
Thor Si with Nerfed Essence of Self

Ordinary boy reborn as baby Thor in MCU with Nerfed version of CYOA Essence of self power (Essence of self power-- At the time you consume this Essence you immediately win the genetic lottery, increasing all your stats, hereby defined as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck, to peak racial maximum, and will not deteriorate from that state whether through old age or disuse. Any physical and mental health problems or defects currently plaguing you will be removed, with any new instances of such prevented from occurring. Your diligence and willpower is boosted, making you more driven and motivated, as it purges excessive indolence and procrastination. That is to say while you still value relaxing and chilling out, you wouldn't put something off if it's important. You gain a retroactive perfect memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of harmful memory. For some reason, you are able to improve yourself thrice as fast. You become perfectly capable of using powers, abilities, techniques, etc. without any adverse effects. This ranges from not suffering from Taint-buildup as an Aberrant Nova, able to swim as a Devil Fruit user, or being immune to the Great Curse as a regular Exalt. This includes usage of mutually contradictory abilities, so you can also eat multiple Devil Fruits, or drink more than one Cauldron Vial, without dying or horribly mutating. You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your very being against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. This also includes supernatural persuasion, memetic or eldritch effects, and reality warping shenanigans. The only things that can negatively affect you are direct brute force and threats to those you care for. Take note. You. Are. Not. Invulnerable.)

Webnovel_Addicted · Filme
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Forging a Legacy

Decades bled into centuries. Thor Odinson, once a curious child with a thirst for knowledge, had blossomed into a formidable warrior, his reputation echoing through the halls of Asgard. His physique, honed through relentless training and the ever-growing influence of the Essence of Self, was a testament to his dedication. His muscles rippled with raw power, and his emerald eyes held the glint of a seasoned warrior who had stared into the abyss and emerged undaunted.Yet, Thor's strength wasn't just physical. His understanding of ancient Asgardian magic had deepened, fueled by the countless hours spent deciphering cryptic scrolls and practicing forgotten spells. He could now manipulate the very fabric of reality with a growing proficiency, conjuring shields of crackling energy, summoning bolts of lightning that danced to his command, and even leaping vast distances in single bounds.However, the true test of his prowess wasn't confined to training grounds. Whispers of unrest began to spread throughout the Nine Realms. Dark creatures, emboldened by a perceived weakness in Asgard, began to stir. Frost Giants from Jotunheim raided border settlements, their icy blades leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Goblin hordes from Svartalfheim emerged from their shadowy forests, their insatiable greed leading them to plunder peaceful villages.Odin, the Allfather, burdened by the weight of his responsibilities, turned to his son. Thor, no longer the hesitant boy, met his father's gaze with unwavering determination. The time for training was over. The time for action had come.His first mission was a test, a solo expedition to a remote outpost on the fringes of Asgard's domain. The outpost, manned by a small contingent of Asgardian warriors, had gone silent. No distress calls, no messages – just an unsettling void.Thor, clad in his crimson and gold armor, walked the rainbow bridge, the Bifrost, a shimmering pathway that connected Asgard to the farthest corners of the Nine Realms. As he strode across the bridge, the vibrant colors swirled around him, a kaleidoscope of energy that crackled with raw power. The wind whipped through his hair, carrying the faint scent of ozone and the promise of adventure. He reached the other end with a heavy heart, stepping onto the desolate landscape that marked the outpost's location.He landed amidst the wreckage of the outpost, the charred remains of buildings and the scattered weapons of fallen Asgardian warriors painting a grim picture. As he stepped forward, the air crackled with a malevolent energy, a reminder of the enemy he faced.Following faint traces of magic, Thor ventured deeper into the ravaged settlement. He soon stumbled upon a grotesque sight – Frost Giants, their inhuman forms towering over him, were feasting on the fallen Asgardians with a macabre relish.Rage, a primal fury fueled by the memories of his past life and the deaths of his fallen comrades, surged through Thor. With a guttural roar that echoed across the desolate landscape, he charged at the Frost Giants. He fought with a whirlwind of fury, his Asgardian strength augmented by the Essence of Self. His fists, imbued with crackling energy, smashed through Frost Giant armor with ease. Bolts of lightning erupted from his fingertips, searing the flesh of the monstrous creatures.The battle was a brutal ballet of strength and savagery. Though outnumbered, Thor moved with a terrifying grace, his years of training combining with his innate Asgardian reflexes. He was a storm unleashed, a force of nature carving a path of destruction through the ranks of the enemy.Leading the Frost Giants was a hulking brute, his icy blue skin and frost-covered beard marking him as their chieftain. He charged at Thor, his massive battle-axe glinting menacingly in the pale light. The clash that followed was a spectacle of raw power. Steel met ice, and the ground trembled under their combined might.Many amongst the Asgardian warriors, though they respected Thor's prowess, held a lingering disdain for Seidr, the magic traditionally practiced by women. They viewed it as an art of trickery, unbecoming of a true warrior. But as they witnessed Thor's display of power, their doubts began to waver. With each booming thunderclap that echoed from his fingertips, with each shimmering shield that deflected a deadly blow, their respect grew.Finally, Thor faced the Frost Giant chieftain in a final showdown. The giant swung his axe, a killing blow aimed at Thor's head. In that split second, Thor channeled the very essence of Asgard, the power of the storm coursing through his veins. With a flick of his wrist and a growl that seemed to shake the very foundations of the world, Thor unleashed a surge of energy unlike anything the Frost Giants had ever witnessed.It wasn't a mere bolt of lightning. It was a torrent of raw Asgardian power, a miniature storm condensed intoa swirling vortex of crackling blue energy. It erupted from Thor's hand, tearing through the air with a sound that resembled a thousand thunderous roars compressed into a single, deafening blast. The Frost Giant chieftain, caught completely off guard by the unexpected display of power, didn't even have time to scream. The energy engulfed him, reducing him to a pile of smoldering ice shards in an instant.Silence descended upon the battlefield. The remaining Frost Giants, their bravado shattered, looked at Thor with a mixture of fear and awe. They had never witnessed such raw power, such a perfect fusion of physical prowess and magical mastery. With a single, devastating attack, Thor had not only defeated their leader but demonstrated the full extent of his terrifying potential.Thor lowered his hand, the storm within him subsiding. He stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving, his emerald eyes blazing with a newfound confidence. The lingering doubts of those Asgardian warriors who had disdained his use of magic had vanished. They now saw him not just as a mighty warrior, but as a conduit of Asgard's divine power, a harbinger of storms, a force to be reckoned with.From that day forth, whispers of the "Odinson Prince" echoed not only with tales of his physical strength but also with his awe-inspiring command of Asgardian magic. He was no longer just a warrior; he was a symbol of Asgard's might, a storm brewing on the horizon, a legend destined to be etched into the very fabric of history.