
The Yuhao Chronicles

Michael, the Air Chief Marshal of United Nations Military dies while on active duty and is given the chance to reincarnate into the world of Douluo Dalu 2. ----------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/tAuGhpj Support: https://ko-fi.com/proprocrastination ----------------------------- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Tang Jia San Shao. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover image, @momoco_haru does. I only own the extremely poor photoshopping effects that I added to it!

ProProcrastination · Book&Literature
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78 Chs

Chapter 60

"Congratulations little Yuhao. You have officially beaten someone nearly thirty ranks higher than you." Amra chuckled out from Yuhao's mind sea.

Yuhao could help but smile at the thought as he rested his hands on his knees catching his breath.

"Are you going to do your mind thing now?" Yuhao inquired curiously.

The ancient lion nodded as he began taking control over some of Yuhao's mental energy, "No time like the present."

The energy was manipulated out of his body, and it travelled in a straight line right to the 'downed' Dai Yaoheng. As the energy just began to sink beneath Yaoheng's skin, a 'pulse' of feedback shot up through the mental stream and shocked Yuhao, disrupting the energy. While it was Amra manipulating the energy, it was still Yuhao's own energy, so the feedback was able to interrupt the temporary control he had over it.

"Who?" Amra said, quite astonished that someone or something was able to disrupt his control over the energy.

A few seconds went by with only the sounds of crickets and birds chirping before all sounds of nature stopped. It was extremely eery, however, there was no sense of danger in the atmosphere. Moments later, an extremely ancient aura appeared in his surroundings. The aura, which completely encompassed Yuhao, seemed even older than Amra's own aura. Alongside this unknown, ancient aura, an intense, penetrating gaze slowly began building up before forming two massive, contrasting eyes in the air. The eye to the left radiated a glowing red, while the opposite one radiated a bright blue.

"Why do these eyes and aura feel so familiar…..." Amra said as he got lost in thought.

As soon as the eyes had appeared in front of Yuhao, they had similarly disappeared just as quickly. When they did, he felt a torrent of ancient, somewhat prehistoric power began exuding from the unconscious Dai Yaoheng. The transparent energy gathered above the prone body before shooting straight at Yuhao faster than he could have reacted. Amra and Daydream both formed mental and spirit-based barriers around their host, however, this energy just moved straight through them as if they weren't there in the first place.

When the last wisp disappeared into his body, Yuhao felt his consciousness be pulled into his mind sea, exactly as it did when he first talked with Amra. When he arrived, he was met with the usual calm and sagely Amra, confronting the energy.

While he was expecting Amra to do something, his actions shocked him, "You…. You…..ARRGGHH! What are you doing here?! Get out of my host you old, stupid cat!"

Yuhao, Daydream and Kunou tensed nervously as they all felt the ancient energy move erratically before they were all once again completely baffled. An equally ancient voice rang out across Yuhao's mindscape in reply to Amra's shouting, "Hey! Who are you calling a stupid cat, you stupid cat! What are you doing here in the first place when you should be stuck up there in that pathetic prison? And who says this is your host, huh? Once he knows who I am, I will gladly help him kick you out of here!"

With Yuhao, Kunou and Daydream watching on, they paid witness to the sagely, grandfatherly Amra began squabbling with whatever being the energy was. They just kept going at it, as if they were an old married couple. The three observers simply stood there on the sidelines for nearly ten minutes straight and seeing no end to the situation, Yuhao decided to interrupt.

"Ummm...I am not sure what is going on, but could one of you please explain what the hell is happening right now?" A confused Yuhao yelled out.

Despite the fact that he yelled, the two beings continued fighting before Yuhao repeated himself, only this time, he infused spiritual power into his voice to amplify it. This allowed his voice to sufficiently reach the two quarrelling beings, quieting them down as they both shifted half of their focus over to Yuhao, while still keeping the other half on the other.

Before Amra could reply, the energy-being, spoke up, "Well my descendant, I am sure you have heard of me."

He paused, waiting for a positive response from Yuhao. However, seeing the confused look on his face, the being said, "Maybe this form would be more appropriate?"

With this, the formless energy floating in Yuhao's mindscape began shifting. Slowly it began transforming, gaining colour, shape, definition and most importantly opacity. Finally, the energy settled into a being Yuhao knows very well.

The 'being' had transformed into a massive thirty-metre-tall and fifty-metre-long white tiger. It had a multitude of black stripes covering its body, two golden swirls above its eyebrows and a glowing golden 'eye-slit' in the middle of its forehead. Furthermore, the same radiant red and blue eyes appeared on its face. With this unique appearance, especially for someone who has lived, worked or even simply visited the Duke's Mansion, it would be pretty poor to not immediately recognise the supposed ancestor of the Dai Family, the Evil Eyes White Tiger Sage!

The Evil Eyes White Tiger Sage is said to be one of the first spirit beasts and one of the many who created the earth. In its legends, it has been described to only appear in people possessing astounding qualities, astonishing talent and the White Tiger spirit in every generation. Furthermore, it is also said to be a superior spirit beast and martial spirit than even the Blue Lighting Tyrant Dragon is, which is widely accepted as being the strongest beast spirit on the Douluo Planet.

Yuhao who was dwarfed by the massive, floating tiger, could only look up at it with his jaw wide open in shock. He never would have thought that he would meet the Evil Eyes White Tiger Sage, not to mention the fact that this being wasn't even a spirit beast created by the author of the universe, Zhang Wei, but was something created by the manhua artists. When he first heard it mentioned in the Duke's Mansion, he had thought it strange and possibly a simple rumour without it actually existing, but here and now, he can confirm that the spirit beast very much exists.

The tiger seeing his expression couldn't help but have a smug look pass across his face. He subtlety looked in the direction of his old rival and nemesis, shooting him the smug look, causing 'Amra' to shoot him a scowl in return.

"Haha, surprised to see me, little descendant?" The Sage said.

Yuhao still in a state of shock, could only sputter out, "What….But….how?....Why?...."

"Well, despite the fact that you don't have the 'required' martial spirit, you still the associated bloodline and genes. I was monitoring your half-brother, Dai Yaoheng, to be the next successor for my power after my last successor and your ancestor, Dai Mubai gave up my inheritance. Due to my personal opinion and morals to not read my potential successors minds and memories, I either have to closely monitor them over time, to see if they have qualities that I deem worthy, or in the case of Dai Mubai, place them under various trials to bring out these qualities manually. With this most recent battle and his actions leading up to it, he has shown to be unworthy of my power, presence and support."

Yuhao could only nod as he tried to process what he was being told. The white tiger sage continued speaking after giving Yuhao a minute, "So while I would have normally gone back to rest until the next potential successor, you just so happened to have more than enough talent and the correct genes to bypass the martial spirit necessity."

Yuhao nodded again before asking, "So that means you are going to monitor me now?"

The sage nodded wordlessly.

With that side of things covered, Yuhao then couldn't help but ask, "What was that whole thing between you two before then?"

This caused the two ancient feline spirit beasts to shoot each other a disdainful glance. They kept up this intense gaze before Amra let out a weathered sigh and said, "As you probably guessed, we have known each other for several million years. Back then, when I ascended to the Divine Realm, it was up to one of us to take up the mantle of 'Feline God'. Before I ascended, that old cat had no competitors over it, so he was able to take it up without a fuss. However, once I was there, only the strongest could hold the title. Due to this, we fought many times, sometimes I won, sometimes he won, but most of the time we would be unable to determine a victor. Because we couldn't win physically, we ended up trying to defeat each other in verbal battles. From that point on, our fights just devolved into what you saw today."

The Sage quickly interrupted at this point, "Don't forget about that other guy who could have competed for the position.

A look of remembrance flashed through Amra's eyes, "Ah yes that idiot. So, there was someone else who could have competed with us for the 'Feline God' position, someone who came about due to an evil mutation between one of the old cats, White Tiger descendants, and a banished Devil God. However, rather than compete with us, he decided to arrogantly and stupidly confront the Dragon God who banished him in the first place when he ascended once again, only to be ruthlessly killed."

The Sage nodded 'sagely', "Yes, after his mutation, he evolved to a spirit beast you might recognise, a beast called the Dark Devilgod Tiger. He was around the same power level as us, with each of us having a different speciality. I had the strongest spirit power abilities, your lion friend here had the strongest spiritual energy abilities, and the Dark Devilgod Tiger had the strongest blood essence abilities. While he is dead, I do remember him having a son before he ascended. If I am correct, someone you may recognise, Tang San, killed the initial Dark Devilgod Tiger's son before he similarly ascended."

After the Sage said this, Amra turned to his rival, "What did happen to you back in the Divine Realm?"

This question confused Yuhao, "What happened in the Divine Realm?"

The Sage looked thoughtful at this, "Back during the Divine War, when the Dragon God was going out of control due to his clashing energies, laws and god positions, I assisted the Asura God in taking down the Dragon God. Well, when I say assist, it was more of me taking one of the Dragon God's full attacks, destroying my physical body in the process, but allowing the Asura God to perform his final strike and separate the Dragon God into two. While the gods sealed the other god-class spirit beasts due to the threat they posed of potentially rebelling after their 'master' was killed, the Asura God persuaded the rest of the gods to let me descend back down the planet and not be imprisoned. And for the last one and a half million years, I have been helping out my descendants survive and just over twenty thousand years ago, I decided to provide a smidgen of my power to a respectful spirit master I encountered, which eventually led to who the Dai family are today."

"Wow…." Yuhao said, baffled at the insane history and backstories that Amra and the Sage have.

Love chapters where I can create detailed and lore-sensitive backstories for characters. Shoutout to 'lv0_Forever' who was the first person to suggest the idea of the Evil Eyes White Tiger Sage. Hope you enjoyed it!

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