This novel has been discontinued. I've decided finally to do a rewrite. Check it out! Its now called: Harry Potter and the Descendant of Merlin. The main plot will be the same however the story telling is completely different. From third person to first person.
In the week leading up to the conference Oz had planned with Gringotts he went about doing all the little tasks he needed to do in order to prepare for his departure with Alfreda. Alfreda on the other hand was hard at work making her own clothing as well as finishing Oz's hood and cape. Oz notified her a couple times that it didn't need to be anything special however she seemed adamant about the fact that it had to be 'Top-Tier for her master'.
In his room Oz was currently working on something he thought up on the fly recently. Taking out one of the biggest basilisk fangs he had he started to fashion it into a dagger that could be used in the situation where he was magically disabled. Realistically such a situation would be incredibly rare to happen to Oz however he felt as though preparing for the unexpected was better than just blowing it off. Alfreda remarked that he was starting to take on Merlin's prudency which Oz laughed off as he continued his project.
After a few days he had fashioned himself a dagger. It wasn't the prettiest looking dagger however it was something that could get the job done. Considering the corrosive properties that laid within the fang were still there even after being taken from the basilisk this weapon could be a vital asset in a situation of desperation. After finishing his dagger Oz took himself out into the main room where he saw Alfreda working at the main table. To her side was Norberta who was fast asleep curled on floor. As Oz walked in Alfreda noticed him and flashed him a smile.
"This dragon... she's taken up a lot of floor space deciding to sleep there".
"I think she likes to hang out here as its where everyone is master~ While you were at school she would spend the majority of her time in the den until near the end of the year where she spent it more in here... I guess that big area can feel lonely at times~".
Oz walked over to Norberta who was sleeping peacefully and stroked her head a bit. Norberta seemed to smile in her sleep as she felt Oz's hand stroke her head.
"I've basically finished up everything I needed to do now... Did you finish the cloak and hood yet?".
Alfreda smiled as she pushed over a set of clothing to Oz.
"I just finished it an hour ago... The embroidery on the back took a lot longer than expected. If you could go try it on master and let me know if there will be any adjustments needed~".
Oz nodded towards Alfreda as he took the cloak and hood into his room. Changing back into his travelling gear he then put the cloak and hood over it. Alfreda mirrored the same design as the clothing with the cloak and head being black with purple accents. What impressed Oz however was on the back of the cape there was an embroidered dragon head that wouldn't be noticeable unless you looked intently. It was done with a black material that made it so from afar it was unnoticeable but up front you could see a dragons head on the cloak. It was subtle yet catching, Oz found it to his liking.
'I guess it's time for me to enchant these things finally...'.
Taking off the clothing Oz started to enchant it with different charms that would allow for protection in certain situations. The main charm he added that was the most important was on the hood and cloak, a charm that made his presence thinner when worn. As he finished he put on the clothes again and confirmed that everything was in order.
'Good... Everything seems all set...'.
As Oz looked in the mirror he looked down at the wand in his hand. He smiled as he took a closer look at his partner that he had forged himself. After some time looking though he felt a sigh escape his lips.
'This wand has certainly become important to me... too important. Wandless magic is something I can't neglect any longer. In this journey to come I'll refrain from using this wand unless the situation calls for it...'.
Oz hid the wand away as he decided at that moment to not use it until it was necessary. In the past few years his focus centralised on the wand fusion ceremony and before that he had two wands to look after at all times. With his focus always on his wands he started to neglect his wandless magic something that is equally, if not more important than his normal magic with a wand. In his journey in the future Oz wanted to give himself a challenge more than anything and this was definitely one that he could get behind, a handicap while he travelled.
Satisfied with his decision Oz walked back out into the main room. As he entered he saw Alfreda dressed in her own clothes she made for herself. As Oz looked at the clothing he noticed a few things.
"It seems we are almost matching in design?".
Alfreda who only just noticed Oz walk in the room flinched slightly as a blush filled her face.
"Y-Yes master... I wanted my clothing to be similar t-to yours... Is that not okay?".
Oz smiled as he looked at the rarely flustered elf. Walking over he patted her head.
"I'm not bothered by it so go ahead... but...".
Taking one more look at Alfreda he noticed something amiss since he last saw her. It took him some looking however after a thorough profiling he realised what was amiss.
"Did you transfigure you bust size to be bigger?".
As Oz asked this question Alfreda's face went a bright red. She pushed Oz away as she started to try and defend herself.
"N-n-n-no I didn't, n-not at all master!".
As her emotions ran high her transfigured bust seemed to be affected as it reduced back to a more 'elf like' size when her focus was lost. As Oz watched this spectacle he couldn't help but laugh.
"It's okay Alfreda I won't tell anyone...".
Alfreda had reached peak embarrassment at this point as she ran past Oz flustered and dove straight into her room. Oz absorbed the sight of Alfreda's bashfulness with 'Perfect Memory' in full force. Such a sight was extremely rare from a royal elf who usually carried herself with such grace. All the commotion seemed to wake up a certain dragon who was sleeping, looking up she saw Oz who was still bemused by what had happened.
{O-Oz.... Can I get clothes like yours too?}.
As Oz heard Norberta's request he walked over to her patting her head.
{I'll see if our bashful elf can make you something... You'd probably grow out of traditional clothing though...}.
A few more days rolled by and in the wake of the 'Alfreda Incident' the elf decided to pretend like nothing happened as she went about her daily chores. Oz also decided to not bring it up at all less he felt like teasing her.
The day had finally arrived in which Oz was to make 'Lee Oswald' appear to the world.
"Alfreda, Let's go over the transfiguration now just to be prepared...".
"Of course master~".
In the main room of the hideout Oz stood in front of Alfreda her had her hand rested on his chest. A light glow emitted from her hand as Oz's features started to change. His face became older, going from a 14 year old boy to a 30 year old man. His looks could be described as gruff yet oddly charming and a beard also seemed to sprout making him look very mature.
"What do you think of this look master~".
Alfreda held up a mirror to Oz. Looking in the mirror he looked at his new face and nodded in acceptance.
"This looks good... from now on this shall be the face of 'Lee Oswald'".
Alfreda accepted her masters praise as she turned him back to normal. With everything prepared all they had to do now was make the trip to diagon alley and unveil the Magi-Cast.
"Looks like we're all set... Let's head off now Alfreda".
A bit of comic relief in this chapter. The classic cliche trope of 'Elf is flatchested'. I thought it'd be funny to do a harry potter spin of it with transfiguration considering that's Alfreda's specialty.
I'd say theres only 3 chapters maybe 4 max now until we finally reach [Year 4 - Sweeping the Wizarding World].