
There is No Epic Loot Here, Only Puns (Dungeon)

Delta was a teacher who traded her name away for a chance. Now reincarnated as a dungeon core, Delta strives to survive and thrive without becoming a death trap that kills everything, including human beings, like other dungeons. She filled her dungeons with jokes, friendly monsters that could turn deadly if you decided to be violent, mushrooms, more jokes, funny traps, riddles, and most importantly, puns! Her dungeon is also located near the town of Durance, an ordinary-looking town that is actually filled with retired legends of both the famous and infamous kind. In a broken world that is slowly falling apart, watch as Delta repairs it by creating smiles instead of killing! Original Work’s Synopsis: She became a dungeon core. Everything pointed Delta to murdering her way to success. People were just mana farms, right? No, that was wrong. Delta refused. Then everything became odd. *IMPORTANT NOTE* This is not my work but another author’s. I just found this novel unique, fascinating, and splendid. I had a perpetual smile and often laughed while reading this novel. It needs more recognition, so I decided to edit it for any mistakes and post it here on WebNovel. The author does post on RR and a forum website called Space Battle, so check it out if you’re interested. If you're actually spending time reading this note of mine, then I hope you had an enjoyable time reading the novel. If you really enjoyed the novel and would like to support the author (Not Me!111!1!!!), I’m also gonna include his Patreon and PayPal link. Author's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3031332 Author's PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ConnerStewart

H3R0Y · Fantasie
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49 Chs

[26] Special

Delta watched with fascination as the last of the Slimers fell into the mud pit. It didn't take long for her to notice that the small algae-covered Monsters weren't exactly... bright. They scraped at the walls, and Cois, looking rather tired, blasted them with a Fireball that was noticeably smaller than the previous ones.

"Don't push yourself." Delta cautioned, and Billy growled as he ran out of arrows. Delta knew they would respawn, but not for a while. The dead Slimers were already vanishing into resources, and Nu was chiming every few seconds.


[I believe I have enough information on these Monsters to complete a report. Your Goblins have killed 7 of 13, a respectable count.]


Nu sounded pleased. It was understandable. Delta could also feel the niggling of pride for her friend's battle prowess. Hearing the Slimers scream, even after they had long gone silent, had blackened her mood.


[Slimers are not dead children. The Fairy Tale Book was wrong in that regard, but not in the source of the Monsters. The shriveled corpses are, in fact, adults, but the real Monster is the algae. It is controlling the body like a puppet. It sucks the moisture out of fresh corpses and replaces it with algae. My conclusion is that many children may have indeed fallen in the river, only to come back as Slimers, some with still recognizable faces. This inspired the story. If you look at your mud...]


Nu's words both relieved and confused Delta, but she obeyed and looked at her mud. It took her a moment to see that the mud was losing its sludge element and turning into thick, solid ground.

"They're draining the water!" Delta said in a tight voice.


[Indeed, I believe this is how they kill. Draining moisture of their victims and using the husks to increase their number. I believe we were just unlucky to run into a nest. Also, I do think they can breed as well. Two of the corpses were pure algae, and no remnants of people were inside.]


The maws of black mouths and eyes looked up at her Goblins. They made hissing noises that sounded more like sucking after a while had passed.

Delta couldn't help but snort as the Slimers were stuck in the solid mud as they drained it of the water.

"Master... I have no more arrows..." Billy said regretfully, and Delta turned, opening up a Menu.

"Sorry... I can't just Upgrade your weapons. Nu, what can I do? Should I just make arrows for him, or is there something I should try first?" Delta requested seriously. Nu seemed to think about it.


[As for now, if a Summoned Monster attempts to use another weapon other than what they are summoned with... it will simply switch out with the summoned weapon. I do believe that if we have such a room as a Weapons Shop or a Blacksmith, we could Upgrade the Summoned Monster's items. For now, I suggest fire.]


Delta blinked.

"Cois is all tired out. I'm not sure what you're getting at..." Delta said as a Slimer cut a leg off to escape the mud. It would still need to climb, and it didn't seem too great at it.


[Slimers burn very well, as you may have noticed. We need not think hard. Just anything will do. You do have 79 Mana as of now... It is oddly not decreasing. I will look into that.]


Nu seemed to get distracted, but Delta had gotten the message. She turned and spread her hands out.

Delta closed her eyes and breathed hard out once. This was needed. She had to do this to survive. Delta wanted to live. She also wanted to be a good person. Dead people couldn't do any more good. It was flimsy logic to hide behind, but Delta felt fear making her fingers shake. These Slimers scared her, their sucking noises and empty eyes. What option did she have for this other than to defend?

"Nu, do we have anything for Monster capturing or something, anything we can use to turn these things into something we can use?" She asked quietly. Nu hesitated only for a moment as if seeing Delta's trembling hands.


[No. I am... sorry. I know this pains you to be a killer. But this World is not kind enough to listen at times. They are not seeking a contract, nor can you accept them all...]


Delta nodded once. She opened her eyes and then clenched her fists. She looked down into the pit and saw all the Slimers were not gathering in some mini-hill to reach the edge. With 6 left, it wouldn't take much.

"Thank you... for your tribute..." Delta whispered and filled the pit with torches. Spending a Mana per torch. Twenty of the flaming sticks rained down, and the screams returned.

"Please... be free of that hate. Please come back somehow... and I'll make your time fun. I promise! If I can come back... maybe you can? Maybe things can be different!" Delta called to the pit as the noises died down. Smoke rose as things began to vanish.

The rising Mana and DP numbers only added to the weight she felt.

"Please don't... hate me."

The Dungeon was brighter than it had ever been, but Delta didn't feel warm.


Delta watched as the Steelfish did some funny dances. Delta gave it a small smile. She was sure it couldn't see her, maybe just feel her presence in the pond. Numb appeared, looking out of his element as he tried to sink to the bottom of the pond. His bulging cheeks and nervous shooing of curious fish made Delta sit up with blinking eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak, but he choked and flailed. She looked at the Steelfish and sent it a command. It pushed the flailing Numb out of the pond and onto the sand. Hob and Gob laughed as their new equipment shifted.

Having an excess of 89 Mana, Delta knew she shouldn't let it go to waste...

So, both Goblins got a Stone Axe and a Wooden Shield. Some Rough Wooden Helms with a Basic Wooden Armor Piece. It did make them look slightly scarier, but it was 20 Mana well spent.

She was still 9 Mana off due to her maximum being increased to 60 with the new room now conquered. So, she filled the room with glow moss. Nu had tried to tell her something... but Delta needed time.

"Master! Room explored! Numb look but not find Slimes!" He reported with a heaving chest. Delta bent down and just eyed her silly Goblin.

"Thank you... you don't need to drown yourself. I can hear you if you just call for me." She reminded gently, and Numb saluted, sending a tangleweed flying into the face of Cois. It wrapped around his face, and Cois wiped at it furiously.

"Master felt bad! Master needs time! Cois said Master is a good soul!" Numb repeated with a large smile that made him look... innocent.

"Umgh!?" Cois shouted, weed muffling his voice. He held up one finger, and the thing burned to ash.

"Nasty weeds..." He grumbled and ran up to Numb's location.

"Master, the box is back... but I like this one!" He beamed, and Delta took a second to understand. She opened Cois' Menu, and sure enough, an option was glowing.


Cois has completed 5 challenges! He can now become a Rare Monster!

 - Refuse an Evolution.

 - Use your wisdom to do something other than use magic. (Talked to humans! Survived certain death from Ruli due to words!)

 - Love fire.

 - Kill or help kill 10 Monsters with fire.

 - Have a name.

Cois can now become "Cois the Pyromancer." Do you wish to Evolve Cois?


"Woah..." Delta's dark mood was slightly lifted at the golden light. She reread the list and could see how some Dungeons would struggle to do this. If they couldn't name their Monsters until floor 20... then a Human had to name it. If a Human named a Monster, then that meant it was dangerous or special.

Refusing an Evolution? Delta was almost confident no Dungeon would do such a thing at level 1. Delta grinned.

"Suck it! Delta is the best Dungeon!" She boasted and then looked at Cois once more.

"Nu, what are the ups and downs of having a Rare Monster?" She asked, and the Menu appeared slowly.


[It is good to see you... feeling better. In any case, a Rare Monster is a Monster that does unique things unusual for that type of Monster or does something very well. Cois can use Earth or Fire Magic. However, for some reason, Cois only seems to use Fire Magic. I wonder if this is a reaction to the mushrooms you fed him? However, a Rare Monster does Evolve without a cost and can be respawned at any lair.]

[First Rule: Three Rare Monsters per level can respawn. Second, they Evolve into Unique Classes or gain powers not available to other Goblins, even if they repeat the steps. It requires the right mind and soul to do it right. Third, they will create or produce soul drops that you did not create. This means that if they ever die, you could gain a Rare Item for their death. Fourth, Rare Monsters bring people to the Dungeon. They are... rare, so it brings attention. This may not be good for you, so I suggest creating a loot that Cois may drop if found. If nothing more than to fend off the curious.]


Delta watched as the Menu slowly grew larger and larger as Nu rambled.

"So, Cois is going to become a unique, respawning, loot-creating badass?" She summed up, and Nu dinged in agreement. She hummed and eyed Cois, who was dancing with excitement.

"Do you want to do it?" She asked, and Cois almost cackled with cheer. Delta couldn't help but giggle with him. The mud pit needed cleaning, and her values felt stupid as she hypocritically tried to stay peaceful while burning things alive...

But her friends made this moment feel okay.

"I allow you this Evolution!" Delta shouted, and Cois began to glow. The golden light engulfed Cois until even Delta couldn't see him. Honestly, Delta expected a back-choir to pitch in and have random church windows smash as Cois' transformation died down.

Delta felt her brows shoot up as they did.

Cois' face was covered by a wooden mask that depicted an evil-looking Dragon. His loincloth robe was now a straw skirt and a fur pelt that also acted like a cape. His staff became blackened, and the tips glowed with embers.

"Fufufu... power... Power... POWER!" Cois crowed, staff erupting with fire. Then the Waddles, rudely woken from his nap, sent a wave of water at him with a furious flap of his wings. Cois looked less majestic after that as his staff steamed and his mask tilted to one side. Cois' face had markings of red bands along one eye.

"Master...I wish to burn the duck!" He said with a growl, and Delta giggled again.

"You look great!" She praised, and Cois puffed his chest up as Numb stared in awe at the mask while Billy eyed the staff with interest.

Delta held one finger to Cois.


Cois the Pyromancer (Rare)


 - Ember Staff: A staff made when lightning struck a tree and a Goblin that was sitting on it.

 - Mask of Mild-Alarm: startles those who spot this mask out of the corner of their eye.

 - Goblin Potion of Health (Weak): A potion made with mushrooms as the key ingredient. People find it odd. I find it odd. Why mushrooms?


It really was amazing...

Delta followed her Goblins as they headed to the new room.


[If you're feeling better, I like to state what I was saying before. I believe we have found the reason for the numerous Slimers and the purpose of the next room. It's a Mana Spring!]


Nu's words made Delta hurry faster to the new room.

"A Spring of Mana? Like a fountain or something?" She asked, and Nu's Menu kept pace.


[A natural source of Mana. Many exist, and they come in many levels of purity and rarity. This one seems rather common, but I do believe it will have a great boon for us. I mean, it made the Slimers gather in numbers.]


Delta moved into the room and saw it for the first time. It was a rounded space with many trenches and alcoves. Odd stains of dark gain were still fading away, but Delta could see where the Slimers had stayed in one spot for a long time.

It was around a single crack in the ground. It glowed with a blue energy, and every so often, an orb of Mana floated out of it. Patches of grass and tiny insects buzzed around it. Delta knelt down and stroked the ground.

"It's beautiful!" She said with delight, and Nu dinged in agreement.


[Mana Springs naturally increases the Mana you gain each day. I do believe your increase is now... 12 a day. Instead of 2. I remind you that this spring is very common and may be found quite easily if one knows what to look for...]


Nu's words held a tone of victory, and Delta also began to smile.

182 DP... 12 Mana per day, on top of guests and her Gobs' outside gathering... maybe even adding some more Spider attacks to the mix...

It was picking up, and it wouldn't be long before Delta would be making some very important choices.

"What are Mana Springs? Why do they exist?" She wondered.


From the Book of Fairy Tales: The World is a giant seed. It leaks Mana and works with life. A vein is just a collection of the Great Seeds' work. Extra Mana that had nowhere to go after the seed finished making the World. The seed left them as gifts for those who dared look and aids for the Dungeons that would turn the seed's work into a World for the worthy. *After the Slimers, I add my scrutiny to this. It may just be excess Mana found in pockets of earth. Common non-elemental Mana is abundant.*


Delta stared into the crack and narrowed her eyes. She then...reached inside.

It was... warm, and then it was cold...It turned solid, and Delta panicked for a moment until it suddenly became air.

The Mana was cycling through states of being. It was everything, yet it was nothing.

"So, I have to make this a shrine or something?" She asked. She imagined the room as some church-like space that would draw people to stare at her glowing crack. Delta paused and after pulling the disgusting image out of her head, decided to just call it the Spring. Nu seemed to chuckle.


[No, I think we should make this the Store Room. The Slimers have taught us a good lesson. Having the right tools at the right time is important. I think we should hide the Mana Spring from those who would siphon it with an excess of junk and tools for your Goblins to use.]


"Hide the treasure under the junk... Nu, that's rather devious!" Delta grinned, and Nu seemed to jingle.


[No, it is simply efficient. I like that word. I think we should apply it more often when possible. Also, you have not checked the list we gained from the battle. I shall report now.]

Slimers x 13 absorbed!

Slick Algae unlocked!

Slimers unlocked for Summoning.

New Upgrades for several traps and plants are available later when current options are Upgraded.


Delta nodded and then bit her lip. Slimers as a Monster she could summon... The idea just doesn't sit with her at all.

"Nu, lock the Slimer option away so I can't see it in my Menus unless I ask for it or you think it will save a life, please." She requested, and the option faded from her Menu. This made her feel better. Delta wondered how many more Monsters she would lock away in the coming days?

She shrugged and stood. Looking at the room, she knew exactly what a Store Room needed. Something that any good place should have for new blonde kids coming out of the forest for the first time.

Pots... and barrels.

Lots of them.

Delta would not regret them per se... but she definitely did not see what crazed mania she would inspire in Mr. Japes, the Potter of Durence, in the coming days.

This is not my work but another Author’s. I just found this novel unique, fascinating, and splendid. I had a perpetual smile and often laughed while reading this novel. It needs more recognition, so I decided to edit it for any mistakes and post it here on WebNovel. The Author does post on RR and a forum website called Space Battle, so check it out if you’re interested. If you're actually spending time reading this note of mine, then I hope you had an enjoyable time reading the novel. If you really enjoyed the novel and would like to support the Author (Not Me!111!1!!!), I’m also gonna include his Patreon and PayPal link.

Author's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3031332

Author's PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ConnerStewart

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