
The World Of The Unknown

In a world full with hate and division a couple who were of different origins in race came together to form the first half human offspring since generations. A stigma that would warrant death. His birth shifted the course of the planet. Not only that but a goal stemming from the love of his parents, to unite the world. Ivanian Gale, is a boy that grew up in a common land with loving family and with no challenges in his life until that was taken. His home, his friends, his family all stripped from him forcing him to walk a lonely path As years go by his tasks becomes more difficult and people around him begins dissipating after receiving a prophecy by a being of divine power that he may cause the end to his world Is it true or Is it a simple trick??

LegendaryKing13 · Fantasie
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24 Chs

The Attack Begins

The flames from the collision of attacks rose into the air, sut fell down like snow and smoke clouded the night sky.

It was a sight that could be seen from a great distance away that caused alarm within the groups of people that were awake including Mira. She knew that Von and Arthur went over to investigate something and couldn't help but fear the worst.

Suddenly sounds were heard coming from below and her gaze landed upon a group of knights in metal armor that covered them from head to toe.

Upon seeing them Mira became confused at what was occuring.

What came next with these knights' sudden arrival was battering on her front door.

With every slam done towards the door, confusion grew with Mira's mind.

She could not puzzle what was happening and before she knew it her door was knocked down. The wooden door of this desolate cabin came to a fall and allowed these knights to enter.

As the first group of knights rushed in, Mira ran towards Ivanian's bedroom.

She was still completely unsure what was going on but he instincts told her it clearly wasn't something good.

She rushed across the hall and on the opposite side of where her room was located stood Ivanian's bedroom.

The mother opened her son's door and shut it behind her as the sounds of the knight's footsteps grew louder. Mira placed her hand upon his cheek before making her way to pick him up.

As she raised him into the air he began walking up and releasing slight groans.

His eyes were heavy but he forced them open slightly. What greeted him was the concerned face of his mother.

``Mother what are you up for?``

Mira simply told her son they needed to go before placing him on her back. She rushed to his dresser beside his bed and removed the trinket Arthur gave him. She placed it around his neck before making her way towards her room once more.

Mira opened his door and was greeted by the sight of a knight with the insignia of the royal family on their armor's right shoulder. The knight pointed to them and yelled out: ``I found them!!``

Without hesitation Mira kicked the guard in their face before they could remove their sword.

She swiftly took up the weapon and left the room. Knights were almost everywhere, from the stairs to the deepest part of the hall.

The knights coming up the stairs sheathed their swords and charged while yelling out a furious battle cry.

Mira clenched the hilt of the sword and told her son to cover his ears and shut his eyes. Ivan complied and thus a bloody battle began.

Mira stood her ground as the first band of knights attacked with their swords made of metal and shining armor clearly refined to absolute perfection.

Within a second her eyes had grazed upon all of them and gave her the amount of attackers in front of her. She smirked before slicing the ones in the front with one slice before throwing the sword at a knight making their way up the stairs.

The sword pierced through the knights armor and went into their head.

The body collapsed and ragdolled down the stairs. Mira quickly drew for two more swords from the dead knights and cut them down like trees.

Blood scattered and splattered across the walls with each kill.

Two remained in front of her but swiftly ran away in fear. She dropped the two swords on the ground and sighed in relief thinking it was all over.

Mira then told Ivan he could open his eyes now and when opened he saw a gruesome sight. The corpses of several knights scattered in the hallway and leading down the stairs.

``Did my mother do this?``

Before he could question himself anymore the heat in the room increased to unprecedented levels. Mira looked down and saw smoke rising through the floorboards.

Mira quickly ran towards her room and flipped a hidden compartment in the floorboards.

Two daggers that's blades were more red than blood flew up and Mira caught them by the hilt.

Ivan looked at the daggers head by Mira and said to her; ``Mom, you have daggers in the floorboards!?`` even more confused now at what was happening. Mira didn't answer her son and ran to the window.

She flew it open before jumping on its frame. Her hands were clenched to the sides and her legs ready to leap off the ground.

She told Ivan to hold unto her tight before suddenly leaping out the building and precisely towards a large oak.

Using her quick thinking she quickly stuck her daggers into the tree before digging them out one after the other and using them to climb down. Upon landing on the ground she burst forward to the forest behind their humble home. She turned around a corner and what awaited her was chaos.

Silver plated armor with red stripes running on its sides , longswords rested on their back and the insignia of the royal house scorched on the shoulder blade of the armor, these knights were different from the others.

They were royal knights, warriors who worked directly under the king but where were they here with these other intruders?

Upon seeing her a knight shouted out; ``I found her.``

Like flies they began swarming the area within a manner of seconds, swords in hand and bloodlust in their eyes. Mira gripped onto her daggers and placed her son down from her back.

She told him to stay behind her at all costs.

The young boy who had only just turned five was horrified not ust by the sight of the bodies in his house and these knights who swarmed them with their blades of steel but also of his mother.

He had never seen his mother with weapons in her hands, she hated the idea of fighting so much she restricted him from using a sword even though his father tried persuading her.

Swiftly and coordinated, the knights lunged forward with their swords by their hip.

Mira's eyes gazed upon all of them and within a split second she attacked. Daggers firmly gripped and footwork beyond extraordinary, using these two things she slit the throats of two upcoming knights before spinning behind her son and piercing a guards head. Blood spurted from it like a tap as the blade was yanked out.

Two more knights in from opposite sides swung their longswords in an attempt to cleave her head right off. Mira ducked and stabbed her daggers in each of the knights' hearts.

No matter how strong their armor was, her blood-red blades could cut through it. After dealing with that sudden swarm of knights her entire body was covered in blood making her appearance look even scarier to her toddler son.

With the deaths of this batch of knights a figure emerged from the shadows.

A man no older than 30 with brown hair that sat atop their head, entranced dark eyes, a stubble that could barely be called a beard, fully dark clothing with nothing but a blue cape to put it together and a scarf that flowed in the wind.

With a cigarette in between his fingers the man looked through a broken wall at the back of the house with a smirk on his face.

[``So this is the monster we have to kill, a measly woman.``]

He puffed out a cloud of smoke and licked his lips upon seeing the beauty of the woman who was supposedly a monster. ``Your quite the looker, maybe if you please me well enough I'll spare your pathetic life``; said the man while showing a perverted look on his face.

Mira was disgusted by his atrocious action but something was different about him, not just the way he looked but the aura emanating from his body.

She pointed her left dagger at him and began to question this. ``Who are you and why are you attacking us``; said Mira while still protecting her child behind her.

[``Who am I?``]

[``I am your executioner but a madam of your beauty may call me Ron Hendrix, general of the king's royal knights.``]