
Act 1 - Angels of Afterlife (2)

"HAAHH!!" I suddenly screamed. My breath was out of control like I have seen my own death.

I was sweating, my body felt hot and I tried to wipe the sweat away. I can feel the heavy air coming out of my mouth and nose.

'What just happened?' I thought. 'Where am I?'

The room was the color of black but I can see my own body just fine. Its like my surrounding is an abyss that goes on forever. Then I noticed a wooden chair. Just there stood still. I approached the chair.

'Angelus de vita post Alyssia?' I read that in my head. 'What does that mean?' I thought. 'Okay hold on recap. So I was heading home in my Bugatti, and suddenly she called me and I started to cry and not pay attention to the road. And a truck violently hit the back of my Bugatti, my car suddenly spun and flew out of the road and hits a tree...'

I paused for a moment…

'Hey hold on... I think I really died,' I thought.

"You did die, Jean Filgreth Daniello," I turned my head towards the sound which was at the chair. Suddenly there was an angel dressed in white with golden hair and white skin sat on that wooden chair. Beside her was an angel but with black wings and a butler suit.

"How did you know my name?" I asked a stupid question. I know they know my name because if they're creatures from another world, they must have an ability to do so.

"That is correct, Jean," the blonde angel said.

Wait, did she read my mind? I thought.

"Yes, I did. Now, lets talk about your after-life choices,"

I froze and think of two things. If they're talking about my after-life. Then would that mean they're the Gods of Afterlife? And about my after-life, if I remember correctly, my life is not a Heaven Dweller kind. I was arrogant and selfish. And spoiled. I didn't think of anything but my richness and the girl I loved. So, that means I'm going to-

"Hey, hold on to your thoughts before making conclusions. And by the way, they're our lines," the butler angel said.

"We're not gods, we're merely a servant of god. We are assigned to lead you to the paths of your afterlife. And, for the kinds if you, there are two obvious places that you go and it depends of your actions when you was alive: Heaven and Hell," the white angel said,

"You, Jean Filgreth Daniello, is a boy raised alongside a rich family. Living in luxury since you were small until now-"

"Excuse me, but please just tell me where I would be going, Heaven or Hell?" I cut off.

The white angel took out a gentle breath.

"Your going to hell..."

I suddenly fell on my knees. Of course this is a normal human reaction especially if the human's going to hell.

But I'm not giving up, there must be a way.

"Actually, there is," the butler said. "Ecarius,"

Ecarius? What is that?

"Ahh, he got hit by a truck didn't he," the white angel said.

"He died in a car crashing into a tree. But it was all because of the truck,"

"That counts?"

"Apparently so,"

I stood up and once again cut off their conversation. "Hold up, hold up, what is this Ecarius?"

The two angels then looks at me.

"Ecarius is as you probably guessed, an another world,".

Another world... Another world!?

"Yes, another world. Ecarius is a world dedicated for the dedicated to change their fate. Its a good opportunity for you to change your fate,"

If I go to this other world, then that means I'm alive again! I must go there!

"Yes, I will go to Ecarius to change my fate!" I said.

"Okay, in a short while you will be teleported there. Do you have any questions?"

Wait, so I'm going there with empty hands?

"Angel, shouldn't I be given three wishes before I go?" I asked.

The angels looked at each other and then back at me and the white angel said, "Okay, three wishes,".

"My first wish comes with a question. Will I be reborn or not?"

"It depends, if you would like to be reborn that would be your first wish,"

Nah... I don't want that. Hey, speaking of reborn, my life was not that interesting.

"I would like to have my next life to be interesting," I said.

"That's a really odd wish, but okay,"

Next I must have power. But I think its really fun to work my way up. But with this body, it wouldn't do...

"Your second wish is granted, now the last one?"

"Huh!? What was the second wish?" I asked.

"Jean, in a few second you will be sent to Ecarius. Quickly think about your third wish before you go,"

"Then my third wish is simply to be an important person," I said.

The butler angel laughed. "Your wishes are really dumb! Your third wish will be our blessing. Have a good life and safe trip,"

And suddenly everything went black as if I have fallen asleep.

God Slayer (a short way of saying God Slayer in Another World) is going to be on pause until probably chapter 3 if I'm able to make it before the end of the week because I got to a boarding school where no electronics are allowed to be used.

The next chapter might be in a month or two, but dont worry because in that time I'll be writing in a piece of paper and copying all of my writing to this platform.

Knightm4recreators' thoughts