for a while."

Vincentius smirks. "Oou!" He teases as he nudges Cerelia who had just sat back down. This causes her to scoff and stick her tongue out at him. "Jealous much?"

Riddle sighs. "Alright alright, that's enough of that. Let's get on with it!" They huff. "Okay. My-" She looks at Maribelle. "What was left?"

Maribelle giggles quietly. "You have title and species left darling."

Riddle nods. "Right! Um.." They take a deep breath. "My species.. well, I'm a Willow like Ginger just not the same sub species."

Maribelle nods. "They're a Astéria specifically."

Riddle's face flushes out of embarrassment. "Not fully. I'm half Astéria and half ZOI."

Ginger chuckles. "Still stuck on that huh?"

Riddle shakes their head. "Not really, I just like to make sure it's known." They shrug.

Cerelia laughs. "Alright alright! Don't keep us in suspense with your small talk! What's your title!?" She exclaims, her eyes shining bright with curiosity.

Riddle laughs. "Yeah okay fine. So.. as you all know by now, Cerelia is the keeper of time."

Cerelia nods. "And I'm proud of it baby!!"

Riddle chuckles. "Yeah we know." They playfully roll their eyes. "Well.."

Vincentius and Cerelia are pretty much nose to nose with them at this point, both standing on all fours a top the table.

Riddle seems a bit uncomfortable as they take a few steps back. "Right. I-"

Vincentius huffs. "My gods just blurt it out already!!!"

Riddle laughs. "It's not that easy!" They huff playfully and shake their head. "I'm a keeper as well, however I'm not comfortable sharing which keeper I am as I don't really trust you all, no offense Belli and Ginger."

Cerelia's eyes widen as she squeals with excitement. "Yay!!! New keeper friend!! I've never met another keeper before!" She launches off the table and grabs Riddle's face with her hands, she squishes it happily.

Riddle can't really speak but a small smile can be seen. They gently remove Cerelia's hands from their face. "Could you not please? Now go get changed so we can get going. I'd recommend something warm." They smile.

Cerelia blushes as she stares at Riddle's smile. "Okay!" She exclaims happily as she runs off to get changed.

Vincentius laughs. "By the gods she's hooked."

Maribelle giggles. "Aren't most of us?" Riddle's face was beat red as she said this. Ginger, Vincentius, and Bexley all shake their heads in unison.

Maribelle shrugs. "Okay then. Guess it's just me and Cerelia!" She seems happy at this. "Cerelia's cute so it's okay!" She thinks as she gets up. She kisses Riddle's cheek then walks down the hall to her room.

Riddle was definitely not functioning right now. Xena laughs at them then gently picks them up. "I'm gonna take this one to get changed! Y'all can do whatever!" Her large smile grows as she skips down the hall and into Riddle's room.

Thought y'all deserved some fluff! How you enjoyed!

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