
This is just typical Reverse World Story, right?

This is the story of an earthling named Lubius who died after drowning because the boat he was on had an accident. He was just a little lucky to wake up in his own alternate body in another world. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My first story so please be kind and I hope you comment if you see something weird and other stuff. English is not my first language and most of this work is done by DeepL. I try my best to upload every two days with 1500 words per chapter. What to expect: 1. Slow-pace story. 2. Harem-oriented story with some Echi, but at the moment I don't think I will write any +18stuff. It's already a lot of smut or +18 in this kind of genre after all. 3. Weak to Strong, but it will be a long ride. 4. No OP MC. 5. No system and stuff. This is my first time writing. Feedback is welcome, I'd love to hear what you readers like and where you think I could have done better. Is there some idea and stuff just say it too. Anything welcome...

Belumbang · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 07

Lucyanti was a fairly big family around this area. This world had a different history and also because of Eron and the appearance of the monster called Beast. So that made the countries in this world with Lubius' past life very much different. In fact, they gave it a very simple name.

The place where Lubius lived was South East Federation sector 22. It was such a simple name that it made Lubius think that if there were gods in this world, they must be very lazy. 

Either way, the Lucyanti were a large and important family in this area especially since they had been producing women with extraordinary Eron capacities for generations. So they were always historically one of the women who played a role in protecting sector 22 from the Beasts. 

So why Lubius's family had connection with them. Well, it was easy… Because they gave birth to Lubius who was a man and also a family of three siblings. So Guraj was judged to have the possibility of giving birth to a man and also fertile semen to successfully make three children. 

In this world where the ratio of male to female births goes down from time to time. So when a man manages to make his wife give birth to a man, it becomes very precious. Basically in this world it is encouraged for men to have many women and be polygamous. If they didn't want to be like Lubius' father, they could just donate their semen. 

And his parents lived well and quietly, until one day Lucyanti's family discovered that his father's semen was compatible with one of the women from the family and they were very interested. Plus, his father basically only had one wife and didn't have a strong backing. 

This was detrimental to Jamila and Guraj, as Lucyanti's family could pressure them to make Guraj part of their family. Especially making Guraj divorce Jamila because basically women from big families like theirs did not want to have husbands who had other women. If that happens they have to be the main woman and make Guraj live with a woman from the Lucyanti family. 

It was therefore surprising that Jamila and Guraj could survive like this.

But after Lubius asked them, he could understand that they seemed to be able to make a compromise between the two families. One of them was the possibility of a relationship between their son Lubius and a young woman from the Lucyanti family.

In other words, the Lubius and Lucyanti families were closely related at this point.

"Things got easier when your father successfully impregnated that woman and gave birth to a son. Because of that success, their judgment of you was even higher. Because the more likely you are to give birth to a boy." 

Lubius could remember his mother saying that and it was obvious that she hated that woman because she never mentioned her name. 

However, Lubius had a very small Eron capacity and appeared to be mentally disturbed. Jamila and Guraj managed to delay the conversation until this time when neither of them could come up with an excuse. Especially after asking for their help. 

When he heard such talk, Lubius once again had a misconception about family in this world. Although they could be said to be spoiling Lubius in this world, it could be said to be for the reasonable reason of protecting Lubius from a powerful family like Lucyanti. It was something they succeeded in doing until Lubius himself made a fatal mistake. 

Lubius was even more suspicious that a lot of what happened to him from this world was most likely involving that family. 

After hearing all that, Lubius couldn't resist hugging his mother and father. It seemed that he rarely did this in this world, especially to his mother, so she looked very surprised. Lubius hugged them both and thanked them for taking care of him like this without him knowing. Before he said to them. 

"I'm already an adult so you guys can relax and I can meet this woman from Lucyanti's family."

That was three days ago and right now, Lubius was in a not-so-large restaurant with a style that could be considered very historical with many expensive and luxurious-looking furnishings. This restaurant also didn't have many customers and when he went inside, Lubius could see that there were many private rooms that were exclusively for reservations. 

Lubius, who had never been to a fancy restaurant like this, couldn't help but be a little nervous. He followed the waiter to the reservation room. The waiter was a man, and his appearance reminded Lubius of when he had come here. And he discovered that the way men dressed in this world was much different than in his previous life. 

The man who was a waiter in front of him wasn't dressed like a waiter or butler. He looked like a cosplayer in the place where Lubius was, because he was wearing tight shorts that if anything happened, could show an erection. As well as clothes that showed both the chest, abs and the belly button. With a single-button shirt between the stomach and chest.

It might be to give the sex appeal of these male waiters. 

It was uncomfortable for Lubius so he wore an ordinary suit that he got from his room. His mother Jamila didn't make much of a fuss about his dress either, even though he was about to meet a woman from a big family like Lucyanti. It was as if she didn't want him to look handsome and attract attention from her. 

"Please, you have arrived in your room…" The waiter spoke as he opened the door to a room not far from the hallway filled with furniture that looked historic, luxurious and honestly impressed Lubius. It looked beautiful and had such exotic and unique look after all. 

Lubius entered the room and could see a table in the center of the room. The waiter followed him in and invited Lubius to sit down. He had never been to a luxury restaurant like this and only knew about it from movies and stories so all he had to do was follow the waiter's instructions. 


It wasn't long after Lubius sat down that the waiter asked him to wait a moment before he left. Somehow he suspected that the waiter was probably telling the woman he was going to meet that he had arrived. He ended up waiting while the waiter gave him a drink and talked to him. 

"Lucyanti said she would be a little late." 

"Is that so…" Lubius didn't say much and enjoyed the drink given to him by the waiter. Whether it was because this was a fancy restaurant or maybe it was the same restaurant as Michelle's one-star restaurant or something similar from his past life, the fruit-flavored drink he drank had a great taste. 

"Wait… I wonder what this drink is?" Lubius couldn't resist asking about the drink he had just tasted. In the past three days, he had learned a bit about Eron and since the capacity of the Eron he had was very small, it was comparable to eight glasses of drinking water. If one glass contained 250ml then the Eron he could hold was probably not far from 2L so the capacity he had was not much different from a large coca-cola bottle. So it runs out easily, but it takes a long time to refill it.

However, when Lubius drank this drink he could feel the Eron in his body increase in an amount that was arguably more than one glass of water. It was delicious and refreshing when he felt his Eron increase. 

"Ah… This is called a tortoberry juice." The waiter replied with a smile on his face. "One of the pride of our restaurant." 

"Hah… Tortoberry." Lubius had never heard of such a fruit, but from the name torto... he thought he could guess where it came from. 

"Yeah, this is Tortoberry from a turtle-type Beast that sometimes has a tree in its shell. We get them from the nearby Labyrinth so we ensure their freshness." 

"Oh, that sounds amazing." Lubius whispered and stared at this reddish-colored drink sharply and even chewed it hard. He had seen all this on the internet, but experiencing it in person like this opened his eyes. 

"And things like this can only be achieved with money, connections, and power…" Lubius was whispering to himself. 

Then Lubius had the opportunity to get his hands on it. He had a suspicion that Lucyanti's family had something to do with what happened to him, including that he was able to get his hands on drugs. What was their reasoning? It was easy to guess, in the end they most likely wanted to have a man who might bring a man into their family. And they want a man who would be easier to control than Guraj and Jamila.

In these three days, Lubius learned that it seemed that having a man born into a long historical family like Lucyanti was a great prestige. Because of the existence of Eron, women with high Eron were almost certain not to have sons. So it wasn't strange that Lucyanti tried to maintain a good relationship with Guraj and Jamila. The possibility of a large family from another sector taking them on would make the prestige they currently enjoy transferable to another family after all. a

So Lubius thought that although it sounded silly and trivial, in this world it was very important to them. So that made Lubius at least have something that he could use as a chip in the bargain. Unlike the old Lubius, he wasn't too afraid of having relationships with women, but at the same time he didn't want to be just a figurine in a fancy house.

It might be dangerous, but at the same time, it was a chance to do something he wanted… He had a chance to get something from them and he would use it. He felt that this was practically sleeping with the enemy.

Lubius only hoped that the woman he had met today… was a reasonable person…

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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