


Aegon is taken by the two men to the docks on Viserys' orders. They are to deliver Aegon to Robert Baratheon alive and let him kill Aegon. Viserys didn't know that one of the sell-swords guarding Aegon is working for him. They buy passage aboard a ship heading for Volantis to drop off some slaves then to King's Landing. Aegon is placed in the hold with the other slaves. He waits for the ship to set sail. It is a patient waiting game. If they strike at the wrong time it would end wrong for Aegon.

By night fall they are miles from shore. Aegon nods to his man, then he picks his locks. He slowly sneaks up behind the guard and snaps his neck, while his sell-sword kills the other man. " I am Prince Aegon Targaryen… Son of the Dragon… If you follow me I will lead you to freedom… Are you with me…" He says in Old Valyrian. They release the slaves and they all arm themselves with anything they can make a weapon out of.

Aegon takes the sword of the man he killed. He leads the charge up onto the main deck. He dodges an arrow fired from a crossbow and slits the man's throat. As the battle unfolds the Sell-Sword Reed climbs up to the crow's nest and kills the man in the nest. Meanwhile Aegon grabs a man's sword hand and severs it. While still holding the severed hand with the sword he fights the next man. It was due to the surprise attack and Aegon's leadership that the slaves prevail. By sunrise the ship is commandeered, with nineteen of the slaves dead. Aegon spares the captain and forces him to take the ship to Astapor.

As they approach Astapor Aegon slits the Captain's throat and throws him overboard. Aegon takes three slaves with him and leaves Reed in charge of the ship. He heads for Krazyns' mansion. "Welcome it is an honor to finally meet Prince Aegon…" He says through a slave named Missandei.

Aegon raises his hand, " I speak old Valyrian…"

"Ah what may I do for you… I have sold all my Unsullied to you…"

"I have a ship in the bay loaded with goods… I will trade it for armor, weapons, horses and a few wagons…" He points at Missandei, "And I will buy her from you as well…"

Krazyns informs Aegon that it will take a few days to gather what he wants. So Aegon passes the time by gathering information. An information broker tells him that a Dothraki warlord named Khal Drogo married Princess Daenarys Targaryen. There is also news from the West. Jon Arryn is dead and King Robert asked his old friend to be his new hand. It takes a week for Krazyns to gather what is needed. Then Aegon gives him the ship and marches out of Astapor.

The march to the small town of Antos takes two weeks. As Aegon's small band rides up they are met by Sir Dylan Cade. Cade has taken up residence in the large Manor that once belonged to a count. "It is good to see you my Prince… I had received word that Daenarys married a Dothraki warlord…"

"I heard the same thing when I arrived in Astapor… Viserys betrayed me…"

"As you predicted…"

"I know… Now it is my turn… If he isn't dead already…"

"The Dothraki are known for doing things in their own timing… and patience is not a quality of your brothers…"

"The Dothraki will never cross the Narrow Sea… At least not to follow Viserys… If he isn't dead by now he soon will be…"

"What is your next move my prince…"

"First I get some information then I seek out Dany and go from there… If this Khal Drogo does not cooperate… He and I will have a problem…" A few weeks later, one of Aegon's agents shows up in Antos.

"My Prince… your plan is working… Robert Baratheon is dead… The Baratheons and Lannisters are gearing up for war…"


"Our man in Vaes Dothraki reports that your brother Viserys is no more…"

Aegon sighs, "How did he die?"

"He threatened your sister and her unborn child…"

Aegon smiles, "Dany is pregnant…"

"Yes my King… Um… Khal Drogo poured melted gold over his head…"

Aegon looks at Sir Cade, "We march on Vaes Dothrak…"

"Forgive me my King… but no army has ever marched on the city of Vaes Dothrak…"

"I will be the first… I want to march in three days… gather as much food and water as you can…" Three days later Aegon's Dragon Army leaves the town of Antos and the surrounding villages. Some of the citizens leave with the army for protection. Cade had trained two thousand of the Unsullied as mounted calvary, a thousand as archers and the rest serve as infantry. They stop and make camp after two days of marching. Three headed red Dragons had been painted on the shields of the Unsullied. Banners bearing the sigil of House Targaryen blow in the wind.

A scout rides back towards Aegon who sits on his horse with Sir Cade, Reed, and Missandei at his side. "My King…" The scout is one of the slaves Aegon liberated from the merchant ship. The man had deserted the Golden Company. The Company hunted him down and sold him into slavery. "Dothraki tracks about half a mile ahead of us… heading southwest…"

"The Dothraki are on a war path…" Cade says.

"We will have to be careful about how we approach… triple all scouting parties…" A week later Aegon's scouts come upon a small party of Dothraki.


Dany stands watching as the Dothraki and slaves she freed build a fire pyre for her now dead husband Khal Drogo. She showed kindness and was rewarded with betrayal, but if her visions are true things would be different. "Khaleesi!" Sir Jorah breaks her thoughts.

She looks at him with red rimmed eyes. She had lost her Sun and Stars, and she had lost her child. "What is it…"

He smiles, "An army of Unsullied approach bearing the sigil of House Targaryen…"

As the army approaches hope grows in Dany's heart as the figure in front becomes more defined. "Aegon." She says with tears streaming down her face. Sir Cade is with him.

"Dany… I have missed you…" When he tries to hug her she slaps him. He keeps smiling, "I guess I disserved that…"