
Chapter 61

Yuhao shook his head, shaking off his amazement. He then focused back on the Sage as he said, "Back to the present…I don't think it is possible, but even if it was, I wouldn't want to get rid of my friend Amra. He has helped me so much with giving me his bloodline, strength, wisdom, not to mention he once saved me from a severe injury or possibly death at the hands of a Spirit Beast."

The Sage squinted his eyes, "You think he is better than me?"

Yuhao shrugged his shoulders, "I literally have no idea who is stronger. That has no impact over my decision though. There is no way I am going to sacrifice a good friend to receive another power from someone I just met. Even though you were a part of my despicable family's history and legend, I still just met you and it would not be right."

The Sage's eyes squinted further as his aura increased in pressure. The spirit beasts tensed up, wary of retaliation, however, soon after the Sage began letting out a bellowing laugh, "Hohoho, just as I would expect from someone of your calibre. If you actually agreed, I would be extremely disappointed. Either way, I would not be kicking your and my good friend out."

"Where does that leave you?" Yuhao asked half confused, half curious.

The Sage nodded as he looked around Yuhao's mindscape, "I am just going to hang around here for a little bit. All of my current living descendants have all been deemed unworthy so it isn't like I have anything urgent to do. Just go on with your life as per usual."

Amra snorted at this, "Yeah right. Like you are not going to be able to stick your nose in Yuhao's business."

The Sage 'innocently' looked away from the group at Amra's comment.

"Now that this is over, should we do the mind wipe again, Amra?" Yuhao said, prompting the group to remember what they were planning on doing before the Sage intervened.

Amra nodded as he took control over Yuhao's energy once again. This time as he controlled Yuhao's mental energy and sent it into the still unconscious Dai Yaoheng, there was no god-class beast disturbing them from doing so. With Amra doing his thing for just over three minutes, repeating the same process on Yaoheng's cat who was scared stiff behind a tree, just in case someone could read minds or translate 'meow-speak', all of Yuhao's still unexposed secrets were secure.

"What did you modify in his memories exactly?" Yuhao asked, as he dragged Yaoheng back behind a tree, out of sight and casually sat down on the somehow, undestroyed bench like nothing happened.

Amra chuckled at this, "Well, I thought why not have some fun with it. I basically made him 'think' he found a cultivation herb. In his excitement he absorbed it right here in the middle of the forest, however contrary to his speculation, it was actually a chaotic aphrodisiac. With no one being around, he only had one option to relieve his arousal…"

"One option?..." Yuhao murmured as he was thinking. After a second, he gasped and muttered, "Oh no…you didn't…the cat????"

"Haha, right on the money," Amra said. "He relieved himself using his cat and upon doing so, the chaotic energies within the herb burst out from his body, causing the damage to the surroundings and making him impotent. You are my host, so your revenge is my revenge too. That is now two down, only two to go. Your father, Dai Hao and the Duchess, Lei Xue."

"Thanks, Amra," Yuhao heartfeltly said.

Yuhao patiently waited for eight more minutes before Xiaotao returned. In her hands, were two pieces of strawberry cake and she had a giddy expression on her face as she bit into one while walking.

"Hey Xiaotao," Yuhao called out, only for Xiaotao to briefly smile before going back to her cake with gusto.

'I am seriously getting some nostalgic Erza vibes right about now…' Yuhao thought to himself as he witnessed her dejected expression when he grabbed the second piece of cake, she was holding out for him.

"Haha, come on. It is getting late. We should be heading back to the Academy now," Yuhao said, pushed her back in an arc around where the unconscious Yaoheng is. Even if they walked right over him, Yuhao doubted she would notice, considering the gaze she held for her cake.

When they returned back to the Academy, just before they departed, Xiaotao softly and vulnerably whispered, "Thanks for being so understanding and being my friend, Yuhao. It feels really good to tell someone and I am glad it was you who I told. I guess we will see each other when it is time for you to help me?"

Yuhao nodded, "Yeah I think so. We only have three-weeks before our Academy's one-week post-assessment break. If everything goes to plan, I will get my first fire-type spirit ring during that week break, which will allow me to help you as we discussed."

They shared a quick, friendly hug before they departed off tot heir own rooms.

As expected, the next three weeks passed very quickly. During these three weeks, Yuhao and his class had worked extremely hard on both the theory behind their battle orientations and also the practical side of them, having several mock battles. In each of the battles, Yuhao's team would come out on top, however, the battles against Wang Dong were a lot closer than when the two roommates were cooperating with one another.

Likewise, during these three weeks, Yuhao had also absorbed the ten-thousand-year-old, Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew herb given to him by Yan Shaozhe. The herb, while it didn't push him into the Mustard Seed stage of the Purple Demon Eye, pushed him to the absolute limit of the Detailed realm.

Finally, the day of the mid-year break had arrived and Yuhao had just left the Academy grounds after saying a brief goodbye to Wang Dong. The vast majority of the students simply stay in their rooms during this break, with only the students in need of a spirit ring to breakthrough, venturing out. Even then, several of these students still choose to patiently wait inside the Academy, holding off until the one-month break at the end of the year, to seek out their next spirit ring.

Yuhao willed his Steel Space Dragon spirit to appear and used his third spirit skill to create a portal. When he stepped through, he appeared outside his mother's and stepfather's house. Before heading to Gengxin City and the Fire Basin respectively, he had decided to pop in to see his only worthwhile family for a couple of hours.

During the four hours he spent at home, he talked with his mother Yun Er about his school life, the freshman assessment, his roommate and a multitude of other things. She was extremely proud of him for achieving first place in the assessment and had 'rewarded' him like every mother does, with a big smooch on the cheek, which despite his physique, he couldn't seem to avoid.

His stepfather Zeran had given his own input and also decided to take Yuhao into the workshop to ensure his skills weren't getting rusty while he was busy cultivating. They talked a little on both 'man' things and soul tools, providing Yuhao with his Zeran's own insight and perspective into both topics, with one he was not so interested in hearing.

After they all had a lovely lunch in the same inn Yuhao and his mother visited, way back when, Yuhao bid them farewell and departed once again.

Similarly, to last time, only four hours prior, he willed his martial spirit to appear and created a portal to the closest location he has been on the continent to Gengxin City, Star Luo City.

Just a smallish little chappy for y'all. Hope what happened with Yaofeng satisfied you, ruthless readers. Making him anymore injured or mentally incapable as he 'accidentally' did to Huabin would be extremely suspicious, and with Yaoheng's status as one of the Shrek Seven Devils, would invoke a thorough search for the culprit. This way he gets a small aspect of revenge (he can always do more later), without causing a fuss.

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