
The world Weakest Prince,Is Actually the strongest

Ushino Mizaki is a Son of Prime Minister of Japan,One day When he's on the way home he encounter a strange light,when he opens his eyes he's in a body of A Prince in another world as Abel Von Eclipse,will Mizaki be able to return home?.

VOIDKING · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 8: Betrayal and Awakening

In one of the room in the academy a single person is standing,holding a glass of wine on his hand


a sound of the door opening and come in a Figure of a Young Boy

"You call me?" said by the boy

"I have something I what you to do"

the man turns around and Handed a Paper to the young boy

"he is the next target I'm hoping that you can accomplish this without a fail since you know him so we'll"

"why is it have to be him I can't betray a friend"

"ohh After all the lives that you have taken a single soul won't hurt you or do you want your precious little sister to be taken away from you? just like what happen to your parents"

the boy clinch his hand to a fist And he looks at the man with hatred on his eyes

"don't look at me like that boy if weren't for me your sister and You would have been dead"


the boy was unable to Answer and the man smile

"Remember don't do anything that will harm you little boy, and this is not a request it's an order if you Failed this your sister's head will separate from her body"


The day of the hunting event Had finally Arive everyone is Excited about it

Teacher Alfred and Altoria Announced Our Team 2 days before the Up coming Hunting Festival And My Team Consist of Jin,Shin,Michael,Zeik and lastly me

I'm Jin and I are Familiar With each other but the other Tree are a Bit hard to deal with

"oii Move it Useless Magots"said by Ziek

"be grateful that the two of you Are On our team Don't drag us down" said by Shin

"ahh, Enough with that we will wast our time Talking to those Two , So You are That Avel huh"said by Michael

I smile at him and answer "Y-Yes that's me"

"Chee I hope you don't die Moron.. Let's move"

We started to move after The Opening ceremony for the Hunting event start

we are Currently at A Forest That is said to have a dungeon laying some ware

"oii you two we will split from here we will meet here Before sun down You two will go together"

"we will sperate from here will it have been a good idea if we stay together? This forest is said To be full of strong monster"

"Huh Are you questioning our decision remember you standing Commoner you don't have any right to question any of our decision"


"Get Moving Both of youuu"

Shin and Michael Kick the two of us We fell down to the ground and the tree of them Laughing while they walk ayaw.

"Ahh I really Hate those Tree Let's Get Moving Jin"


While we walk the forest we reach a point of a high Cliff

"wo-wow I dint know that there's a cliff here"

while I'm admiring the View suddenly I got pushed Down to the cliff I fall down the Clift and My consciousness is fading I remember a Sound Before I got Push Down in the cliff "I'm sorry"

before I fall saw a Magic circle appear Below the Ground and my vision was engulf of darkness

i try to open my eyes but

(I can't feel my body It's to cold my Consciousness is fading I can't move my body, huh what is that)

A Huge Creatures Is hovering down to whare I'm at

fear and terror covers my whole body I feel like if I move I will die but if I don't this huge creature will Come and kill me

(is this whare my life will end I can't even go back to Japan.....No I can't die here I made a promise to her)

I remember my Promise To My little sister on the other day before I got transferred here I promise her that I will bring her To the amusement park

(I can't die Here I'm going back to her so Please Give me another chance while)

While I beg for my life the space around me suddenly stop and a voice of a girl can be Heard

"I finally found you I'll Return your power back to you so please be safe my L...e"

after the girl voice vanished another voice can be heard

[Notice:The seal of internity had been removed on the individual Named Avel von Eclipse therefore the individual had Meet the evolution requirements

due to the individual body Being destroyed a Rebuild well initialize ... Rebuilding complete

All Physical Abilities had Rise by 1000

Restrictions on magic Abilities had been removed

The magic Circuit of the Individual had been Re build

the soul of the individual have reach a significant hight therefore new abilities and skills will be acquire

new resistance is being acquire

Physical resistance had been acquired

Magic resistance had been acquired

Spiritual resistance had been acquired

Dark Magic Nullification had been acquired

new skill is being acquire

Skill Grate sage had been acquired

Lord of the Crimson moon Susano had been acquired

Lord of The Blazing Sun Amaterasu had been acquired

[Notice The body cannot Handle all the Evolution procedure therefore an alternative is being Proposed]

[Notice The body's owner had lost his consciousness therfore The proposal will be automatically accepted]

[Notice Due to the body, the Individual is unable to finished the evolution a Leveling system had been integrated the body will continue to evolve The more the level rise]

[With this the initial pase of the evolution had been finished]


huh am I dead I thought I Died what happened

I slowly open my eyes to see what happen but to my surprise my body that I thought had been Fully injured are now back to normal and suddenly

[Report Your body Had under Gone The initial pase of your evolution that is why your body had been Reconstructed during the process to heal all injury]

huh who the hell said that is that no my head

[Notice Due to your evolution you had Obtained the unique skill Grate sage]

now now I had under Gone an evolution? and Obtained new skills? but how?,ohh hold on before I loss my consciousness I heard a voice of a girl she said she will return to me my power

hey! you said Initial pase does that mean I haven't finished my evolution

[Answer: Correct due to the burdens of evolution the Body can only accept the current Level there for a leveling function had been added to make the body slowly adopt and be ready to the next stage of evolution]

I see

but before I think more I remember that I saw a huge Figure Appears when I'm about to lose the consciousness then I turn around and saw a huge Red Dragon Looking at me

it rise it's head and breathe a fire at me I thought I would burn but I didn't

(I can't feel it,why?)

[Answer:Master have Had Obtained magic resistance during the evolution,low level magic such as Flame Breath Will not have any effect on master]

She Talk like a Robot but I remember that There also an anime that Ive watch that had the same skil,wait The dragon breath is considered as Magic?

if this this dragon can't Hurt me with it's flame the this is nothing but a Big Flaying Lizard

I run toward the dragon a Clench my fist as hard as I can once I reach the dragon I kick the ground to lift my body up ward and deliver a punch on the dragon's Face

it immediately falls down to the Ground, I took another fighting stand on though that it will get back up bat it dint

"Ahh what the hell I only Puch it once but it's not getting up don't tell me its an strategy"

[Notice: No Life Energy can be detected on the red dragon's body]

"ehhh I killed it with one punch wow"

after that I heard a Sound and a Screen Popup in front of me

you had Slayed The Red Dragon

You had level up 100×

"what is this a status window?"

I look at it and I saw my stats.


Back at the hunting Ground

The Tree Who is supposed to leave is waiting for some one long after Jin Appear

"It's Done Are you Happy"

"Hahaha Good Report to Father Once this Festival is over" said by Shin

Jin look at them while Crying, His eyes is full of regret He Betrayed his friend He lead His own friend to his own death

on his mind Jin keeps apologizing to Avel and even if they met In the after life he will apologize to him no matter what.