

The great triplet, King's of dradevows. Lucifer, Demon, Azazel. Born for someone else, living their life watching over someone else's. They have everything needed for life. Power. Wealth. Looks. But just one thing is missing. A lover. THEIR MATE. Everyone they met, have their mates my their side. They may be cold blooded monsters, but even a monster has a heart. They too want someone to adore, to love. What do you think? Do they have a mate? And what would happen when their mate turns out to be from another world? Will they be able to find her? Read THEIR MATE to find out.

Sugar_05 · Fantasie
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25 Chs


So all long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.



We've polished off the feast and now find ourselves in the expansive and gorgeous living room. Nestled into an oversized and impossibly soft couch, I'm flanked by Azazel on my right, Demon on my left, and Lucifer directly in front of me.

Yet, here's the irony—nothing is more satisfying yet uncomfortable than having a belly full of food.

Why? Let me enlighten you. Stuffing your face with delicious treats is fantastic, but once your stomach resembles that of someone three months pregnant, it's undeniably uncomfortable. I feel like I'm on the brink of bursting.

However, that's beside the point. It seems like it's time for the initial phase of an arranged marriage—getting to know your partner better. I'm pretty clever, aren't I?

"Cough! Cough!'' I cleared my throat to draw my mates' attention, as if it wasn't already focused on me. Despite that, I couldn't help but notice the way their ears perked up and their eyes lit up after hearing me. Why are they so adorable? The thought lingered as we prepared for the next phase of our evening together.

"Do you have something to share, dear?" Azazel inquired, his voice taking on a sweet tone as he prompted me to speak.

"Actually... yeah. I think now that you know so much about me, and you guys can even read my thoughts, maybe you should tell me something about yourselves too. But first, enlighten me on how to keep you from reading my thoughts," I said in one breath. Was I genuinely afraid they would refuse? Doubtful. From what I could gather, they would bend over backward to meet my wishes, even if it meant sacrificing themselves in a heartbeat.

"We'd love to, but I have a feeling it's not something you'd fancy," Lucifer teased, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Alright, alright. Guys, stop teasing Gavreel now. What if our Mate suddenly wants to dig a hole and go into hibernation? That'd be a big loss, wouldn't it?" came Demon's voice, playing along with the teasing. Ugh, they're having so much fun at my expense, and I can feel myself blushing.

Their laughter filled the room, and in the midst of it, my annoyance seemed to fade away. The rich, captivating sound of their laughter was infectious. Once their laughter subsided, I spoke up.

"I want to know how to guard my thoughts. Now," I declared. They exchanged a look, a strange emotion flickering in their eyes, before turning their attention back to me.

"Sure, sweetheart. Anything you want," Azazel responded.

"Ignore him, love. Focus on me. I'll tell you how to build a shield in your mind to guard your precious thoughts. Hmm?" Lucifer said, redirecting my attention from a frowning Azazel to himself.

"OK, tell me," I said excitedly. All of this was new to me, but it was my life now. I knew what to expect when I agreed to come here, and I was determined to learn and be the best for my mates.

"That you already are, but that's another conversation. Now, listen to me carefully. To guard your thoughts, you have to make a shield in your mind. So, focus. Close your eyes and concentrate very carefully to build a shield in your mind. Go on, try it out," Azazel instructed.

"Okay," I closed my eyes and focused deeply, attempting to construct the mental shield as they had explained. After several minutes of concentration, I could feel a shield forming in my mind. I snapped my eyes open and looked at them, asking if they could hear my thoughts now. To this, they all shook their heads.

I gasped. "Whoa!" I clapped my hands. "I'm brilliant, huh? I learned it so quickly!" I exclaimed, a sense of accomplishment and pride washing over me.

"Now I regret telling you how to guard your precious thoughts. I'm curious what you are thinking, looking so adorable," said Demon with amusement and fake sadness in his majestic eyes.

I coughed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement at being caught off guard.

"Okay, enough flirting for today. Now, can you please tell me something about you guys?" I said impatiently. I was eager to delve into their lives, to hear their stories from their perspective. The Moon Goddess had given me the basics, but I wanted to know more, to understand them beyond the key points she had shared.

"It's the first time someone's trying to get to know us. They always assume we're some kind of vicious beasts," Demon remarked in a playful manner, breaking the ice before they began to share more about themselves.

"Well, are we not, though?" Deadpanned Lucifer almost instantly, causing Demon to glare at him with a cute blush. I could notice Azazel's shoulders shaking as he tried to control his laughter. Despite fisting his hand on his mouth, he couldn't help but let a chuckle slip. They were strangely amusing.

"Okay, sweetheart. Shall we start the story?" Questioned Azazel after he finally tamed his will to laugh out loud, avoiding Demon's silent threat with a pillow in his hand.

"So it all started from the creation of this universe, when the Almighty created everyone..." [The rest is history.]


After hearing the seemingly satirical tale of greed, innocence, jealousy, and more, I found myself gaping like a fish. They just appeared out of nowhere, created by the one and only Almighty? Whoa! The revelation left me in awe, processing the incredible origins of my mates.

"Does that not make you guys angels?" I questioned in curiosity. The three looked at me with a dumbfounded expression and then at each other.

"Oh dear lord, save me. Little one, out of everything, everything you could have asked, you are asking if we are angels," Azazel said, bursting into laughter.

"Yeah, we are anything but angels. At least according to our subjects," Lucifer said confidently.

"Well, I don't care what they think of you. You are my mates and the best in my eyes, so I think it's enough, right?" I asked, beaming at them.

The three, smiling from ear to ear, answered at the same time, "Absolutely," this time making me laugh out loud. The light-hearted exchange helped to further bond us, and I couldn't help but appreciate the unique dynamics of our newfound connection


Behind the closed curtains, the Characters and Author:

Lucifer: Hey, author! Why did you make me wear these ridiculous polka-dot socks?

Author: Well, I thought it would add a dash of pizzazz to your character!

Lucifer: Pizzazz? I look like a walking disco ball! Couldn't you give me, I don't know, ninja skills instead?

Author: Ninjas are so last season. Plus, polka dots never go out of style.

Lucifer: Easy for you to say. You're not the one tripping over your own feet.

Author: Think of it as a unique character trait. Graceful clumsiness.

Lucifer: More like awkward disaster. Can I at least have a cool catchphrase to distract people?

Author: Sure, how about "Oops, I did it again"?

Lucifer: Seriously? Are you trying to get me kicked out of the hero club?

Author: Relax, it's all part of the plot twist. Embrace the polka-dot chaos!