
The Yin Universe

Immortal demonic Emperor Xiu Xian, aspiring to immortality, sacrifices everything he has in order to acquire a special physique. Seventeen years later, the memory of his past life finally awakens, but the world in which he finds himself is distorted. Men and women have switched roles. The children of luck are visible on the horizon, and aura of their luck is suspiciously familiar.

Invervinus · Ost
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2 Chs

Asura's Dinner

The glow flooded the hall. There were three people sitting at a long table: Yu Shiming, Liu Chitu, Liu Ziyu. Yu Tian was stalling for time, and no one touched the food until he came down.

— Son, you've come, — Yu Shiming was the first to respond.

Liu Chitu looked at her stepson and greeted him, and her daughter pulled out a nearby chair so that Yu Tian could sit down.

Awkward silence.

— Son, eat more.

— Yeah.

Yu Tian's gaze rested on Liu Chitu. The years have not spared her, but once she was beautiful, like Liu Ziyu.

There was a whisper on the right: — Little brother, little brother.

Yu Tian looked inquiringly at Liu Ziyu.

— Say something.

Yu Tian nodded and returned his gaze to his stepmother.

— Liu Chitu, right?

When Liu Ziyu heard Yu Tian's words, she wanted to punch herself in the face, and Yu Shimin wanted to punch his son in the face.

— Right.

— Unfortunately, my father did not say that he remarried, and I first heard your name a few minutes ago, so I have no idea what to talk about with you at all.

Liu Ziyu covered her face with her hands in shame.

Yu Shimin was blushing.

Liu Chitu calmly looked at her stepson. The storms of life have hardened her mentality, made her almost immune to most things, be it joy or sorrow.

— Tell me how things are going at school.

— My father transferred me to another school, so I have nothing to tell.

— Tell me what your academic record was.

— Academic performance was excellent.

Two natural intelligences with a flair of artificial were having a cold conversation. Liu Chitu's husband and Yu Tian's sister wanted to interrupt them, but didn't dare. The only thing they could do was eat to hide their embarrassment.

— Tell me what you would like to eat.

— I would like to eat a little rabbit.

Yu Shiming choked and coughed. His hand was searching the table for a glass. Liu Chitu silently helped him.

Liu Ziyu froze and looked askance at her stepbrother. In her eyes you can read: «Are you serious?!» — But it was impossible to read in her eyes: «Your father calls my mother that!»

— Did I say something wrong? It's better to eat rabbit than to eat dirt.

The coughing father turned red from suffocation to anger.

Liu Ziyu's face darkened: «Why are you using such a terrible homophone to my mother's name?»

— Don't pay attention, — Liu Chitu remained calm. All the taunts seemed to be ignored, — They are LSP.

Yu Shimin's blush changed from angry to embarrassed.

— Mom! — Liu Ziyu opened her mouth in disbelief.

— Am I wrong?

— And who are LSPs? — Yu Tian asked.

— Oh, it's…

— Mom, please spare.

Yu Tian was laughing in his heart. The stepmother turned out to be interesting. Father's face is also fun to watch. Today, he realized what fifty shades of heroism of the hualian from the Beijing Opera is, so quickly his father's face changed.

— Old perverts, — finished Liu Chitu.

Liu Ziyu covered her face with her hands, her ears turned red. Yu Shiming stared down at the floor.

— Father, did you find something interesting down there?

Liu Chitu smiled for the first time at dinner.

— Darling, will you show me this?

Yu Tian fell silent. The father, whose existence he has just begun to put up with, is going to water his old withered flower today. No matter how arrogant, domineering, majestic he was in his past life, after the merging of memories, the former indifference is strangled by seventeen years of the life of a simpering feminine man. To regain confidence he said:

— Liu Chitu, be careful with my father. He is very gentle.

There was a glint in Liu Chitu's gaze. The young man in front of her is different from what her new husband was talking about, what her sister was talking about and what intelligence reported.

— I heard that you chase my niece at school. It's true?

«Oh, she attacked me», — Yu Tian went on the defensive, — Are you talking about Liu Mei?

— Right.

— Yes, I did.

Liu Ziyu was the only one who was detached from such details, so she alternately shifted her gaze between her stepbrother and her own mother, without losing interest.

— It's a pity that she spoke unflatteringly about you. — Liu Chitu intensified the attack, — I can see that you are different from how she described you. The stupid girl doesn't know what treasure she has lost.

— People change when they are in love, and they change when love passes.

— You're right. Besides, to become a family with her, apparently, is your destiny, — Liu Chitu was twirling her hand with a glass of wine. The whirlwind inside caught her eye as she pondered, — I have a question for you.

— I'm listening.

— Are the feelings of young people so unreliable nowadays?

Yu Tian was silent. He had nothing to say, so he changed the subject.

— Unlike young people, who have sincerity, adults have only interests.

Yu Shiming wanted to intervene, but his son's murderous gaze hurt his soul, so he didn't dare.

Liu Chitu turned cold. A couple of years ago, she heard from her niece about the chasing by Yu Tian, the sole heir of the large Yu family, therefore the plan to absorb the Yu family appeared and soon this plan turned into her obsession. There was no hope on Liu Mei, Liu Chitu herself had to embody it, but in the process the interests became sincerity and she fell in love with Yu Shiming.

— I sincerely love Xiaoming, — Liu Chitu said through her teeth.

— I didn't say anything about you, but if my words hurt you, it means that you have a guilty conscience.

Yu Shimin looked at his wife with disbelief.

— It's true? — bitterness distorted Yu Shiming's speech, tears came out of the glands.

Suddenly he jumped up and ran out.

— Wait! Xiaoming, it's not like that! Listen to me! — Liu Chitu followed her husband.

Liu Ziyu and Yu Tian stay at the table. The first one's gaze stared at Yu Tian in shock.

— Little brother, this is the first time I've seen my mother suffer a loss.

— Oh? You're not blaming me? — Yu Tian asked calmly.

— Silly, big sister will always protect you, — as if convincing herself of an earlier decision, Liu Ziyu said.

Yu Tian calmly looked at his stepsister, turned to the table, stretched out his chopsticks and picked up the food.

— I can finally eat in peace, — Yu Tian threw a piece of pork into his mouth.

— My little brother is prickly on the outside, but soft on the inside, — Liu Ziyu sighed.

Yu Tian's face darkened.

«People in love become idiots. Apparently, Ziyu wants to be more than just a brother and sister».


In a large bedroom on the second floor, a man was lying in the arms of a woman. He sobbed softly as a strong female hand gently stroked his back.

— Darling, I really love you, — Liu Chitu whispered.

— Really? — Yu Shiming's gaze was teeming with hope.

— Of course, silly, — her face lit up with a confident smile that made the pathetic husband snuggle even closer to her.

— I believe you, Xiaotu, — Yu Shimin was touched, but suddenly his face tightened. Yu Tian's bad words to his wife again entangled his mind like octopuses.

— What is it, Xiaoming?

— I remembered what the little bastard said.

— Come on, Xiaoming, I know it was hard for you to raise your son alone. Now we'll share that burden, so you don't have to be so strict with him anymore.

Yu Shiming frowned for a while and soon exhaled.

— I'm really bad for Tiantian. I'm a terrible father, — the cob of sadness left the stem in the heart and fell from the lips.

— Xiaoming, don't blame yourself. Just treat Yu Tian better in the future. Besides, he is strong, and the strong know how to forgive.

— Is it true?

— Yes.

Yu Shiming lifted his head from Liu Chitu's big breast and kissed her lips. She crushed him under her and with an ardent gaze walked over his body from his face to his groin.

The man's heartbeat quickened. He pulled the tiger's whiskers.

— Naughty Xiaoming, it's time for the wedding night, — hot lips roughly roamed over the man's neck.

— Wait... wait… — Yu Shiming groaned and simulated weak resistance, but Liu Chitu's burning desire broke through the last defense line.

A passionate tornado lashed the flower, sweet tears of rain caressed it.


While wetness and heat, yin and yang, intertwined in the unity and struggle of opposites at the top, a pair of newly appeared brothers and sisters ate at the table below.

— Liu Ziyu, when...

— Call me sister.

Yu Tian sighed. He previous was full of yin, so the pre-previous yang disappeared.

— Sister, — the guy saw a smile on his sister's face, but ignored it, — when the hell did they get married?

— Today, while you were at school. After the marriage was registered, they were going to an important meeting, but your fainting disrupted their plans. Mom said that the stepfather was very worried, so they rushed to the hospital.

A lot of things fell into place.

«I hate to admit it, but it seems I misunderstood my father».

— Oh, by the way, is it true that you like my cousin?

— In the past.

— Don't tell me you're in love with me.

— LSP, — Yu Tian said and continued to eat.

— What?! No, little brother, it's just a joke!

But all the subsequent excuses that flew from the lips of the stepsister were ignored.

After dinner, Yu Tian went to his room, leaving the dishes to his poor sister.

Outside the window, the eye of the sky turned crimson and caught pieces of enveloping darkness.

— It looks like I'm going to have to accept the past and let it become a part of me, — Yu Tian's eyes absorbed the blood of the star.

From the villa, high-rise buildings can be seen in the distance. He saw them when he traveled near for years, he remembered the world, but memory seemed to be a mirage, and therefore two type of personalities sank like steam into each other's, merging into the glory of the days which will to come, and the darkness of the eyes under the power of light, flooded with a new color. From now on they are red as light the dead days, from now on their color is the shadow of the past years.

Yu Tian's consciousness has become clearer, but therefore the bonds have become more visible. It seems like they can interfere with new achievements on the Tao. Domineering and submission, coupled in a club of threads, pull to the different side.

Yu Tian closed his eyes.

«The fetters of the righteous taoists is the wings of the demonic taoists»


At night, Yu Tian periodically trained and successfully overcame five levels, approaching the ninth. The new physique covered thousands of li in a day. At this rate, after a year of continuous practice, he will reach the nascent soul, which will allow him to break the void and leave the planet. The synthesis of a new soul yesterday strengthened his attachment to this world a little, so Yu Tian decided: until he conquers the world, he will not leave it.

Yu Tian took a shower and didn't know what to do. He was lying in his underwear in bed and lazily swinging his leg.

There was a knock on the door.

— Come in.

Liu Ziyu opened the door and saw Yu Tian. White delicate skin clung to the chiseled outlines of muscles. On the body there was only underwear with a mysterious bump. Her face was flushed and her heart was pounding wildly.

— Little brother, get dressed! — Liu Ziyu slammed the door.

Yu Tian shook his head, got up and walked over to the wardrobe.


He put on yesterday's clothes, went to the door and opened it.

— Where are my clothes? — Yu Tian asked calmly.

Liu Ziyu looked at him a little nervously.

— Yours... your clothes haven't arrived yet.

— Did you peek through the keyhole?

— N-no! What are you talking about?

— LSP.

Liu Ziyu gritted her teeth and walked over to Yu Tian. She grabbed his chin and realized that he seemed taller, and therefore her plan failed.

— You were lower yesterday.

— I was standing a step lower yesterday, — he grew up overnight, so he lied.

— Okay… — Liu Ziyu got rid of the awkwardness, leaned closer to his face, fixing a confident look straight into his eyes, and stopped: — What's wrong with your eyes?! Why are they red? Don't they hurt?

Liu Ziyu put her hands on Yu Tian's head and looked at his red pupils.

— Everything is fine. They don't hurt.

— I wanted to take you to school, but I'm taking you to the hospital today.

— Are you sure it doesn't hurt anywhere? — Liu Ziyu asked again.

— Exactly.

Liu Ziyu repeated the attempt to molest, so, bending down, she said: — Baby, if you keep teasing this sister, this sister will really eat you.

Yu Tian moved away from her..

— Liu Chitu was right, you're LSP to the bones. It's amazing that you're still a virgin.

— Wh-what?! I'm not a virgin!

— Your conscience is unclean. Admit it and I'll ignore your peeping. Otherwise, I'll tell your mother.

— You can kill a woman, but you can't humiliate her! — Liu Ziyu gritted her teeth, but gave up.

«What's the joke? If a beautiful young lady approaches this emperor's bedchamber, he is not averse to spending wonderful hours of double practice», — Yu Tian thought as he spoke: — Next time, if you want to see my body, I'll let you look directly, not secretly, but you have to be obedient, LSP.

— Little brother, you're pulling the tiger's whiskers.

— You're a white tiger and you don't have a whiskers.

Liu Ziyu gave up. If her mother can't curb the guy in front of her, then she for sure can't.

— Okay, little brother, jokes aside. We're going to the hospital now. Let's go.

They walked through the second floor, descended the stairs, walked on the polished tiles on the floor of the first floor and left the house.

The sun is shining.

Beside the villa had a azure sports car, a Neptune R-16, with an aggressive silhouette.

— Do you like my car?

— Looks innocent as the owner.

Liu Ziyu slapped her forehead, walked to the passenger seat and opened the door.

— Have a seat.

Yu Tian sat inside. The door closed.

Stepsister ran around the car, got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

The predatory roar of the engine excited even Yu Tian, who had never driven something like this before.

Liu Ziyu decided to scare her brother for bullying.

— Little brother, I hope you won't be scared, — Liu Ziyu smiled impudently at Yu Tian, pressed the pedal, and the car raced.

My own style of writing on native language was anihilated, cuz my poor english. But I want to talk about some different things.

Name of Liu Chitu was created on basis Liu Bu and his horse 赤兔 [chìtù], what translate as "red rabbit". Aslo I use chinese slang 吃土 [chītǔ], what thaslate as "eat mud" and means "to live very poor"

Unfortunatly, I don't know how to save wordplay in dialogue without chinese language.

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