
The Witcher: Living in the Continent with Scarlet Rot Ability

Geralt of Rivia and his mentor were traveling through the White Orchard, searching for his true love. But when he arrived at a village near the place where Yennefer was sighted, he found an abandoned village, filled with strange poison, rotting the corpses of the villagers. He searched the village, and in one of the shacks, he found a man, red in hair with a missing right arm, lying naked on the ground, surrounded by strange scarlet flowers that even the witchers found toxic. When Geralt tried to wake the man up, he opened his eyes, and when the man saw Geralt, he only spoke one word. “Fuck.” --- Based on The Witcher 3 Game. will follow cannon a bit, followed Geralt for a few Chapters, then goes on their separate ways. Shani x MC, no harem. I don't own Elden ring nor Witcher, if that's not obvious enough. Cover is not mine.

mark_kiple · Videospiele
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30 Chs


Mikael arrived at the gates of Oxenfurt. Hundreds of people from all over Velen were waiting to enter the town, as most of them didn't have the permit to enter.

Mikael stood at the end of the line, a bit annoyed at himself.

"Is this line going to move or something?" he questioned the woman in front of him.

"We all don't have permits." spoke the woman, a bit annoyed at Mikael's attitude. "It's supposed to not move."

"Fuck." Mikael cursed himself. "I don't have a permit…"

"Then wait in line!" the woman said.

Mikael sighed, and just waited. He waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. It was only a few minutes of waiting, but he's already quite impatient.

"You will wait for an eternity if you stay this way." Miquella suddenly spoke.

"Then what am I supposed to do? Dominate everyone here?" Mikael scoffed.

"That will earn you a one way ticket to the pyres." Miquella answered. "You can't use it discreetly yet, so unless you want to fight an entire squadron of guards, you have to find another way in. you definitely aren't going to get past the gate."

"How?" Mikael questioned.

"Sewers." Miquella answered calmly. "Below the bridge, across the river, go there."

Mikel hummed as she peeked down to the river below. "Looks quite deep. Won't I be discovered?"

"Drowners will definitely be there." Miquella spoke. "But it's definitely more dangerous at night, you should do it now."

"The guards?"

"Just do not get noticed."

"Very useful advice." Mikael rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll wait till the afternoon, where the guards change shifts… probably… lunch time right?"

Miquella sighed in his mind. "If you're doubtful, just watch the guards closely."

Mikael walked away from the line, trying to find a way to the river below. "Will do."

Mikael was now standing in front of the river, below the Oxenfurt bridge. He then turned to the guards on the walls, seeing them gone, possibly to change shifts.

"What do you know…"Mikael murmured. He then jumped towards the river, diving, so he couldn't be seen from above. He swam across the river bed, slowly but surely, holding his breath deeply.

But then, something pounced on him from the back. It was drowners, biting his shoulder. Blood quickly covered Mikael's sight, but he could see the drowner rotting, as it had just consumed his blood. More and more drowners started to come, trying to drown him, holding him tightly.

Mikael unsheathed his sword, trying to kill every single one of them while the water was mixed with blood and Mikael couldn't see clearly.

Mikael started to run out of breath. So, he started to secret scarlet mist from his body, murking the water around him.

One by one, the drowners started to die, slowly decaying from the scarlet rot. Mikael kept swimming, trying to catch some air. His vision started to be blurry, and a headache soon hit him.

He suddenly had visions of him, or more like past him, swimming through a flock of crocodiles, trying not to get attacked. He clearly felt it as a crocodile bit his hand, twisting its body in the middle of the river, but Mikael also followed the crocodile's movement, avoiding his hand getting twisted. He then stabbed the crocodile with a knife, and quickly ran towards the side of the river.

As the vision got blurry and blurry, he finally reached the other side of the river, and he lay down on dirt, breathing heavily.

"That… was not… a good idea…" Mikael breathed in.

"Beautifully fought." Miquella complemented. "Underwater combat is not easy."

"Sure…" Mikael sat up. "So… where's the sewer?"

"Find a crack at the brick walls." Miquella informed. "Then, open the crack."

"You mean like punching it?"

"That is your choice."

Mikael sighed, and stood up. Mikael walked towards the brick foundations of Oxenfurt, and started to search for a weakness. He walked below the bridge and eventually found the crack, where he could smell the stench of piss and shit sipping through it.

"Well…" Mikael gulped. "Here goes nothing…"

Mikael took a step back, before rushing to the crack, shoulder first, slamming through the brick walls.

The wall crumbled, and he passed through it. He stepped on a slimy green substance, which made him spit in disgust.

"Ugh… this is really not a good idea…" Mikael murmured.

Mikael cleaned his clothing from dust, and looked around the place. It was like a maze, and he needed to pass through it.

"Well… this'll be a long trip…"


A/N: just want to know…



-Margarita Laux-Antille