Aegon Targaryen, younger than Viserys and older than Daenerys, seeks the strength to reclaim his family's honor and retake what was unjustly taken from them. Thank you for embarking on this fanfiction journey with me! Your support is incredibly valuable. Remember, you can find early chapters on my Patreon page. Keep an eye out for thrilling updates and exciting adventures to come!
The Dothraki army rides out of Vaes Dothrak with Khal Drogo leading and Daenarys at his side. They march on villages and towns sacking them for slaves to trade for ships because the Dothraki do not use gold. Dany becomes offended by the Dothraki's treatment of the women. When she speaks up Dany claims the women are under her protection. Khal Drogo agrees, which causes Mago a rider following Khal Drogo to protest. A fight ensues and Drogo is cut. Daenarys begs Khal Drogo to allow a mage by the name of Mirri Maz Duur to heal him. The mage betrays Dany twice and curses him with blood magic in retribution for her village, people, and temple.
Sir Jorah stands with, Sir Cade, Reed, Missandei, Grey Worm, and a mix of Unsullied and Dany's Bloodriders as she recounts the tale. Aegon sighs, "I am sorry for all you suffered Dany… I underestimated Viserys…"
"Lie to anyone but me Aegon… You knew what Viserys was and you knew he would betray you… Maybe you did not wish to spill our brother's blood but your hands are still stained…"
"All I can do sister is ask for your forgiveness…"
She sighs, "There is nothing to forgive…"
"Where is the witch?"
"Bound to the Pyre waiting for me…"
The army is gathered and everyone watches as Daenarys and Aegon hold hands. Sir Jorah and Sir Cade light the hay that starts the fire. With the mage tied to funeral pyre both Aegon and Dany walk hand and hand into the fire. The fire changes colors and lights streak across the sky. The next day both Dany and Aegon sit among the ashes with three Dragons. Two crawl on Dany, a green and gold one. The largest one, the black one is on Aegon's shoulder. When Aegon and Dany stand everyone drops to their knees. The black Dragon roars a squawk spreading its wings.
Later Aegon and Dany are clothed standing in a tent with a map of the western half of Essos. The Black Dragon Drogon named after Khal Drogo, Drogon sits on Aegon's shoulder, the other two Dragons Rhaegal and Viserion stick close to Dany. "We will march on the city of Qarth… It is the closest city…"
"They say Qarth is the greatest city that was, is, or ever will be…" Reed says speaking up, "The city has never been taken… The walls are hundred feet high and twenty-five feet thick… The lands before the gate are referred to as the garden of bones…"
"I have heard all the stories and we will breach the city and take it…"
"You have a plan my King?" Cade asks.
Aegon waves his hand and two guards bring in a jar, "Behold… Wild Fire… sent to us by Jon Connington…"
"Is that the same Wild fire you told me father had made…"
"Yes it is…"
"The same you told he was going to use to burn down the city with?"
"Forgive me your grace… But is that wise?" Sir Jorah asks.
"If any of you can come up with a plan to get into the city without using it… I am all ears… You have until we reach the city… We march in two days…" Later Aegon sits on the ground by a rock with Drogon, "Dracaerys!" The baby Dragon squawks and blows a puff of smoke at the raw meat. Aegon sighs and places the meat in the fire then offers it to Drogon.
"He seems to like you…"
"I will ride him one day…" Aegon looks at her as she joins him on the ground. "Again I am sorry about Khal Drogo… I wish I could have met the man who won my sister's heart…"
"I don't want to talk about it…"
He watches as she feeds Rhaegal first. Viserion squawks in protest. "Did you give your baby a name…"
She wipes away a tear, "Dam you I said I did not want to talk about it!"
"Alright…" Aegon takes her hand, "Dany there is something I must tell you…"
"I only recently learned this… It's about Rhaegar. In the short time he and Lyanna Stark were together they conceived a child…" Dany frowns, "… His name is Jon Snow. Eddard Stark claimed him as his bastard…"
"The third rider from my vision…" Dany says.
"Yes… I sent some men to kidnap him and bring him to me…"
"He is family… And I have deduced that he has not had an easy life."
"How so?"
"I am sure Eddard Stark cares for him… It is not unheard of for a bastard to be claimed by a noble lord… In some cases the bastard is given the family name… Jon has not. Furthermore I believe that Eddard Stark's lie has caused friction in his family otherwise Jon Snow would be Jon Stark…"
"It is going to be hard to kidnap someone from a castle… And he may resent you for taking him away from his family…"
"Maybe… it's a risk I am willing to take…" He looks around, "There is one other thing. You asked me to find a way to free the slaves… As we speak the Baratheons and Lannisters will tear each other down through war… While we go stronger… I can take the Free Cities, but I cannot hold them with just eight thousand plus men. Our Dragons are too young to fight a war or lay siege to a city. So we will take Qarth, but after that I will need you to return to Vaes Dothrak…"
"You are the widow of a Khal, by Dothraki law you are suppose to join the Vash Khaleen… So you will go to the Dothraki and demand an audience with whoever emerges as the Great Khal and command that they fight for us…"
"They would laugh me to scorn…"
"Perhaps… You have been to Vaes Dothrak where do the Khals gather?"
"In the temple…"
"Are there braziers…" Dany smiles.
Aegon's army marches toward Qarth. The trip takes almost two months by land. As they travel they conquer the towns and villages in between. Most surrender and pledge themselves to King Aegon Targaryen. Some are laid to waste to be made examples of. Three miles from Qarth and the scouts return with a messenger. The army holds position so that Aegon and Daenarys can address the messenger.
"Who are you?" Aegon asks after the man bows.
"I Desmon Akar a servant of the mages of the House of the Undying… My master sends greetings to King Aegon Fourth of his name… and his sister Queen Regent Daenarys Stormborn of House Targaryen…"
"And who is your Master?"
"Pyat Pree is Grandmaster of the order… He wishes to serve the children of the Dragon and as an act of his good will the mages will open the gates for your grace and his army… All you have to is say I rule Qarth and the gates will open…"
Sir Cade tries to speak into Aegon's ear, but he raises his hand stopping him."Tell your Master I accept his offer…"
The man bows again and leaves, "Is that wise?" Daenarys asks, "What will they want in return…"
Aegon smiles, "Our Dragons of course…" He looks at Dany, "Mages are drawn to Dragons… Their magic grows stronger around them…"
"Then why accept his offer my king…"
He looks at Cade, "Blood and Fire… Sir Cade… Blood and Fire…" They arrive at the gates of Qarth two days later. "Sir Cade…"
He urges his horse forward, "I am Sir Cade… Lord Commander of the King's Guard to Aegon Targaryen… Fourth of his name… King of the Andels and the First Men… Protector of the Realm… Lord of the Seven Kingdoms… In his name I demand that you surrender and open your gates to us…"
"We do not recognize you nor your King… This is Qarth… The greatest city that is, was, or ever will be… No army has ever taken this city… Depart for you stand in the garden of bones…"
"You have sealed your doom…"
Cade rides back to Aegon's side. He urges his horse up, "Prepare for battle…" In unison the Unsullied take a fighting stance ready to charge. "I rule Qarth!" The gates start to creak and the beam breaks in half as they open.
Aegon draws his swords and lead the charge into the city. As Aegon gallops into the city he decapitates a man pointing a spear at him. Dany follows firing arrows at enemy soldiers. Aegon spots Grey Worm and rides up to him. "Grey Worm! Take some men and position archers on the wall until we have secured this part of the city…"
"I obey my King it shall be done…"
"Sir Jorah protect my sister…"
"Of course my lord…"
"Sir Cade with me…"
Aegon leads a hundred Unsullied to the guard house by the main gate. When they take the guard house Aegon sets up a command base as his forces secure a foothold in the city. "My King I am Dust… Grey Worm sends me… We have taken the wall and have posted spotters… The defenders are rallying in the square…"
"Do not advance… send scouts house by house… redirect citizens to the main gate… then set fire to these houses before advancing the main force…" Soon Aegon is joined by Daenarys.
"I wish to set up a place of refuge for the children and families…"
"Make it so…"
The fighting lasts for three days strait. Aegon's tactics in battle are calculating and dessive. By sunset on the third day the sigil of House Targaryen flies over the city. Aegon stands on the steps of a mansion and raises his sword. "HAIL AEGON… HAIL THE YOUNG DRAGON… HAIL AEGON HAIL THE YOUNG DRAGON…" The Unsullied scream in unison.
"HAIL AEGON"S ARMIES!" Aegon screams.
Aegon throws a feast for his men to celebrate their victory. The next day he makes a series of proclamations, the first is the outlawing of slavery. Then he confiscates the wealth of the nobles and divides it into three. Aegon takes sixty percent to keep the city's economy flowing. He takes the next twenty percent and divides it among the slaves and poor, then the last he keeps for his coffers.
Sir Cade and Grey Worm walk before three thousand men who had turned on the city defenders to fight for Aegon. "Trust must be earned… just because you turned on the men of your city does not give you the right to fight for my King… Any one of you could be a potential assassin… And as I said trust must be earned… As such you will take on double sometimes triple patrol. You will get half the rations given to the Unsullied and other fighters serving King Aegon… If I or Grey Worm feel any of you are spies or traitors you will be taken care of accordingly… Report to your captains… Dismissed!"
Meanwhile Aegon holds court in the House of a thousand thrones, the thirteen of Qarth stand before Aegon and Daenarys to swear fealty. Aegon points at a stout man, "You come forward…" He arrogantly obeys, "What is your name?"
"I am the Lord of Spice… Samure ru Zhan and I do not recognize a Targaryen pretender… The Targaryens fell in the Doom of Valyria… The glory of your ancient city lies in ruins… Your father was Mad Man… I would rather die standing than bend the knee to you… Young Dragon…"
Aegon looks down and when he does Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion look back at him. His eyes shift to Zhan, then the Dragons look at him. "No…"
" DRACAERYS!" The three Dragons spits balls of fire at Samure. He screams and as he burns ten Unsullied surround him pointing their spears to make sure he doesn't spread the fire. When his screams die out Aegon lifts a finger signaling the Unsullied. " FEAST ON HIS FLESH…" Drogon leaps onto the burnt carcass with Rhaegal and Viserion following.
"This is what will happen to all those who do not bow…" Aegon says standing up, "Grey Worm make sure they stay until our Dragons have had their fill of meat…" Aegon retires with Daenarys to the study.
"When do I leave for Vaes Dothrak?"
"After Jon has arrived…" The next day Aegon holds court again, this time the remaining members of the council swear an oath Aegon. "Ah Desmon Akar…"
"May the King of Qarth reign forever…"
"Where is your Master? The city has been mine for three days now and he has yet to show himself…"
"My Master sends his regards and apologies… The order is in an uproar for allowing his Grace into the city and betraying the Council of Thirteen… He is dealing with those who would betray your grace…"
"I understand, but my patience has its limits… Convey that to your Master…"
Next a former slave comes forward and asks that he be allowed to continue serving his Master. Aegon refuses, but Dany speaks up, "His request is not unreasonable my King… Allow him to continue serving his former Master so long as the former Master pays him a monthly wage."
"Is this acceptable to you sir?"
"Yes it is… thank you my King…"
"Do not thank me thank my sister the Queen Regent…"
"The merchant Arem hes Lard…"
He bows, "Hail the Young Dragon… I am a lowly merchant my lord… I make my living by delivering cargo from one place to another… Your Unsullied confiscated all my goods…"
Aegon looks at Grey Worm, "Grey Worm is this true?"
"Yes my King… This man was delivering slaves to the city to be sold at auction…"
Aegon looks at the man, "I have outlawed slavery sir…"
"I know great King, but I am not a citizen of this city… and with all due respect your law does not apply to me…"
"You have a point… What city do you hail from?"
"I am a man of Volantis…"
"Sir Cade!"
"My King…"
"Prepare letters to be sent to the Triarchs of Volantis… Tell them that King Aegon Targaryen demands their immediate surrender…" He looks at the merchant, "There now you see… Soon you will be a citizen of my Kingdom… So I give you a choice… You can leave with your ship or I can confiscate that as well along with your life…"
"M… y… my life your Grace… Thank you…"
The court laughs as the man rushes out. Aegon holds court until midday then he feasts with the remaining members of the council of thirteen. "I have been studying all of you before and after I took this city… Reading your family histories and your accomplishments… Among you I will choose a City Magister to rule in my name after I depart… Three of you stand out and I will meet with those three in private…" He looks at two men, "Lord Tano… I find your reputation to be despicable… Both you and Lord Ferreth… So I will give the two of you a choice… Life in the dungeons or life service to the wall… The Wall if you do not know is across the sea in Westeros… It is guarded by the Night's Watch."
Both men choose the wall. The next day Aegon sits at a table waiting for Daenarys. "Where is my sister?"
"I know not my King…" The servant replies. Aegon walks to her living quarters with Grey Worm, Sir Cade, and Sir Jorah. "Open this door…" He commands to the guard at Dany's door. When they open it Missandei is on the floor unconscious. "Missandei!" Aegon rushes to her side as she stirs. "Missandei… are you alright… Where is Dany?"
"Your sister is fine…"
They turn drawing their weapons and find a ball skinny man sitting on the bed. "Who are you?" Sir Jorah asks.
When he does not answer Jorah threatens him with his sword, "Sir Jorah…" Aegon says helping Missandei off the floor. "You must be Pyat Pree…"
"I am your grace is quit perceptive…"
"My sister where is she?"
"She and the two Dragons are in the House of the Undying…"
"Let me kill him my King…" Jorah says.
"If anything happens to me you will never see Daenarys Stormborn again…"
"I will be happy to join you at the House of the Undying…" Pree stands and walks to the balcony, then he leaps over the side. Jorah and Cade run to the balcony and when they look over he is gone. They look at Aegon and shake their heads no. "Grey Worm prepare a thousand men and have them surround the House of the Undying." He salutes and runs off.
"My King it is a trap… You can't go there…" Sir Cade says.
"I must go…"
"Fire does not harm you or Queen Daenarys… We set the tower on fire…" Jorah desperately says.
"And watch it crumble around my sister… We are not hurt by fire, but we can be killed by an arrow, steel, or a falling stone if it is heavy enough…" When Aegon arrives at the tower with Drogon, Cade, and Jorah one thousand Unsullied stand around the tower.
"My King there is no door… I checked twice…" Grey Worm says.
"Right…" As he walks up to the tower the bricks shift and an opening appears. Aegon looks at Sir Cade and Sir Jorah, "Whatever happens do not enter the Tower."
"But my King I am Lord Commander of your King's Guard…"
"I know and my most trusted friend and ally… It would break my heart if you died in there…"
"Then let me come with you…" Sir Jorah says.
Aegon shakes his head, "Dany would never forgive me if anything happened to you Sir Jorah… I go in alone…" When he walks through the door, it closes behind him. "Dany!" Aegon calls as he hears voices and the sound of Dragons. Drogon flies off and when he passes through a door a solid wall appears.
"This way!"
Aegon looks up the hall to the right and spots Pree. He walks that way and when he arrives at the end of the hall he walks through an archway and finds himself in a huge throne room with a throne made of swords and on it sits his brother Rhaegar. "Hello Aegon…"
"Rhaegar… but you are dead."
"Killed by the young Stag or fat Stag now…"
"This is not real…"
"Real or not I am proud of the man you have become Aegon…"
"I have to go…"
"Don't you want to ask me a question?"
Aegon looks at him for a few seconds then he walks away and finds himself at a castle with a wall a thousand feet tall. He walks through a tunnel and sees a tent in the snow. When he enters the tent Dany is there with a man and a baby, "Dany!"
She looks at him, "Aegon!" They hug.
"Who is this moon of my life?"
"I am her brother. Who are you…"
They speak in Dothraki, "Aegon this is Khal Drogo and our son…"
He looks at them, "Dany this is not real…"
A tear slides down her cheek, "I know… I must leave now…"
" Stay with us…"
Aegon holds Dany's hand as they hear their Dragons cry out. Soon they come to a room with a stand and on the stand are their Dragons. Then Aegon and Dany find themselves in chains, Aegon on one side of the stand and Dany on the other their wrists connected by a chain. "Welcome Children of House Targaryen…"
"You betrayed us…" Aegon says in anger.
"No… we mages want to rule… and with you and the Dragons our magic will be boundless…"
Aegon and Dany look at each other then the Dragons who look at them, "DRACARYS!" Brother and sister say at the same time. The three Dragons burn Pree and as he screams the chains dissolve on the Dragons, Aegon, and Daenarys. They emerge from the tower, then Aegon has Grey Worm follow him in with five hundred men. They take the mages of the tower prisoner, then place Wild Fire at the base of the tower and destroy it.
Aegon builds a large fire pyre of wood and chains the mages to it. Then he and Dany stand in the center of the Pyre and set it on fire. The Dragons, Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion are on the pyre with them. When the fire dies the Dragons have quadrupled in size.